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Thursday October 12

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    Thursday October 12

    Good Thursday morning Absville,

    For those of us who work Monday through Friday, we?ve made it through ?hump day.? (Yeah!!) I?m working on two big projects, and starting to feel a bit drained. (as I usually do at this point in the week).

    Now that I?m not going through the daily cycle of drinking and suffering terrible hangovers, I?m much more in touch with what my body is telling me. I can more easily recognize when I feel well rested or tired, full or hungry, nervous or calm. I guess that while I was drinking I really only had three basic states of physical being: drinking, drunk, or hung over. There weren?t very many long stretches of ?in-between? time for my body to establish any kind of equilibrium.

    Which brings me to today?s topic, which is: how are we all feeling physically? How is our physical progress affecting our abstinence goals? How are our abstinence efforts changing the way we feel physically?

    One of the things that attracted me to My Way Out was the fact that it was a holistic program, with a heavy focus on the physical aspects of the alcohol problem. I just knew there had to be physical roots ? and therefore physical treatments ? for my alcohol abuse. I had tried AA before, and got some very good things out of it, but was amazed that no one in AA ever talked about diet, exercise, supplements, etc. Reading RJ?s book was a revelation to me: I didn?t realize there were medications that could help reduce cravings. (I knew about Antabuse, and knew I would just not take it when I planned on drinking?.) So the idea of a medication, along with supplements, behavior modification, and exercise really seemed like a great combination. What makes it even better is that each person can modify it to fit their own situation and goals.

    So I?ve chosen (through trial and error) to go with long-term abstinence and am very happy with that choice. I have chosen to use Topamax, which has helped tremendously with reducing cravings to almost nil. I?ve chosen to take vitamins, kudzu, extra L-Glutamine and Gaba. (Don?t know exactly what these do, but I assume they must help.) So far I haven?t begun exercising, except that I try & work in a walk here and there.

    Now, at 22 days sober, I?m waking up early and feeling quite energetic in the mornings. I?m able to work hard throughout the day ? often without a break, which I realize is not a good thing. I find that I don?t have much of an appetite in the mornings any more and often skip breakfast. (Is this the topa? I used to eat breakfast every day.) I eat a light lunch and a medium to regular sized dinner. I have lost 8 pounds in about 6 weeks and wouldn?t mind losing another 5 to 8 pounds, but am not really trying. I find that I am tired quite early and often go to bed by 9 PM.

    So I guess I would say that I feel good, but a bit off kilter. I think my body is still trying to adjust to the changes it is undergoing ? no alcohol, and maybe the topa is throwing me for a loop with the loss of appetite and the tiredness in the afternoon and early evening. I know I need to drink more water too. But in any event, I am better off than I was when consuming a fifth of vodka every other night, that?s for sure. So ? I need to drink more water and start exercising. Oh, yeah ? and stop smoking. That?s the other biggie. I am going to do that, but I?m cutting myself some slack. One thing at a time, Mike.

    I know that in the past, whenever I felt my body taking a swing in any direction, that was a trigger for me to drink. Too much energy? Have a drink. Hungry? Have a drink. Tired? Have a drink. I don?t really have those cravings any more ? I honestly think the Topamax is responsible for that ? but I have accepted that drinking isn?t an option for me anyway. So today when I feel my body swinging from energetic to tired to hungry to whatever, I just have to go with it and hang on for the ride. It?s interesting to observe, and give it what it really needs at the time, rather than feed it the poison that I did for so long. That poison just masked the hunger or fatigue, but didn?t satisfy any real need. And it certainly didn?t do my body any good that I can possibly imagine. But food and rest are what it?s asking for ? so that is what I will give it. (I know, it?s easier said than done when you have that demon right on your back.)

    I?m curious how the rest of you are doing. Are you tired? Are you energetic? Do you feel better or worse than when you were drinking? Is what you are doing making a difference? Is your physical state helping or hindering your abstinence goal?

    So much of this program is really about the physical aspects of our disease, and its treatment, that I thought we should spend some time talking about it.
    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)

    Thursday October 12

    Perfect topic again Mike, especially considering it is 0210 and I am awake here in CA eating Rice Krispies. I usually take Trazadone for sleep, but fell asleep naturally at 9 pm last night. If I take it now, I'll be a slug all day tomorrow. So better to be here and post.....esp since if I type fast enough I'll be the winner of the day! Whoopee! 1st a month in rehab at the posh MWO spa and now????? You are so generous!
    I still feel better than when drinking 8 days ago. Experiencing some anxiety, sadness, way too much introspection, but I am welcoming the feelings back in controlled doses. Trying to keep busy and active (exercise and cleaning really work!) before the feelings intensify.
    Going to go try and get a little rest. Check back later! Gina


      Thursday October 12

      Hi Mike: This is a good topic, you are a great Mayor! I never took the medication, I only took L-Glutamine, and Kudzu Root. I also read the book and listened to the C.D.'s (did not care for them at all)....
      I started the program in May and have long finished the L-Glutamine and just finished the Kudzu Root a few days ago. I decided not to take any supplements for a period of 3 weekends in a row to see if I was okay (hardest time weekends, binge drinker )! Well, I'm proud to say no alcohol, not a drop for almost 6 months. My only problem, is I've increased my sugar intake which I really need to cut down. I've put on some weight, but fortunately being the fitness buff that I am it doesn't show too much! I would like suggestions to cut back on the sugar!


