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Atkins, Week Three!

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    Atkins, Week Three!

    OK, I'm so excited that so many of you wanted to join me! It gives me so much inspiration to fire this up and make it work!

    So, I will refresh this post each week. I will post the Atkins guidelines in the first post of the weeks, so we can all remember. Each day I will try and post some ideas, what I am eating, recipes, tricks, roadblocks, and EXERCISE.

    Also, it is a good idea to weigh yourself (aargh) and take your measurements (arm, chest, breast, stomach, hips, butt, thigh and calf). There are many poople that will lose inches some weeks and not inches, so it is as important to do inches each week as it is to do weight. I am going to have my weigh in and measure date on Monday - which I did. SO on Monday I will post my stats... That part is up to you guys...

    Make sure you ask any questions, many of us have sone this before, so I am sure between us we can answer any questions we may come up with.

    So.. Here are the Atkins guidelines: (this is for the induction - for the first two weeks). REMEMBER.... the first few days you may be low energy, but after that you will be charged!

    Eat either three regular-size meals a day or four or five smaller meals. Do not skip meals or go more than six waking hours without eating. I recommend eating a low-carb bar in between meals to keep metabolism going and energy up - I like - they are awesome!

    Eat liberally of combinations of fat and protein in the form of poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and red meat, as well as pure, natural fat in the form of butter, mayonnaise, olive oil, safflower, sunflower and other vegetable oils (preferably expeller-pressed or cold-pressed).

    Eat no more than 20 grams a day of carbohydrate, at least 12 ? 15 grams of which must come in the form of salad greens and other vegetables. (see Atkins - Acceptable Foods

    Eat absolutely no fruit, bread, pasta, grains, starchy vegetables or dairy products other than cheese, cream or butter. Do not eat nuts or seeds in the first two weeks. Foods that combine protein and carbohydrates, such as chickpeas, kidney beans and other legumes, are not permitted at this time. If you feel you must eat bread or some other grain product, only high fiber low-carb products with 3 net carbs or less per serving are allowed, and you can eat only one serving a day. Be aware that even that amount may slow or stall your progress, and if that happens, drop the product immediately. (REMEMBER - NO ALCOHOL IN THE INDUCTION PHASE IF YOU ARE IN MODS)

    Eat nothing that isn't on the Atkins - Acceptable Foods list. And that means absolutely nothing. Your "just this one taste won't hurt" rationalization is the kiss of failure during this phase of Atkins.

    Adjust the quantity you eat to suit your appetite, especially as it decreases. When you're hungry, eat the amount that makes you feel satisfied (I always liked this part, especially in the beginning), but not stuffed. When you're not hungry, eat a small controlled carbohydrate snack to accompany your nutritional supplements. (REMEMBER TO CUT BACK WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER HUNGRY).

    Don't assume any food is low in carbohydrate?instead, read labels. Check the carb count (it's on every package) or use a Be aware that the law allows manufacturers to round off if a product has fewer than 0.5 grams of any carbohydrate, so that will show up as zero. The only way to detect some fractional carbs is to look for them in the ingredients list, where they must be listed if they?re added to a product, regardless of the amount.

    Eat out as often as you wish but be on guard for hidden carbs in gravies, sauces and dressings. Gravy is often made with flour or cornstarch, and sugar is sometimes an ingredient in salad dressing.

    Use sucralose or saccharin as a sweetener (I USE SPLENDA, I THINK IT IS THE HEALTHIEST CHOICE). Be sure to count each packet of any of these as 1 gram of carbs, because of the fillers and bulking agents which are added.

    Avoid too much coffee, tea and soft drinks that contain caffeine. Excessive caffeine has been shown to cause low blood sugar, which can make you crave sugar. (GREEN TEA IS GREAT FOR ENERGY)

    Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day in addition to anything else you may drink, to hydrate your body, avoid constipation and flush out the by-products of burning fat.

    If you are constipated, mix a tablespoon or more of psyllium husks in a cup or more of water and drink daily. Or mix ground flaxseed into a shake or sprinkle wheat bran on a salad or vegetables. (I USE A BULK FIBER EVERY NIGHT-VERY IMPORTANT!)

    At a minimum, take a good daily multivitamin with minerals, including potassium, magnesium and calcium, but without iron. (CALCUIM IS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT, MOST MULTI'S DON'T HAVE ENOUGH, I LIKE THE SUGAR FREE CHOCOLATE CHEWABLES - A NIGHTLY SWEET TREAT)

    So, let's get started. Use the Atkins website it is amazing and has so much valuable information. TONS of recipes and information. I printed the Carb Counter out and am going to carry it in my purse. You can also buy the little pocket ones, but this one is free!

    Good luck everyone!
    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    Atkins, Week Three!

    Sorry I have been slacking, but yesterday was a huge day and I didn't get home until really late...:upset:

    Well, Sunday I BLEW IT! I had it all planned out with my great dinner, I had eaten great all day, and my hubby brought home fresh, warm french bread and apple crumble pie! I was beaten!!! EVIL HUBBY!

