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need help

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    need help

    need help finding a detox facility - my husband will be home soon. He will be disappointed in me - I need help finding a facility. I have tried to find a rehab place and was told that the waiting list for women was the end of april. I faxed the admission paperwork to them and havent heard anything. I found a counselor but she said she would only help me if I was in a treatment facility. I told her that I tried but that the only one that would take my insurance had a waiting list for female rooms. I feel stuck. I know I havent been on this forum for awhile - but I am reaching out right now. I am really trying to reach out for professional help and feel like I am hitting brick walls. I know ultimately it is my choice to stop or not. I bought the book "Terry My Daughters Life and Death Stuggle with Alcoholism and am reading it. What am I trying to say? I don't know except I am truly just reaching out for help. I hope when my husband gets home he will understand - that is all i can hope for.

    thank you in advance for ur help


    (my name is Joy by the way)
    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

    need help

    I wish I had an answer for that. I don't know any way (other than looking on the net) to find a facility either. Maybe call your doctor or local hospital to recommend one? I'm sorry you are hitting a wall with this. That is incredibly frustrating. Hang in there--I'm sure other people on this board are way more knowledgable & will have better suggestions. I wish you lots of support.


      need help

      Hi Joy

      I truly hope you are doing ok.

      I don't have a lot of info about rehabs but I suggest you sit tight and there could be a lot more answers when people in other time zones get up.

      Cindi is one of our most experienced members and might be able to help.

      Although I am not that experienced in this area, I would advise you to calm down for now. Try not to worry too much about the hubby. Although you may feel ashamed, you have a problem and you will get help. He is important, but actually, you are the key to your own success beating this, not him. HE could fade away and you would still be there.

      Also, the end of April is right around the corner! Its not that far away. Get some sleep and advice from My Way Out I am sure will be coming! One of the most insidious things about alcohol is that it increases depression and anxiety, yet seems to be a cure for those things. If you understand this, you will be a big step ahead because you know you will feel better in a few days if you abstain.

      Take good care of yourself in the next few days.



        need help

        You're doing all you can do to get help Poohbear.
        Your husband must see that.
        You have my best wishes.


          need help

          nancy;314989 wrote: Hi Joy

          I truly hope you are doing ok.

          I don't have a lot of info about rehabs but I suggest you sit tight and there could be a lot more answers when people in other time zones get up.

          Cindi is one of our most experienced members and might be able to help.

          Although I am not that experienced in this area, I would advise you to calm down for now. Try not to worry too much about the hubby. Although you may feel ashamed, you have a problem and you will get help. He is important, but actually, you are the key to your own success beating this, not him. HE could fade away and you would still be there.

          Also, the end of April is right around the corner! Its not that far away. Get some sleep and advice from My Way Out I am sure will be coming! One of the most insidious things about alcohol is that it increases depression and anxiety, yet seems to be a cure for those things. If you understand this, you will be a big step ahead because you know you will feel better in a few days if you abstain.

          Take good care of yourself in the next few days.

          I agree with Nancy. If you can stay AF for the next few days you will think more clearly and
          the end of the month will not seem so far away.


            need help

            Hi Joy, What a great name!

            I'm on board with Nancy. Call them and make sure they got the fax. Sometimes what you think went through did not due to computer problems on the other end. Good luck and let us know how you're doing.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              need help


              I have to add my agreement to all those before me.

              Call the facility. Ask to be put on a waiting list in the event someone cancels or leaves AMA (against medical advice) let them know you are serious. That holds a lot of weight. Many of these places are filled with people who have to be there due to court order, etc. They truly appreciate those who are serious and want to be there on their own.

              One other thing to consider is the route I took. I checked into the hospital - not rehab - and asked to be detoxed. Call your hospitals and see if they have that kind of thing. It is only three days. It is safe withdrawal. I simply needed it becaues I could not seem to get the gumption up to quit on my own. Once the sweats and shakes started, I chickened out and gave in. Of course giving in meant one or two bottles of wine or vodka.

              I had my doctor prescribe Antabuse before I went in and asked for the doctors at the hospital to give it to me on my last day there. I took it and walked out the door KNOWING I could not drink or I would get seriously sick.

