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New here - fed up drinking myself silly

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    New here - fed up drinking myself silly

    Hi good people.

    I have always been a drinker. Not necessarily a heavy one - but regular. Earlier last year after a bad relationship breakup, this changed and I found myself drinking much more heavily - to the point very often of getting myself in a stupour. Also, more recently I have started drinking earlier and earlier. This affected my appetite and I have lost a bit of weight and a bit run down.

    I did feel not too bad in the mornings - but began to feel worse and worse as the day wore on (and presumably as the booze wore off). More recently, I have been waking earlier and felling shaky, wobbly, imbalanced, panicky, stomach cramps, sick.

    I did have that nasty stomach bug that has been going about from before Christmas and I really haven't felt good since (unless I get boozed up again).

    I have decided enough is enough and packed up 2 days ago. I have stayed in bed yersterday and today and felt pretty much the same - shaky, wobbly, panicky, sick, tummy cramps. I have tried to keep hydrated and had a little bit of food. I don't really feel any worse, but I don't feel any better either.

    I have decided this looks a fantastic resource and the love and support is amazing.

    I have had a look around here, but my question and my fear is that I am going to continue to feel wobbly, insecure, panicky like this for good - that I have irrepairable damaged myself?

    Can someone who has perhaps experienced this put me out of my misery?

    Thankyou in advance.


    New here - fed up drinking myself silly

    Welcome Cartwheel!

    Sorry noone has responded to your post yet. Things tend to pick up a bit in a couple hours after people are home from work, done with dinner, etc(at least in the US). Our friends across the pond may be in bed already!

    The nerves should subside after a few days AF. Have you read the book yet? It is very helpful and many of the supplements suggested can help. This is a great resource with many helpful people. Drink lots of water and try to get some exercise and some rest, both will help.


      New here - fed up drinking myself silly

      Thanks for the Marcie - I appreciate your response - I really do!

      I figured that it would be the case re time difference, but I have already receiveda a couple of lovely replies to a PM I sent.

      I am going to look out that letter - it does sound helpful. I will also look at the supplements. I have not really been up to too much excercise these past few days and just as well because the weather has been lousy here. But I do plan on getting up and pottering about tomorrow - try and eat something even just a little.

      The dreams tonight have been pretty amazing - no nasty ones - and have actually awoken smiling to a couple of them.

      I hope I do start to feel better soon, but I also don't want to forget in a hurry just how lousy I have felt, and I hope I can use this to kick-start me along this path.

      Thanks once again for replying.



        New here - fed up drinking myself silly


        Welcome. I have had the symptoms you describe, especially when I've gone AF after punishing myself with booze for a long period of time. I get up, feel not so bad, but as the day wears on, the anxiety kicks in, the dodgy tummy feeling, shaky, wobbly... all the stuff you said.

        Usually, this would drive me to have a drink! What a stupid thing to do! However, more recently, with the help of people on here, I've stopped picking up the drink (like you, mine was getting earlier and earlier) and a few days later, I'm feeling fine. Appetite has improved, I feel better about myself.

        I'm not AF yet but I'm a lot better than I was.

        Hope this helps


          New here - fed up drinking myself silly

          Welcome cartwheel,I stoped drinking 5 weeks ago and did the same for 3 days i just sat around feeling like shit but as time goes on it gets gets easier aswell because now i dont want a drink as i dont want my life to go back to what it was...i was a very heavy drinker.....keep going and keep on site it really helps you will not regret to you
          Jacqui xxx
          Mwo,s worst speller....


            New here - fed up drinking myself silly

            Hi Cartwheel, welcome aboard! I have drank longer than you, maybe lesser amount/day because I kept functioning, but it was not the kind of existence I wanted for myself. This place has been a Godsend! I am adding up af days and heading for 30. Then I'll see if I want to go longer than that, probably will because I'll enjoy the feeling of sober! The body is amazing in its ability to recover, you will feel better after a few days. Take the vitamins recommended and then incorporate some light exercise to get you going. See you on the boards! :h Suz
            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


              New here - fed up drinking myself silly

              Hey kpuk, jacqui, Suz

              Thank you all for your wonderful and encouraging responses - I really do appreciate it!

              I do feel a little better today and have managed a couple of cuppas of strong sweet tea and a little something to eat. I am just going to ride this week out for now. Maybe take the dog for a walk for a bit of fresh air.

              I still do feel slightly wobbly, but not to the point of getting to the top of the stairs and wondering how I wass going to get down them - lol.

              I do plan on hanging around on here because i know this is going to be hard and I am sure I will need the encouragement - lol.

              Thanks once again!



                New here - fed up drinking myself silly

                Hey Cartwheel, I promise it does get better day by day ... be patient and take good care, j
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