    As I understand this, it takes three days for your body to get back in to burning the fat (or go into ketosis) when you have had a bunch of sugar. I am not sure about this fact, so I am going to look it up for us. I just rememebr someone telling me this the first time I did it. OH, I hope not! Anyway I felt like shit!! I couldn't sleep, I was up and down all night - it was like I was on a sugar high! I think my poor body just wasn't used to it. Anyway, I felt so bad I don't think I willbe doing that again..

    So, back on track for me.. yesterday I had eggs for breakfast, no lunch (bad girl), a Think Thin bar, and for dinner chicken parmesean (no sugar tomato sauce),a nd sauted spinach. No desert!

    I weighed and measured and I LOST 2 MORE POUNDS - YAY! I also did my measurements and have lost everywhere and 1 inch around my stomach - that's a biggie for me!

    I am down 4 pounds in two weeks, that is a good rate to lose. I am sure it will pick up as soon as I start working out - still trying to get my butt motivated - it will come - soon! Only 14 pounds to go..

    Ok, so onward and upward!

    Namaste, MM
    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Atkins, Week Three!

      hi mm wow you are doing well. I had a couple of off days and had the same reaction as you but not as acute.
      going to the gym helped a bit.

      had a lot of greens for lunch and for dinner I am roasting a chicken and making french beans with garlic and butter.
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        Atkins, Week Three!

        Thanks MM for updating! I started yesterday and I was down 2 lbs this morning just after one day. I am sure some of it was water weight as I ate a lot of salty foods over the last 10 days before starting.

        The only book I have is "Atkins For Life" and it more focuses on how to keep the weight off after you've lost rather than the how-to's of getting going, etc. However, I did have the book years ago, read it and pretty much remember everything.

        Also MM, I have a huge box of Think Thin bars that my husband bought at Costco, and after reading your post I went to check and mine have 27 carbs per bar! Do they make low carb ones? Mine also have sugar in them, so I figured they would be strictly off limits.

        I did not eat any breakfast this morning as I had an early appt and was not hungry to boot. For lunch I had a big spinach salad with a hard boiled egg, some real bacon bits, mushrooms and a poppyseed dressing which did have sugar in it, but I tried to only put enough to give it some flavor, so only about a Tbsp. Somehow I think that skipping the eggs for breakfast is going to keep me having a successful day as I think that powering up on tons of protein for breakfast really fuels the fat burn all day for me. For dinner I am having another salad with romaine lettuce, grilled skirt steak, feta cheese and 2 Tbsp of Lite Ranch dressing.

        Is there a website that lists the foods for the first two weeks as well as the carb counts?

        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          Atkins, Week Three!

          I really don't snack on anything between meals.
          do you guys snack as part of the diet, or just because you need a boost in between meals.

          maybe my servings are too big and I don't feel hunger as often.
          just curious

          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            Atkins, Week Three!


            Where is MM? I have questions!!! Get your little slimming down self back!
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              Atkins, Week Three!

              Hi low carbers. Sorry I've been MIA and been sucking at staying low carb! Gotta change it...

              Prest4time, the Atkins site might be useful for lists of foods..etc. that you are looking for. Atkins - Phase One

              I would beware the low carb "products" often referred to as "Frankenfoods." Many of them contain sugar alcohols, soy products, etc. that do NOT agree with everyone. In my opinion, I think it's good to try to eat "clean and simple" with whole, real food (i.e. meats and veggies rather than breakfast bars and LC candy and stuff) until you get in a groove of weight loss. Then experiment carefully with some of this stuff to see what agrees with you and what doesn't. Also, calories do matter at some point, and many of these products ARE very high calorie even if they are considered low carb.

              Anyway...Yesterday was a fabulous day to get back on track!! It was my first AF day in too long. It was a good workout at Curves day. I just missed out on breakfast which is the big flaw in the day. But the other meals:

              L: Filet Mignon, brocolli with butter sauce

              D: Beef stew (yum!)

              Snack: SF jello

              I normally try not to eat beef two times in a day, but that's what was out and ready for consumption. Today's menu:

              B: Spinach and feta cheese omlette (and a restaurant that knows how to make 'em!!)

              L: GARLIC SOUP!! Assuming I get things done on schedule to get it made.

              D: Greek chicken and greek spinach

              Also going to Curves again today. I've got my menus pretty well planned for the weekend too, so life is good so far!

              Day 2 AF
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Atkins, Week Three!

                Hi ladies!!!

                Oh, my.. I am so sorry I have been away for most of theiweek. I have been absolutely slammed at the spa and in the evenings Ihad my daughters program, date night w/ my daughter and then datenight w/ hubby. i have been getting out of bed in the am w/ enough time to get my protein drink made and take it with me on the road. I have managed to eat well during the day - it is getting to be second nature to know what to eat, even if I eat out. HOWEVER, I DID EAT POPCORN AT THE MOVIES w/ DAUGHTER - AAARGH.. I just couldn't resist!

