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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June


    Can you believe we are halfway thru the year?!??!!! So far, this year has been good. I hope to up my game for the second 6 months and really step up my exercise program and use the DT again.

    I only had time for a brief speed read on the weekend news and I'm so pleased to see you back with us Sara:l

    I must dash for our session with the therapist so I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

    P.S. I finished the 10km run on Saturday with flying colours
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

    Had a successful visit with old friends this week-end. In the past I would have pulled out the wine bottle, offering a glass the minute they arrived.

    With the help of this group that didn't happen. It was early afternoon (too early) and I wanted to enjoy 1 glass with dinner so didn't want to start racking up drinks on the drinktracker.

    Life is SO much better with learning how to moderate.

    Oh, as you can see, got a new avatar. Wanted to choose a unique one (not from the standard MWO list).

    Have a good week all - will try to post a few times but we're busy getting ready to go to the ocean for a vacation. The boys are excited to surf and I can't wait to hear the sounds of the Pacifiic.

    Hugs, :l
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

      Hi all,
      Eve, your new avatar is lovely.

      Deebs, I will say a little prayer for you as you enter the therapy world.

      Lila,there are many great new roses out. If they are non-grafted (grown on their own root stock) they don't need to be mulched or anything special in the winter.

      The construction guys got the windows installed today, so at least they mostly will be outside instead of crawling all over inside.
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

        Morning Squad.

        Where is everyone lately? Ask, Judie, Vlad, to name just a few....

        Thank you for your prayer Sun. Last night the daughter told me that she really feels she is benifitting from these session, so I am so chuffed. The therapist is helping her figure out the million dollar question "who am I?"
        She has also given me some great advice on how to LET GO and trust my daughter to make certain decisions. DH hasn't been able to join us because of work commitments so we have a coffee date for later today so that I can discuss with him certain boundries that we need to relax and get his opinion and support on some other issues.

        Hope everyone is having a great week so far.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

          Eve, I saw your avatar whilst on another thread and thought just how much it suits you -- you are someones guardian angel.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

            what does non grafted mean? Hi everyone. How is everyone today?


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

              DeeBee;625968 wrote: Eve, I saw your avatar whilst on another thread and thought just how much it suits you -- you are someones guardian angel.
              Thank you DeeBee. I like to think we are all each other's here. Do you remember that I posted once that my name came to me because I had a dream that I met my guardian angel and she said her name was Eve. The name had been taken here so I added my favorite number 11..number of my bday ~ June 11.

              Hubby said he was Adam12 once - I laughed that he thought that up as there's an old cop show in the U.S. years ago that was called Adam 12. So it all fits.

              Have a great day everyone.

              I felt like having one glass of wine last night with dinner and it was only about 3/4 as it was the end of a bottle.

              The old me would have opened a new one saying "I didn't even get a full glass...but not the new me. Had that mindset to keep drinking so I opened up an amber light near beer and did just fine.

              Have a beautiful day all. J-Vo...get posting again girlfriend.
              Hugs, :l
              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

              ~Jack Welsh~:h

              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

                That is a lovely story


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

                  Eve, I didn't know that about your name -- that is beautiful.

                  BTW I have just read an analogy you posted for Joanna on another thread about a teenager girl and OMG Eve, that is what the therapist warned me about with my daughter. Thank you for the reminder.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

                    Hi Everybody,
                    Lila, grafting roses is when the take a branch from a plant, and make it grow on roots from a different variety of roses. They do this all the time with hybrid tea roses. The resulting plant is hardier than the branch's original plant, but not as hardy as the plant that grew on the roots originally. They do this to create a more hardy plant, but the hardiest of all is the one growing on its own roots.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

                      Hi everyone
                      I have never posted on this thread before, so I hope its ok to join you all?
                      At the moment I am 24 Days A/F and I going to 30 days then I am hopping to mod. I am not saying that as soon as my 30 days are up that I am going to grap a drink, but I am a bit scared on how I am going to be like, I know its hard for any of you's to answer as only I will know what I will be like, but have you got any advice for me or any tips on how to mod? I am determind not to go back to how I was, I did'nt drink everyday but as soon as I had that first drink I could never let it go, I used to drink until it was bedtime and even beyond!!! So any advice would be very helpful
                      Love ronnie xx
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

                        Welcome Ronnie and WELL DONE on your AF time.

                        My best advise would be to read through the old posts here in Long Term Mod -- we have all been where you are now and TBH finding your feet in Mod Land is different for everyone.
                        BUT to help you along with setting yourself goals, go and check out what our goals are and were (this is something I am forever revising and changing)

                        Something else which I have found helpful is the Moderation Management website -- they have some great tools there to get you thinking and to help plan a moderate life.

                        For me, moderation is a life style.

                        My mod plan includes suppliments, vitamins, exercise and a healthy diet......(I'm still working on the healthy diet part LOL).

                        Looking forward to getting to know you Ronnie -- it's great to have you on board:-)
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

                          Hi Ronnie, Welcome!
                          I would recommend a couple of things: honest use of Drink Tracker (1 bottle of wine = 5 glasses), adopting some rules and/or goals, and posting here daily about how it is going. It is much easier with support. The less frequent approach is what has worked for me - I am never compelled to have a drink any more that I don't want.
                          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

                            Hi guys

                            Haven't been able to post this last week as kids off school. You're all sounding good - I drank too many times last week (although interestingly not too much at each time so may be I am getting somewhere!!) so trying to settle it back down this week.

                            Luv to all


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 1st of June

                              Hi MM, we've missed you!!

                              A break in routine, I find always throws me off kilter -- that's something I'll need to work on before my next holiday.
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

