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Topa and wierd side effects

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    Topa and wierd side effects

    Hi. I am new and have been reading a lot before I decided to post. My doctor was very willing to prescribe the Topa, luckily, and I was very optimistic myself. A week ago I started with the 25 mg sprinkle tablets and worked my way up the first couple days. Appx. 10mg to 12.5 mg a day. By the third day my heart was beating hard, I was very anxious and actually felt quite aggressive and angry. This is not usual for me. I stopped immediately after the 3rd day, as I couldn't stand the way I felt. Has anyone else experienced these feelings at all? Does it pass? I have read about other side effects on this site, but not necessarily these. I'm doing everything else (supplements, cd's, excercise quite religiously). I just don't know if I should try it again, or try to continue the program without the Topa. Thanks for any thoughts.

    Topa and wierd side effects

    This happened me. My first two months on topiramate/MWO were the strangest of my life. Total euphoria because the drug worked and the most wicked level of temper and aggression I can remember! I couldnt understand how the two could go together.I have heard a few theories on this. One is the effects on your central nervous system of stopping or cutting down on alcohol. Even though it is a great thing your body still has to adjust to this withdrawal and sometimes I wondered was this the cause of my aggression. Secondly have you thought of the emotional factor? Do you remember how angry you were when you realised life had made you an alcoholic- the "who me?" "why me?" factor. That anger had to be pushed to one side just to survive the rotten condition but when topiramate worked for me I felt that a torrent of trapped emotions came pouring out. Lastly the drug itself. We take it so it can change our brain chemistry but maybe it disturbs some that control our mood too but I dont know that. Whatever it was I went through it too. Little things like someone taking my pen at work would cause a red mist moment and as for taking my parking space dont even go there! I scared myself sometimes. The good news was that after twelve weeks it went totally and I was back to sweet natured self (LOL). I eventually had to go off the drug for other reasons but I was glad I stuck the aggression thing out.
    If you do take it again my advice is you make a contract with yourself saying that no matter how cross somethong makes you you are going to say nothing for three months. Just keep saying the problem is me and hope that you still have a few friends left when it is over! Good luck.


      Topa and wierd side effects

      Thanks, Herosa for your reply. I really appreciate it and it was so good to finally hear from someone who had the same experience. All of what you said makes sense. With the Topa the craving for alcohol went totally away, which is amazing, but the anxiety and anger were so overpowering it was just too much for me to deal with. I tried to take it again this last weekend and the same feelings came rushing back. I have decided to try continuing the MWO without the meds and see how I do. I am still kind of on edge (definitely the withdrawl from no alcohol), but not nearly so bad or so "manic" as I was on the Topa. I guess right now i'd rather fight the cravings than fight the anger. But if it gets too hard I might try again and take your advice of sticking it out and keeping my anger to myself as best I can.

