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Three Weeks Into It

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    Three Weeks Into It

    Dr. Garcia,

    I am three weeks into the program and find that it is producing the results as promised. The craving for wine are all but gone. When I go out, I may have 1 glass or wine and that's all I want. No more drinking during the week because I just don't want to.

    However, I am having some tough side effects. I have a high pressured job that requires me to be alert, to think at a conceptual level and communicate and present fairly complex information. I know there is the "fog" effect of the drug. So, in the first few week,s I was absolutely exhausted. So I quit taking the calms forte and that seemed to help, but I am still a bit tired. I go to bed at 9 or 10pm (I am waking up much earlier though but I think that b/c I don't have booze fog anymore).

    My doctor wants to see me every two weeks and last week she gave me a prescription for Provigil (100mg) and told me to take 1 in the mornings. That helped with the fatigue and seemed to make me feel sharper. But, in the last few days, I started feeling really anxious, nervous, wound up, emotional, crazy, tense.

    So, I am feeling really out of balance. Tomorrow I start taking 100 MG of Topa and not sure I want to go on. I eat very healthy and work out a lot and am very fit and healthy - just had a full physical and everything is perfect (45 yr old woman). I am really glad I am not drinking as much, but not feeling so good about feeling like a crazy person. Moody, depressed. Maybe it's just all the change and I'll come through the other end better off for it.

    Are these symptoms going to go away? Will they moderate? I feel like stopping the meds, but really want the long term benefit. I am willing to stick with it if I know that some of the rough edges will smooth out.


    Three Weeks Into It

    question to three weeks into it

    I've seen something called 'calms forte' mentioned more than once. Is this the kudzu or St. Johns Wort extract? Is there some recommended brand?



      Three Weeks Into It

      Good job on titrating the Topamax up and recognizing that side effects can be decreased with co-therapy. Also good work with your physician. It sounds like you have a true partnership to deal with this alcohol issue.

      It's OK to hold at a level of the Topamax until the body adjusts to the medication. Remember you are still adjusting to being without alcohol and certain parts of the brain need time to re-set their balance. Topamax can cause fatigue and, incidentally, others have reported this seems to be worse in the heat. Provigil also has some side effects with anxiety depression and insomnia. I think they will moderate for you.

      Don't forget to get plenty of sleep and you may try dosing up the Kudzu and add L-Glutamine 500 mg three times per day as adjunct anti craving drugs while you hold at your current level of medication. The program can be customized so work with your physician and listen to your body. I hope this helps.

      --Dr. Garcia


        Three Weeks Into It

        Re: question to three weeks into it

        I'm getting quite a few questions that seem to reflect lack of knowledge about the program as described in the My Way out book. There is loads of information in the research forum and from the discussion group members but an individual is going to need to get the book and the hypno CDs to truly understand the program. It is a multifaceted approach to the disease of problem drinking. It helps the individual to continue to redefine the role that alcohol has in his or her life. This program gives the individual control over the craving for alcohol so the brain chemistry and function can return to normal functioning.

        I've also observed that many people are noting a hard time in finding a physician to prescribe the Topamax. I suggest you view the whole process as building a new house. Start the foundation (read the book, begin taking the supplements and listen to the Hypno CD's. ) Start eating right (I recommend the "Eat Right for Blood Type " book by Dr. D'adamo. He also has a wonderful website with great suggestions at Also begin a moderate excercise program and continue to read the research articles from the web site. In finding a physician consider DO's (doctor of osteopathy) as well as MD's. In addition, nurse practitioners are able to write scripts and would be able to follow you in the program.

        Consider yourself a contractor and think of the medical provider as a useful subcontractor. Your have a good plan and that person will help you achieve your goal. If the provider is uncomfortable with the program, simply hire another subcontractor to help build this house to your specifications. The state medical society for MD's and DO's is a good place to look. Ask for individuals with specific training in addiction medicine. I think as more medication is shown to be useful in the treatment of alcohol dependence doctors will be less hesitant in these multifacted treatment approaches. Keep trying and don't forget ND's (naturopathic physicians.) They also can write scripts in some states for the medications to assist you in defeating this craving.

