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At the bottom

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    At the bottom


    I'm so glad I found this site and finally have the courage to write something. I just can't keep going in the direction I have been going any longer. I have always been a big drinker but it's gotten really bad lately. I recently lost my job, then my boyfriend and have found myself back at my parents house feeling lost and empty. I don't want to wake up one more day feeling terrible, then spending my day obsessing over how I'm not going to drink tonight so I can feel good about myself tomorrow, only to find myself drunk again by 8 in the evening. I want so badly to start building a new life for myself but I think I'm going to need some help. If anyone happens to have a tip to help get me through tonight, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks for being here.


    At the bottom

    Welcome Ashley

    My tip to get you through the night is "keep reading". Read every post on this site. You'll identify with everyone. We're all in the same boat. Keep reading and you'll find you're not alone and perhaps that will give you an incentive to join us on our journey.

    I really do believe that there is a lilght at the end of the tunnel.


      At the bottom

      Absolutely, start reading. Some of these posts will make you laugh, make you cry ... you are gonna say, "I can't believe, they are so much like me". I was in your shoes just over 5 weeks ago. One of the first threads I read was "Hiding Alcohol" with tears filling up in my eyes from laughing, yet relating to all the pain.

      This program has turned me around. I'm like a walking advertisement these days, so I'll spare you, but what I will say, is I am so grateful I found MWO and it has worked for me! You are in great hands here and I think you'll find the best support you could ever hope for!



        At the bottom

        Thanks for the kind words. You are both so right about the reading, I have spent a lot of time here today and just can't get over how many people are telling my story! I'll be back tomight, I'm determined to spend my evening here instead of on the couch with the wine. I can't wait to be 5 weeks away from today.


          At the bottom

          At the bottom

          Hi Ashley,
          Good to hear from you. I'm also waiting to get on the program.. waiting for doc, meds, supps, etc.. Have been at the bottom a fair bit too. Don't know where to begin so I'll just say you're not alone. I've 3 kids and the dad of the youngest 2 just disappeared about a year ago. I spent the last 12 months in a huge depression.. my mum died and lots of other stuff.. lost my job.. whatever. We nearly lost everything.. even our home. My kids started peeing their paints all the time and I felt like I was losing it big time. Trying to hold it all together, help my kids through their fear, grief, loss etc & every day problems at school.. meant I felt like a walking zombie. My drinking got real bad. I'm still kind of stuck there, but finding this site has helped me put my head up a little bit again. Started hunting for supps & reading about diet & depression. It really helps to change your diet & get exercise. I figure once I'm not so depressed, I'll be able to tackle the drinking.
          Imagine how gobsmacked I was when he showed up 2 days ago to take the kids fishing!! My youngest pooped her pants and I am literally "sh*!%ing myself" too.
          I didn't even get them off to school yesterday.. but managed today. Still, I am just stunned.
          This has not helped at all with the drinking.
          Anyhow, welcome Ashley.. keep reading & posting.
          Hope we can get through this together and find the happier days we deserve.
          Tell me how you're doing.


            At the bottom

            i read your article this is my first time here,

            I am just like you, don't know what to do feel so guilty all the time .going to sent this part to see if it works I have so much to say but I just joined want tocheck if it works


              At the bottom

              Re: i read your article this is my first time here,

              Johlin! Glad we found each other! Looking forward to hearing more from you. I'm sure I need your help as much as you need mine right now.


                At the bottom

                oh ashley..I just posted today for the first time too. i feel your pain - the most imprtant part is that we are reaching out to others and where there is a will ...there is a way. it is different for all of us - the most important part is acknowledging there is a problem and you are not happy with how you (we) are choosing to live our lives. PLEASE write to me any time and we will help each other. pray - even if you don't believe. elle


                  At the bottom

                  Hi Elle, well the good news is that I made it through the day yesterday and woke up happy today. Yeah! Better still, I'm here right now so it looks like I'm going for night number 2. I was so worried because for me good days usually equate to having a hyper feeling in the evening that makes me really want to drink. Today I have done everything in my power to just be really calm in everything that I do and very gentle with my thoughts. So far so good! How are you fairing now that we're into night 2? I'll be saying a little prayer for you and everyone else here! Belief is a funny thing, if you believe in something, than it must be true, maybe not for everyone but at least for you.