              I take it every morning, PoohBear. I pop my Nexium and my Antabuse. They sit by my bed. I smile every time I take it.

              It works well for me and my psychiatrist says I can take it long term and should do so.

              It helps with that mental issue of "just one, can I, I want it so badly," and I can now look AL right in the face and laugh at him when he shows up.

              This does not negate the need for counseling and psychiatric help, but it has gotten rid of the haze and the horrible merry-go-round of drinking and being blacked out. I am sober and I can think my way through my problems and talk to my counselor with a clear head.

              Call around in your area and see if there is such a thing at your hospitals there.

              Best of luck, Joy. We all know the place you are in right now.

              Remember, you are a good person with a horrible addiction. You can beat this addiction and you will. Keep your chin up and do whatever it takes.

              AF April 9, 2016


                need help


                One other thing. I went to rehab in November. I did well and when I got out did pretty well but did not do the follow on therapy.

                When I started traveling again, I relapsed. Yes, big time.

                So, that is when I finally decided to go into short term detox and start Antabuse.

                I am telling you this because I want you to understand that this is not an easy thing to beat, however, I was determined to beat it or know I was going to die. It was that simple. My point is, never give up giving up. You may fail once or twice, or even more but if you keep trying you will finally succeed.

                We are worth it!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  need help

                  Joy, I don't have any advice, sorry, I just wanted to let you know I care, and will pray you find the help that you need.
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    need help

                    Ok. Just my 2 cents. May isn't that far away. However, in the meantime, having some professional support would be great. Why don't you call the facility you are on the wait list for and ask them if they recommend anyone you can begin working with now on an outpatient basis. Many addiction counselors will work with you now, given your circumstances, rather than wait for you to be in a facility. Also, check your insurance for names of addiction specialists, under mental health. I think it is a shame that you cannot be seen now, when you are motivated to do this. Even if the next couple of weeks is just establishing a rapport with a therapist, that is time not wasted.

                    I too am finding success on Antabuse, but there are many ways to skin a cat, and you will find your way.

                    I wish you best of luck. Let us know how you are doing!

                    formerly known as bak310


                      need help

                      Hi Pooh,

                      This is a link to Treatment Centres in Seattle and surrounding areas.

                      Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator

                      magic xxx
                      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                      I am in the next seat.
                      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                        need help

                        thank you everyone for your kind words and your help. I emailed the treatment center and rec'd a reply back that he couldn't find my paperwork and would I please give him a call. I just called him and thankfully he found my paperwork and said that he was going to see what he could do to get my name pushed up on the list and would call me back. I am keeping my fingers crossed - I also contaced another detox facility that was given to me last night when I ended up in the ER trying to detox - unfortunantly the hosp my husband took me too is not a detox facility - so I was just given some morphine for the headache and something for nausea and a dose of ativan and sent on my way.

                        Oh and magic thank you for the link I will check it out

                        again thank you everyone for your kind words. I am so desperatly seeking help and feel like I just keep hitting brick wall after brick wall. I do have an outpt counselor and the type of stuff she does is kind of like hypnosis beh modification type stuff however she said she didnt want to get into any of that cause of things she may bring up from my past are just going to excarbate the drinking. She said she wants me to have some treatment under my belt first. I see her again on Friday tho and she going to start working on some things with me.

                        I will keep you all updated and hopefully soon I will be in the treatment facility getting the help I so desperately need.
                        when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                          need help

                          Poohbear, so glad you are getting some help and thank you for keeping us up to date.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            need help

                            Poohbear, so glad to hear things are starting to get sorted in regards to treatment.

                            I still love your puppy avatar. It always brings a smile to my face. SOOOO cute!

                            Keep us posted. You are going to be OK, I know it.


                              need help

                              Just a quick update - I got a call back from the treatment facility. I check in tomorrow at 11:30. I am so very, very scared but also a bit relieved that I will finally be getting some help.

                              Again thank you all for your kind words. Length of stay varies depending on the person but it could be up to 3 weeks. I am hoping I won't have to stay that long but if they recommend I will do it - at this point I will do whatever I have to to get sober.


                              when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