        Hope all this helps.

        --Dr. Garcia


          Three Weeks Into It

          Re: question to three weeks into it

          Thank you for your response Dr. Garcia. In fact, I am feeling better...much better.

          Another side affect has cropped up. My hair is thinning! I color my hair and it seems after my recent trip to the salon a noticable loss of hair has occurred. Ouch, this one hurts. I like my hair and hope this too is tempororary. I went out and got selenium, botin and talked my dr. about rogaine. It seems like an awful lot to deal with. Is this a temporary thing? Will the hair grow back? How much hair will fall out? It's a bit scary. Is the hair coloring a problem? Not that I'd stop b/c I'm not ready be gray. I really want to see this through but do find this particular part of it difficult to handle. I just don't know what to expect. I can handle a change in hair texture. I am going to get a few inches cut off my long hair, that will help to make it look more healthy, but will I start to look bald????? I know it sounds so vain, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to one's appearance up. Do you have any insight into what can be expected here?


            Three Weeks Into It

            Re: question to three weeks into it

            I am happy that the program is working for you! Hair loss is always stressful and may be a temporary side effect of Topamax, but there may be other factors to consider which exacerbate the problem. Have you had your thyroid checked? This gland can start to get sluggish as we age and often hair loss can accompany these changes. Do you put extra stress on your scalp? You mentioned hair color. How about tight curlers, overwashing, or pulling on your hair. Fish oil and/or olive oil on a regular basis as this can help nourish the hair root. Do you smoke? The carbon monoxide in cigarettes decreased the circulation to the facial skin and scalp dramatically. I would recommend scalp massage on a regular basis. Also a Chinese herb called Shou wu pian is available from Quality Life Herbs (phone 207-842-4929. P.O Box 565 Yarmouth, ME 04096). This was recommended in the book "Wisdom of Menopause" by Dr. Christine Northrup to stimulate hair growth. Also you mentioned Rogaine for women which may be useful. I hope this helps.

            --Dr. Garcia


              Three Weeks Into It

              3 weeks into it

              Congratulations on your success, and I hope you are feeling better. I am interested in starting this program-would you mind sharing the name of your physician? I am also in NYC and have been looking for a new doctor anyway. If you are not comfortable with this (or your doctor isn't) please don't worry about it.




                Three Weeks Into It

                Re: 3 weeks into it

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                  Three Weeks Into It

                  three weeks into it

                  Thank you so much, I appreciate the name. Would like to get in touch with you, am having a hard time getting started and have a lot of concerns re: balancing job, family and all of this. How are you feeling now? I worry about those side effects, I can't afford to get them for many reasons.



                    Three Weeks Into It

                    Re: question to three weeks into it

                    I just started on the Topa 4 days ago, but was also concerned about the hair loss aspect as I have been experiencing some hair loss for the past couple of years as I enter menopause. I have had the thyroid thing done, have been on synthroid for years and my thyroid functions perfectly. Also on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to see if this helps. I had read something on a message board on re meds that promote hair loss a few weeks back and unfortunately, Topamax was listed in just a couple of messages. My dr. says that it was not listed on her "cheat sheet" of side effects, which means that the hair loss side effect must be minimal, however, since I'm already concerned about it I was just wondering how your situation turned out?

                    If you could let me know?

                    I started the Biotin, Selenium and Green tea immediately with my supplement program. Also, did you dose up fully before you noticed the thinning? How long were you taking the Topo before you noticed it?




                      Three Weeks Into It

                      Re: question to three weeks into it

                      Dear Andrea,

                      My patients taking Topamax have generally not experience hair loss, although occasionally they may note a temporary change in hair texture. The high quality supplements may be responsible for maintaining health hair. If you do experience hair loss, you may wish to consider using Minoxidil. A 2% concentration is recommended, as it may help hair to grow in up to 25% of women.

                      --Dr. Garcia

