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The end of my rope!

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    The end of my rope!

    When I am at the end of my rope, God is there to catch me--but not before ......

    Pretty cool huh?
    I just wonder why it takes me so long to get to the end of me........

    I love the verse in Deuteronomy 33:26-27 that says He rides across the catch me!
    This reminds me of the night in July 2003, when my son was in Iraq, and I was outside in the middle of the night and the stars were shooting and a cool breeze blew across me. I KNOW it was Him.........

    Blessings to all of you.

    The end of my rope!

    Nancy, That's where I was, when I was saved. I said, "Lord, I am at the end of my rope. I am going to let go and trust you to catch me." I get chills every time I repeat those words. Thank you for sharing them with us. Eliziby


      The end of my rope!

      I'm going to read it tonight. Check out Galatians 5:22-26.

      Perfectly phrased...Let Go and let God!



        The end of my rope!

        Is that kind of where we are right now? At least that is were I am. LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD. Are you two, Brandy and SouthernBelle, here for the same reason as I am? God lead me here to get help with my problem drinking. I know it was His leading because I stumbled onto this site quite by accident. I know because I am a Christian, that drinking or anything else should not over take or overpower me and this is what was happening to me. There circumstances causing my getting to this place, but that's a whole other story. I have been under such strong conviction for a very long time but didn't know how to deal with it. I tried quiting on my own, and that didn't work, even though I was trying to depend on the Lord for my strength. I know AA wasn't for me so that was never an option. I took part in study at a university in our city for treatment of alcoholism, and that worked for the three months while the study lasted then when I was on my own I was back to my old habit. I felt like such a failure. The guilt and conviction set back in more than ever, and I drank more than ever to ease the pain of it all. I Knew God was with me. I felt His love and His presences through it all. I never missed going to church and Bible Study because of my drinking. I went to church fellowships, and drank when I got home. I spent time with my family and friends without their knowing I ever drank but would always drink when I got home, sometimes almost to the point of passing out and would go to bed afterwards. This went on for several years. Even after praying for so long that God would deliver me from this horrible habit, I wasn't sure that MWO was the answer. Even though I found it so soon after praying. My Husband being the only one who knew about my drinking, I told him what I had found, and about my prayer, and wanted him to check it out, because it wasn't free, not too expensive if it worked. Too, I was secpticle of the Hypnotic CD's. That seemed erie to me. My husband said "if you prayed trusting God, you should continue trusting God so do it and give it your best and I will support you."So here I am. The untold part of my story is in the "MY STORY" post. Sorry for the long post. Got started and couldn't stop. God bless you. Eliziby


          The end of my rope!


          Yes, I am here for the same reason..I still have to remind myself to "Let go and Let God'..Sounds like you've had some of the same experiences that I have..At AA I felt alone, and all I wanted to do was runaway. After I few meetings, I knew I need help from another source, so I found MWO. I am so thankful to RJ for this website.

          Your husband sounds like a strong support system for you.
          I love reading your posts.



            The end of my rope!

            end of my rope

            I love being here and sharing with all of you. It's refreshing to be able to be honest & not have to pretend or wear a "church" face.
            Church is a hard place to go right now for me. I have been in this area a few years and the churchs are very small. I was involved until the last year or so but some things happened and I felt that I needed to "Be Still" and have time to get to know God in person in my prayer closet. He is always waiting.


              The end of my rope!

              Re: end of my rope

              I too am here for the same reason. This program has helped so much, and I too can relate to you Eliziby about being very involved with your church, attending the meetings, fellowship things, and then coming home and drinking. No one ever knew from church, and I always felt so guilty with this "deep, dark secret."

              I too have prayed for years that God would just take it from me. I guess He could, but I think it is more about learning to trust him and exercise the fruits of the spirit (one being self-control). Brandy, I so enjoyed talking to you on the phone the other day. I looked up all those scriptures you gave me.

              Love to all,


                The end of my rope!

                Re: end of my rope


                You also know that I am in similar circumstances with alcohol and God. The best part is being able to be honest and having strong bonds with people in the same circumstances. I believe that when we fellowship with each other here at MWO, it is also another avenue that gives us strength.

                Also, check out Mark 1:1-5. Southernbelle, Eliziby we will get through this together.


