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anyone else doing AF period before mod?

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    anyone else doing AF period before mod?

    Hi - I'm currently doing an AF period before trying modding. Anyone else in that same stage (AF period prior to modding)?

    I'm on day 27 but my total will be 47 before I go to mod - I decided to give alcohol up for lent so it's longer than the 30 days AF that I tried the last time I tried modding. It started out great but this last week has been rough. Not sure why but I keep thinking about how much I'd really love some wine. It's been after a long, tough day (there have been several of those this past week) and I just think about how great it would be. It's been tough. I pour myself a glass of seltzer and that seems to help. I'm hoping this is a hump that I'll get over and things will get easier between now and Easter.

    My plan after easter is to only drink for special occasions - not just the glass or two of wine at home on any particular day - that's what I tried last time and I wound up back where I started with daily drinking and frequent over-drinking.

    Anyway - anyone else in the same phase? How's it going for you? Also - has anyone else tried AF, then modding, then failed and decided to do the AF period again to help get back on track. How has it worked for you the second time around?

    anyone else doing AF period before mod?

    No - I'd originally started this thinking I'd follow your path, but after staying AF for 3 weeks for the first time in as long as I can remember (not sure if I've ever gone this long in any recent timeframe), I may just opt to stay AF. I'd love to know how you do 2nd time around. What you describle happening your first time around is what I think would most likely happen to me if I attempt to mod. If you are successful with special occasions only that would be great! I know some have been able to achieve that. Keep us posted! Good luck to you!


      anyone else doing AF period before mod?

      hi. im with funnygirl on this (3 weeks to us well done to us FG). my initial intentions were to get some AF time under my belt and then try modding. not an odd glass of wine, more of an odd blast on special occasions. the longer i am AF and the more i read here about others who tried that im starting to think i will never be able to do that without sliding back down to my bad drinking ways. i guess i will just see how it goes. good luck to you whatever you decide
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        anyone else doing AF period before mod?

        :welcome: I did 30 days last Sept , I consider myself a Mod.. I'll have an occasional glass of wine ~ I haven't been coming to the site for the last couple months , I'm doing well , for some reason coming to the site makes me think of drinking so I'm trying to just keep busy.. I plan on coming back to this site more often , MWO has helped me so much , I want to TRY to give back to others that need help:l Em
        Non Drinker 9/09
        Non Smoker 6/09
        Tennis Anyone ?


          anyone else doing AF period before mod?

          Hey Frances; I know Sara is thinking she won't mod again and is an extended AF period. I often read the AF threads for inspiration, but don't post about any intentions to drink. THere are many wonderfuil wise folks on those threads. Reteacher on Daily Abs is a favorite of mine. People living thoughtful lives, not so much discussing alcohol but how to life a thoughtful meaningful life with observations about how alcohol can get in the way . . . which is oftern true for us modders as well. Its OK to dip a toe in there too!

          But I know what you mean about sharing the daily struggle with somone in the very same situation as you too. Hopefully folks will speak up on here.




            anyone else doing AF period before mod?

            I gave up drinking for 60 days and tried modding. I was successful for a little while, but gradually the old habits came back and I was into daily drinking again. I am now 71 days AF and doing this the second time around has been much harder than it was the first time. The first time when I reached 60 days I had a drink just to prove to myself that I could. I could take it or leave it, but in the end it proved my undoing. This time around I still really want a drink, so I know this is not the time to try and mod again - if ever.
            Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010


              anyone else doing AF period before mod?

              Thanks for the replies. It's interesting, Sky, that it's harder for you this time. Smart that you are staying AF knowing that if it's tough now you might wind up right where you started if you go ahead and have a drink. I don't really remember how I felt at this point last time - I just know last week was tough. Today, so far, is a better day - I'm glad! Emmy congrats to you and I'm so happy for you!

              Ask for help - Thanks for pointing me to AF threads - I'll check those out. I am definitely interested in living a thoughtful meaningful life, and AL sure gets in the way of that!

              Spuddleduck I totally know what you mean about wanting not just a glass of wine, but an "odd blast" on a special occasion. I think I will likely do that. Part of me is thinking that an odd blast, without the daily drinking, wouldn't be so bad? Well, I doubt I would feel that way the morning after. This sounds like something I should plan for - I will limit myself even on those special occasions. Maybe to no more than 4. At least for now, 4 doesn't really put me in a terrible way. I'd feel it the next day but I don't think I would do anything I was terribly ashamed of. Well, I'll need to think about that some more before easter when I transition to mod.