        Thursday October 12

        Good topic yet again, Mike. Hey, when I'm Mayor again in the future sometime, can I keep you on as a "topic consultant"?

        I would agree that in the past, I would use drinking to regulate all sorts of body feelings like hunger and fatigue. It was hard work to make sure that I would get at least one solid meal in each day, and sometimes I didn't. That part can still be hard, but that is because of the topa! Also, I am more tired. This is partly the topa, but also a part of my body's natural rythym. Before the topa, I would drink in the evening to give my body that extra rush of dopamine to help me make it until bedtime! Last night, I went to bed at 10 and was reading for a while. I woke up at 3 am, sitting up with the book still open in my lap--that's how soundly I fall asleep when I am not drinking. I just rearranged myself and went back to sleep.

        In general, I'm feeling okay physically. I'd like to have a little more energy, and I think that getting myself into some exercise will help with that. I can feel myself resisting inside, though. I'll be getting some today, as my sister and I will be moving a bunch of stuff out of the garage and into storage. Not as organized as I'd prefer, but exercise, nonetheless.

        Mike, I would like to add that this program helps us enormously with the physical aspects of our alcohol problem, which frees us up to deal with the habit and psychological parts of the addiction, much like nicotine replacement therapy can help with stopping smoking. If we were always "white knuckling" it regarding the physical stuff, we wouldn't have the time/energy to deal with all the psychological pillars that hold our illness up.

        Gina, I'm so glad that you are posting regularly again! I'm laughing imagining you eating Rice Krispies at 2am! I hope you did get some more sleep after your early morning snack!

        Welcome, Bren. Are you willing to try and use a sugar substitute? If you won't use aspartame or spenda, there is a natural sugar substitute called stevia, made from stevia leaves. It may help you to cut back on your dependence on sugar. I'm really impressed with your record of sobriety!!! Well done!

        At any rate, I have an easy workday today, just a few clients this evening, but I've gotta get moving. Lots of other things to do!

        Day 2 for me! Yesterday was the first day in longer than I can remember when I haven't had a drink when I was with a relative! My sis makes it easy though, sine she isn't a drinker. (That hasn't stopped me in the past though!:H )

        Love to all,

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Thursday October 12

          So much family stuff goin on I cant stop to think how I feel.
          Hi everybody.
          Gabby :flower:


            Thursday October 12

            Good Morning,
            One of the reasons that I liked this program was the mind-body connection it emphacized.I am happy to say that , with the exception of my drinking I lead a vey healthy life. I excercise(some say to excess but I firmly believe that exercise has held at bay the depression that has plagued my sister).I generally eat well and have quite a bit of energy. Then why do I destroy all that by drinking???? I have always taken many vitamins, whether drinking or not. I have not changed my diet but would be curious to see if I totally eliminated sugar and white flour my craving for alcohol would change. I do note that when totally eliminating alcohol my desire for sugar increases. That just make sense as alcohol is sugar. I don't have the discipline to try a total change in diet yet.
            If the mind says it the body follows.It is my mindset which must change.
            Gabby, I hope everything is ok. You sound stressed!!!!!!
            Will check in later again.


              Thursday October 12

              Good morning everyone,

              I too was attracted to MWO because of the holistic approach. I haven't taken the topa . I do take zofolt but have been able to cut down on it. I would like to cut it our altogether.
              I don't handle stress very well....never have. As a young child I threw up a lot! Yuck!!!!!!

              I feel very good on this program when I don't drink! Even if I don't take all the supps all the time.
              I do drink carrot juice with magma plus a few times a day, thirty minutes befor meals. A week long juice fast would probably be something I would consider doing. BTW...has anybody heard from CV?

              I slept like a log last night. Probably a combo of several things.
              Not drinking
              working outside
              a calm, enjoyable evening.(watched RV (again)with hubby while shelling beans) Laughter?
              a homegrown salad with chicken for dinner
              carrot juice + magma plus at bedtime instead of wine.

