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What's happening??

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    What's happening??

    I need some help, some insight, and some answers.
    I've been on the program for 3 weeks tomorrow and have been following everything to the letter. Been taking the Topa as told and feeling ok, with (I think) classic symptoms. Not much appetite, tingling all over especially face. The supplements make me feel VERY bloated, but I'm not sure which one or combos make me feel that way. The first and second weeks I was always thinking about drinking but not wanting to do it, just amazed at my progress and how interesting the hypnosis is. Last week at 50 mg I was also on vacation and all was well.
    I upped the topa dosage to 75 mg on saturday and on Monday, went back to work. I started taking the train to work on Monday because of soaring gas prices and also to help do my bit with ecology! I figured it would keep me fit as well to walk to the train station, although I already dance and I'm slim as it is. But I didn't quite realize that I would be doing so much walking and I ended up walking in all about 1 1/2 hrs in all during the day. No big deal... but I was EXHAUSTED by Monday evening, and dying for a drink. Yesterday I took the topa but less supps and succumbed to the alcohol... in spades. Yikes! Hangover city today!
    Other strange and scary feelings with the topa :
    - a tension, almost as if my eyes and eyebrows are always in a strained and "questioning" mode. This scares me.
    - Very tense muscles, especially in my face and jaws and neck
    - my hair, which I have always had problems with, looks just AWFUL, very thin and strawlike. I could just cry
    I know that everyone has different reactions to this med, and that I can't get a one-on-one answer, but I'm seriously wondering if I should continue the topa or not. I am returning on Saturday to see my doctor, but I know that he will tell me to stop taking it if I am feeling strange. I don't want to do it if the symptoms are normal and will go away, but I don't want to go bald in the process, have a stroke or end up blind !
    I have only taken the 25mg this morning, and not taken the 50 mg this evening, I was so shaken up by the about-face my brain did on me yesterday and the horrible way I felt. I so want to continue and to succeed but honestly the topa side effects are starting to freak me out. Sorry to ramble on and on but I would feel so reassured if y'all out there who are there or who have been there would honestly give me your experiences so I can try to figure out what to do. I'm also going to "copy and paste" this same message on the dr. garcia board so she will see it too and hopefully can give me her opinion as well.
    Thanks for listening!

    What's happening??

    Hi Anne.

    You may have taken on an overly ambitious exercise project, which could have gotten some lactic acidosis going, made worse by the Topamax and alcohol episode. Don't increase the dose and really hydrate with water--not juice. You didn't say how hot it was when you were exercising, but this can make things worse, too. Talk to you Dr. and take it easy...

    -Dr. Garcia

