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I slipped.

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    I slipped.

    I?m now back to my worst. Its 11am and I?ve had 5 cans of lager and a bottle of wine. I?ve phoned in sick for the last 2 days and have no doubt that I won?t be in tomorrow. I thought I had this sorted, but no.

    I wasn?t going to drink today but the sweats and shakes made me. I feel OK now (I?m drunk).

    I disgust myself and can?t even phone the doctor (I want to emigrate to Australia and drink problems on my medical record will stop me being granted the visa, so I can?t ask for help).

    I hate me right now.

    I slipped.

    I don't think I can help you with this. You CAN be helped but others here are better at the support that these boards are so good for.

    I know it is hard to stop but it's something you've got to do. A move to Australia could be a huge, life changing thing - why jepordise it? You thought you had it sorted once so obviously you can go AF/mod whatever it was you were doing to sort it. And you can go there again.

    As you say, you've slipped. Like all slips you can get back up. Really I would say get away from the Alcohol now, this morning. Get yourself in the shower, make some tea or coffee or whatever and get out of the house. Can you go for a walk? Cinema? A trusted friend? Even a quiet corner of the library? Just away from your drinking environment and alcohol. And start really thinking hard about how you were when you had control. And how to get back there. You owe it to yourself big time. Have you got any supplements? Take them if you have. Order some if you haven't. PLAN how you are going to get back on track. Write it down. Swear you will stick to it. Throw any alcohol down the sink now. I hope some of these ideas help but if they don't others will be along with better ones I'm sure.

    Bessiexxx :l


      I slipped.


      Amashed, please stop drinking now. You can feel better and you won't need to call in sick to work tomorrow, just try to rest up so you will feel good for tomorrow. Take some calms forte and lay off the caffeine too. You need to be around people. Know that I am thinking of you. :h
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        I slipped.

        I can't stop drinking, I'm worried that I will have an alcholic fit. But I've phoned my doctor and asked him to call me, it might really wreak my life but if i don't stop drinking then i'll wreak my life anyway. I'm a grown man, yet scared and fragile. waiting for the call.


          I slipped.

          Good for you! Glad you've done that. Let us know how you get on.


            I slipped.

            want to know something stupid? I'm drunk at 11am but cleaning the house in case the doctor comes round and thinks less of me for having a dirty house! What a prat!


              I slipped.

              Can you drink just enough to avoid seizures? I believe you really only need a small amount every 6 hours or so.


                I slipped.

                yes, you are right but it doesn't stop the shakes and the sweating. I'm a bit of a mess at the moment.


                  I slipped.

                  Hi Amashed,
                  I remember you... you did so well you can do this again i know you can... this time stay with us and keep you said AL will wreak your life... i hope the doctor gives you the help you need...thinking of you try and stay strong.... let us know the out come!


                  p.s you did it once before you can do it again i have faith in you.
                  family is everything to me


                    I slipped.

                    Plus I think the Dr's can write a script for Valium or Librium and not mention the alcohol connection. Please run it by him.


                      I slipped.

                      Yeah - I did 3 months AF, 3 months moderating and then thought I could do it. I was wrong. I needed a drink by 7am this morning to stop me shaking. I'll be honest Teardrop - I'm scared. I never thought I would end up here again, but here I am...


                        I slipped.

                        shame on you.

                        you were able to come to the computer to tell us...maybe go to the hospital and detox, get plugged in and rinse yourself out. they will load you will pills and the rest is all standard to keep alcohol out of the body! get help so you are able to move...otherwise you are not going anywhere.


                          I slipped.

                          Ripple, that is one of the ugliest responses ever. Thanks for making me feel worse.


                            I slipped.

                            OK there is no reason for me to stay here. I wish you all the best. x amashed.


                              I slipped.

                              set-up appt.

                              amashed;314452 wrote: Ripple, that is one of the ugliest responses ever. Thanks for making me feel worse.
                              did you read this first: on the top of page...Please remember this forum does not replace medical advice. We urge you to seek professional help if you are experiencing symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.