              And Funnygirl - I can totally understand why you are where you are - sounds like a very good decision - just not one I feel ready to make at this point.

              Good luck to all :-)


                anyone else doing AF period before mod?

                Hi Frances, I too am trying AF free for lent..which is longer than a month, as always. I have done this in the past, and always to to Moderate after, it usually never lasts for long...this time I probably will
                have some wine, a few drinks, as April of Easter, my wedding aniversary, and several other occasions
                very special to me...If Im not able to moderate, after that I will definately go AL free again..this year I have been doing really great, only one tiny lilttle hiccup...two glasses of wine w/lots of seven up in it..
                other than that Ive been totally AF free...Good luck to you, just take it one day at a time...sisley


                  anyone else doing AF period before mod?

                  One thing that I didn't mention in my previous post , I DO NOT have wine in our home.. that makes not drinking alot easier .. I drank out of boredom , never got drunk , i always knew to stop after 1 or 2 glasses , but the habit was starting to interrupt my life , my soap operas and daily TV , wine and cheese parties started taking over my life .. I knew I need to make a change .. now I make my little plate of snacks , but instead I have a glass of tea. :h Em
                  Non Drinker 9/09
                  Non Smoker 6/09
                  Tennis Anyone ?


                    anyone else doing AF period before mod?

                    Yes, I agree it's absolutely easier if there is no alcohol in the house. I don't have any wine now, although my husband has vodka - always. But I don't prefer to drink that and only do if I'm in a real 'mood'. So now, with my new rules to only drink on a special occasion, I don't think I'll ever have wine in the house unless we are having company over. My problem is once I open a bottle I can easily drink the whole thing. Didn't always do it, but frequently would drink more than I should. Then I tried the little individual servings of wine. I would buy a four pack and drink all four LOL. I'm happy to say I'm still feeling pretty good this week. I guess I got through that rough patch. Hopefully the rest will be a relatively easy ride!


                      anyone else doing AF period before mod?

                      I'm a newbie with only a few days under my belt, but popped in to see how modding works for people. I intend to take a good month AF before deciding whether I can mod or not, but I don't think it will not be possible to keep wine in the house and have a glass or two a night.
                      I don't think I'll feel much better if I don't drink for weeks and then get smashed once a month. If I can ever moderate my drinking it will be in the nature of only drinking when I go out and no more than two glasses, as long as I can resist the urge to buy a bottle on the way home. If not, I'll have to stay AF. Everybody is different I guess.


                        anyone else doing AF period before mod?

                        Hi Frances! Well I am on week two AF and I am not sure which way I want to go. I sit back and think about it, I want to drink but it isn't overwhelming until I have one. In all actuality, the thought of just one glass of wine sounds like a "tease." I have been lucky to have my husband quit with me and at first it was rough but we are now the best we have ever been! I am nervous because we have some parties to celebrate our marriage coming up and I get uneasy around a lot of people, so I will want to drink then, but I think it best not to. I still can't imagine a life completely AF yet, though. I guess it's just one day at a time! Good luck!


                          anyone else doing AF period before mod?

                          Lent is over

                          Lent is over and after I think it was 47 days AF I had 2 drinks on Easter at a holiday dinner with friends and family. In between the 2 drinks (one before dinner, one with dinner) I had several glasses of water. I felt really good about it. My plan is to only drink on special occasions. In the past I did 30 days AF and went a few months trying to moderate but fell back into daily drinking after a couple of months. I'm hoping my new rule of only drinking on special occasions will help me succeed this time. Here's hoping! I will use drink tracker but my plan is to only post if and when I drink so I can keep track of my weekly/monthly intake.


                            anyone else doing AF period before mod?

                            frances;822132 wrote: Hi - I'm currently doing an AF period before trying modding. Anyone else in that same stage (AF period prior to modding)?
                            Yes, drawng to the close of day 2. Once I break the cycle of binge-hangover-fixer-upper-bing, it's quite easy for me and a 30 day AF something is just what my I need to find some balance.


                              anyone else doing AF period before mod?

                              Hi there
                              I just wondered how you're getting on?
                              I am also wanting to get out of the habit of daily drinking (up to one bottle of wine over the course of the evening). I'm going AF for 14 days and then reassessing.. it may not be long enough. I then plan to only drink on special occassions and not at home (except if we are entertaining which is not that frequent). I hope it's all worked out for you x
                              14 days AF and now modding

                              A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha

