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Antabuse Thread

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    Antabuse Thread

    Cindi - I have fallen too. So you are absolutely right in your advice about not stopping Antabuse until you know for certain that you are committed to being AF. I actually didn't "stop" taking it. I did what a few people have talked about - taking 1 every 4-5 days since it stays in your system. The problem for me was that once that 5 day mark hit - I had the choice back - take a drink or take an Antabuse. I was not strong enough to not have "just one drink". I thought I missed it. I didn't!! And it wasn't "just one".

    The way Antabuse works is that it takes away your option to drink AL. If you wait 5 days or so to take a dose - you have the option again. And sober and healthy feel so much better!! I am back on it today - for a long time!!

    Weight gain issues - I have lost weight due to not drinking all the empty calories in AL. However, once you stop drinking, many people start eating (craving) sweets due to the decrease in sugar from being AF. So I think for some the weight gain comes from the food they start eating - not the Antabuse. At least it's a thought!!
    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


      Antabuse Thread

      Hey guys. Spiritgirl, i did the same as you.. so now im doing it right. Took my first one today and theres no more here and there taking it.. i have to do it correctly. i am down too. man im anxious and nervous about the whle thing. but basically i CANNOT cheat if iim taking it daily, so i must. let me know how u do. what day are u on? day one almost over for me... want to try to go to bed so i wont sit here feeling sad the whole night. lol after a few days ifeel a ton better. mentally. i dont get withdrawels. as far as i know.


        Antabuse Thread


        Just took my first one today. I just kept waiting - thinking "are you SURE you want to take this?" That HAD to be the AL whispering in my ear - because I SURELY don't want to be hungover and I SURELY don't want to continue being a prisoner in my own skin. Let me know how you are doing. It is Day 5 for me.
        God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


          Antabuse Thread

          Day Three, going to bed. Actually, its 2 30 am, so day 4. hehe.. Im doing just ok. I mean, I stopped taking my zoloft so im not exactly happy, but I definitely feel gooda bout being af for three days and knowing i just dont have the choice.Cindi , how old is your daugher and what is her situation?

          By the way Spiritgirl, i did the same thing as you. have trouble actually taking that first pill, knowing if i take it i definitely couldnt drink that day. How long do you guys think you should wait to drink after you stop taking it, a week or two weeks?
          Either way, im doing a month. I reall hope my antabuse arrives inthe mail soon, I had to order more.. i have only six left.


            Antabuse Thread

            difficulttimes1;414507 wrote: Day Three, going to bed. Actually, its 2 30 am, so day 4. hehe.. Im doing just ok. I mean, I stopped taking my zoloft so im not exactly happy, but I definitely feel gooda bout being af for three days and knowing i just dont have the choice.Cindi , how old is your daugher and what is her situation?

            By the way Spiritgirl, i did the same thing as you. have trouble actually taking that first pill, knowing if i take it i definitely couldnt drink that day. How long do you guys think you should wait to drink after you stop taking it, a week or two weeks?
            Either way, im doing a month. I reall hope my antabuse arrives inthe mail soon, I had to order more.. i have only six left.
            Darn, what a diease this is. Umm, I wait 2 weeks. Umm. I WAIT 2 WEEKS.

            What is up with that????

            I wait 2 weeks and then I CAN DRINK...


            If you want to be AF, you simply do not quit taking it.

            My hubby wants to divorce me because of my drinking. 33 years and he wants to call a divorce lawyer.

            I am so tired of being a drunk.

            I will take my Antabuse tomorrow and...

            be sober.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Antabuse Thread

              Cindi -

              So sorry to hear about our husband. I understand for I lost a SO to it just recently even though I am doing so much better on the Antabuse. He said he wanted a "break"....which we all know is "See ya!"
              Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                Antabuse Thread

                so no one has experienced bad side effects with antabuse?????????


                  Antabuse Thread

                  yeah, i know, right now im doing a period of time off alcohol, and then attempting moderation, that is why i was asking how long i should wait to try having a drink after stopping the antabuse. However, I have a feeling i wont be able to moderate, and probably have to go back to attemping af permanently.


                    Antabuse Thread

                    Hi - does anyone know of any online website at all that accepts paypal payments for ordering antabuse? Marbella kindly offered to get me some, but the company looks like they're messing her about cos its been an age since we placed the order.
                    All I can pay with is paypal, but cant find ANY online pharmacies that accept it
                    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                      Antabuse Thread

                      Hi all, for anyone wondering of AB side effects, I abstained from alcohol for 24 hours and have taken my first antabuse about 15 mins ago.. I feel slightly lightheaded and a 'metalllic' taste in my mouth.
                      I hope this is normal, lol
                      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                        Antabuse Thread

                        Just read all 31 pages of this post as can't sleep! Dr prescribed lamotrigine as was going completely manic when I went sober (and so stopped being sober!), and suggested I wait a week for it to kick in before starting AB. Now at week 4 and still trying to get up nerve to take AB. Ironically more worried about general side-effects (without AL!) than anything. Thinking will take half a tablet with lunch. Read my mouthwash bottle but then realised I use mouthwash so no one can smell booze on my breath so I won't need it!


                          Antabuse Thread

                          I am lucky and don't suffer any side effects from AB at all. None.

                          I even use hairspray, mouthwash (I use care not to swallow any, of course), and other lotions, etc., without any bad side effects.

                          The AB builds up over time as you take it daily so that skipping a day will not let you drink. You would have to wait a long time before you could, like 2 weeks or so.

                          It works great for me. Good luck to all.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Antabuse Thread

                            hey ya'll. two and a half weeks AF. yay. with the help of antabuse. its scary bc you wonder how that little thing could cause a reaction with alc. but it does!!!


                              Antabuse Thread

                              Vinegar and Stuff

                              Several people mentioned vinegar. I suggest you google "vinegar" and "alcohol". DOn't rely on my quick search but it appeared balsamic vinegar is made from "must" unfermented grapes (so no alcohol), wine vinegar - obviously has some. White vinegar may or may not.
                              Discovered my soya sauce has alcohol.
                              Can anyone tell me if tiny amounts cause a reaction eg a table spoon of soy sauce?


                                Antabuse Thread


                                I think it depends on the individual, and also how long you have been taking it. When I first started on a very low dose of AB I was fine, but after a few weeks I began getting headaches if I ate any dressings that contained vinegar.

                                The headaches weren't severe, but they would last for days.