              It's good to see all of you here.
              I'm planning my cruise but Belle is giving me grief because she doesn't want to go back to PetVet! It's always SOMETHING!
              Love you all,
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Thursday October 12

                Hi all
                Physically I have to say that I feel really good, except like Kathy I will say I do feel much more tired than before (I also think that is the topa) but could it also be the body catching up on a lot of much needed sleep!!? I mean, they say that even if you have only had a drink or 2 before bed, you will have a restless sleep, so if we are going from drinking a lot before to not at all, imagine our bodies going "hooray!" to actually getting decent sleep. I also find I am still a bit foggy too but I still think that is the topa - mind you, I just went up to 200 mg two days ago so I am probably still adjusting....
                Otherwise, I am feeling good. A little crabby sometimes, some boredom, a little bit of anxiety sometimes admittedly
                But feeling strong, no real cravings to speak of...
                Gabbs - you okay!?
                Love all
                Over 4 months AF :h


                  Thursday October 12

                  Hi everyone-

                  Again - good topic Mike. I also know what you mean when you talked about only having three states of being - waiting to drink, drinking, and hungover. I remember seeing people at work who were tired and them saying they had been up late or whatever. I remember thinking 'I wonder what that feels like?' Just being tired because you are tired, and not because you were up until midnight finishing up that bottle of wine. The only reason I was ever tired in the morning was because of drinking.
                  I woke up with a sinus headache this morning and thought - wow a headache in the morning that wasn't due to drinking a bottle of wine. So this is what it's like.

                  Overall, I;m feeling better I guess. I do not have all the energy I was hoping for but I'm not exercising either. I have also been very busy with work/ traveling and that has worn me down a bit.

                  I don't know how I would be doing all this if I were also drinking - I'm sure I would have managed somehow but I would be feeling pretty awful.

                  I am not taking anything. I had trouble sleeping early on and have taken melatonin to help with that but I have eased off some on that too. I find I can go to sleep now pretty well. I used to have such anxiety at night and didn't think I would be able to sleep without drinking. So, I'm relieved that is not such a problem.
                  I've started taking a vitimin every morning too (unless I forget).

                  So, not bounding with energy, but better than I was before!

                  Hope your all having a great day today!!



                    Thursday October 12

                    Congratulations, Gina!! :wd: For being the first to post this morning, you have won a shopping spree on Absville's FABULOUS "Sobreo Drive." (For anyone new to Absville, this is where all the movie stars shop for clothes, shoes, handbags, etc. It is the only place to shop.)

                    So what's it going to be? Christian Dior? Lacroix? Givenchy?

                    Lots of interesting feedback on the physical aspects of abstinence.... keep it coming!

                    I just had my lunch and am feeling kinda drowsy. Think it's time for a power walk. Too bad it's cold and drizzly outside. Still, I can get up and get moving.

                    Take care everyone ~
                    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


                      Thursday October 12

                      Hi everybody!!

                      Anybody else have really bad cravings today? I had a very big urge and almost talked myself into drinking a bottle of chardonnay (I've had two bottles in my fridge for over a month).
                      I was sitting in a meeting this morning around 10am - and I was thinking how I had changed my drinking habits so much and that I probably would never go back to drinking the way I did a few months ago. Then I thought - so I should be able to drink tonight if I want- I don't think I have a problem anymore.

                      I called my mom when I got home and chatted for awhile. Then my friend called me - said she was having a glass of wine suggested I do the same. I said - thanks, that sounds nice but I'm not drinking right now.

                      I felt better, decided I didn't need that bottle of wine after all....and now I'm writing you guys and watching Greys Anatomy - completely sober.

                      So how was everyone else's day? Macks - glad you checked in- happy to know you are just busy and haven't run away! Hey Kathy, Jenneh, Nancy, Gina...Mayor Mike...Gabby...hi Bren.....what are you all doing right this very minute? (Greys Anatomy too?) eating ice cream? doing dishes?
                      Well, hope it is good whatever it is.
                      Barb- thinking about you and hope your husband is doing better-
                      Lisa:l :l


                        Thursday October 12

                        I'm sorry!! And Janet- missed you somehow!! hope you are doing well too!



                          Thursday October 12

                          HA Lisa! Do you have a webcam on me?? Just finished watching Grey's Anatomy (on the east coast feed) and am now sitting here eating spumoni ice cream. Still have a load of dishes today, but first things first!
                          So your mind is playing tricks today, huh? Had a brief episode where wine entered my mind, but not a strong enough grip to cause any bruises.
                          Mike! I'm lovin the thought of Sobero Drive. Will make the trek tomorrow! I'll do my best to shop til I drop. Good night to all. Gina:l


                            Thursday October 12

                            Too funny Gina - you made me laugh! And yes, I had the webcam installed yesterday :H

                            I'm kinda getting hooked on 6 degrees too..

                            Craving is all gone away now...going up to my bedroom to watch the end of this 6 degree thing...dishes will have to wait until tomorrow for me

                            Night all!!


                              Thursday October 12


                              Amazing! I, too, had cravings today, even about 1 hour after taking my evening topa, and I had to remind myself that I would never meet my goals of being free of alcohol or losing weight if I caved in. It passed after a bit. I had a little piece of dark chocolate as a treat when I got home, and that helped.

                              I found myself watching Gray's Anatomy too! Lisa, your webcam is all-seeing!!

                              Anyway, got a lot done today and saw a few clients. I'm turning in soon; I'm wiped out!!

                              If I don't post much over the next few days, it's only cause I'm trying to get a lot done with my sister, so don't worry. It doesn't mean that I've fallen from grace, okay?


                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