                Anyway, Thanks DG for picking up my slack here. I would LVE your help on this thread through December as I am only going to get busier from here on through January 5th - IT'S TOURIST SEASON.. Hold on to my bootsrtaps!!!

                P4T - Take a look at the new Atkins Website - it has absolutely everyting you could possibly imagine as far as information. Under "Atkins Nutritinal Approah", there is the informaitonon the Induction rules Atkins - Phase One. But take soem time and browse through the site - I go to it at least once every few days for ideas on food, questions, etc. - ans WOW 2lbs in a day - water or not - that must feel great!

                We will also be here ot answer questions - I am going tojust have to get up earlier. I have been sleeping in.. but I need to get here and see you guys!

                Today I have to possibly get a tooth pulled, so I am going to have my protein shake, but not pack any food. if I feel like crap, I will sip on Organic Chiken Broth w/ Mushrooms and Nori and a dash of Miso. It is a high protein soup, and I make it ahead of time. I have some at work and home in case of a hunger attack!

                I will check in later tonight. PROMISE!!

                KEEP ON GOING GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Atkins, Week Three!

                  Thanks MM and Spam Can!

                  I have been really good and have stuck to it since Monday. Its really easy to do I think because all the protein really holds me and keeps the hunger away.

                  I too am doing spinach and feta cheese omelettes almost every morning and I swear it is key to good weigh loss -- I think eggs just set you up to burn fat all day.

                  Yesterday was feta and cheese omelete for breakfast, lunch was two turkey roll ups and 1 slice of provolone cheese and a dill pickle. Dinner was a greek salad wiht grilled chicken and I didnt eat the tomatoes on it (It was take-out).

                  I am down another pound this morning, so that makes a total of three pounds since Monday! Yay!! My goal is to lose another seven and then I will start slowly adding some carbs back according to the plan of Atkins.

                  Thanks for the ideas and I will check out the website. Also -- MM, I want the skinny on the Think Thin Bars!

                  Thanks, Allie
                  If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                    Atkins, Week Three!

                    I have been doing well.
                    except I drank some wine last night 3 glasses.
                    made some spinach stirfried with tons of garlic.
                    and stirfried (thin sliced fresh pork) with ginger garlic soy sauce and lemon.
                    came out ultra good.
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Atkins, Week Three!

                      Allie, that skirt steak/feta salad sounds awesome! (except for the ranch dressing...uck)

                      garlic soup? wow!

                      this thread is just making me hungry!!!!!

                      I was bad tuesday night and ate back on the carb control train and exercising again which is fabu!!

                      keep up the yummy work everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Atkins, Week Three!

                        That's why this diet is so great.... you can eat so many things like all these great meats and cheeses that other diets prohibit. And what dressing might I ask that you would have preferred on the skirt steak salad??? Men are so picky.
                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                          Atkins, Week Three!

                          Well, my menu changed a bit (ran out of time to make the garlic soup for lunch) but all is well in low carb land. Still on target for Greek chicken & greek spinach for dinner.

                          I've got the Garlic Soup on the menu for Sunday lunch. I really can't wait to try that!

                          Good to see you Deter. Prest4time, whatever dressing Deter says, I bets it's gourmet all the way!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Atkins, Week Three!

                            I am sure you are right! Cant wait for the recipe for Det's preferred dressing. I always keep that "Naturally Fresh" Lite Ranch in the fridge... my kids love it with baby carrots and fresh veggies, and I think its great with steak! But what do I know? :H

                            BTW -- dinner tonight was baked Cod and roasted brussel sprouts. The brussel sprouts were great, but I got busy and overcooked the fish... was kind of rubber like and we had a good laugh. I was tempted to dive into the rosemary potatoes and "Dinosaur shaped" chicken nuggets I cooked for my nine year old, but managed to slap my hand and not touch a one! The scales had better reward me for my efforts tomorrow!
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Atkins, Week Three!

                              Good morning! Prest4time, I would love to know how you roast your brussel sprouts. I LOVE brussel sprouts and the more ways to make 'em, the better.

                              My own menu plan really fell apart yesterday. I stayed within my "allowed foods" list, but as we all know the carbs do add up and I'm sure they went way to high. But for now, I'll take just staying off of the "do not eat" list. Mr. Doggy ended up working late at a client, and I needed to go to bed so I "grazed" among too many nuts, pumpkin seeds, cottage cheese, Slim Jims, and that sort of thing.

                              Todays plan:

                              I'm leaving for Curves soon.

                              B: Sausage and eggs

                              L: A big salad with ham, turkey, etc.

                              D: Still debating...

                              The greek chicken has been in the lemon and olive oil marinade since yesterday. So I probably should cook it tonight. it is dog training day...a big trigger day for me... I think I might go ahead and get my planned crock pot dinner on this AM, and save the chicken for tomorrow. I would imagine it will still be edible. Anyone have opinions?

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

