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It is the 17th already!

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    It is the 17th already!

    Good morning all you muffins!! I guess I'll start it today! Nothing so profound except that I was FINALLY AF last night and will (intend to be) be tonight too!! feels to good!! Slept well too!!:happy: I hope all you are doing wel........

    My mother in law just informed us yesterday she is leaving back for Miami today instead of Sunday too (which is pretty helpful)she did help while Mike was recovering, but is more in the way now, so feels it I think. She also drinks like a fish, so it will be easier staying dry while she is gone!:heart:

    I should have a chance to check in a few times depending on which doctor is working near me today, as I only have a few patients, and someone in from a pharmaceutical company to look at my books, whick is tedious.......but all in all, not like yesterday, which didn't turn out half as bad as I was worried it would.

    Love to all and best, positive energy and thoughts to all you muffin gals and men!!:l :h


    It is the 17th already!

    Good Morning All

    Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. Have actually had a couple of good days - I have been back on supplements and can't believe how much they really do help! Slept well last night which is essential for me if I'm going to have a good day and have a good attitude. It's also that time of year around here again when we get can get a string of dreary overcast days and as the days get shorter I am affected with SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I have a little portable "Go" light which sits on my desk every morning - so I'm starting my "sunbathing" as my hubby calls it this morning. I find the bright light every morning for 20 or 30 minutes really helps my mood as well. Hope you all have a great day! You're all such an inspiration and you help so much in helping me not give up!!:l
    Trish In Omaha

    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
    Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
    : Humility.

    "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


      It is the 17th already!

      Hey, all--

      I've decided to stop my rampage as in "no wine at all" today. We'll see.

      Mary Anne, I have been so out of the loop that I wasn't aware until I read some old threads of how sick your husband has been. I hope that he's doing better and that you're finding a little bit of peace. I went through something similar with my own husband a few years back. I was told that my husband would need a heart transplant but he healed so well that as long as he stays out of stressful situations at work he is doing quite well without having undergone the transplant surgery. I know how scary this can be.

      Trish, thanks for the reminder to order more supplements.

      Mike, are you planning to stir things up again around here?



        It is the 17th already!

        Can someone please add to the "once upon a time board" - how am i supposed to win us all the cash and prizes on the "Price is right" all by myself?
        Double sigh.
        Over 4 months AF :h


          It is the 17th already!

          Oh my...never mind, I spoke way too soon...I hadent seen Fan's new post on the "Once upon a time thread...Bravo, Mike, Bravo indeed!
          Over 4 months AF :h


            It is the 17th already!

            Mornin' everybody...OK, today is the day I start making an effort again with moderation. I think I have to go back on the Topamax..I really over did it last night and feel like crap! So, I'll take it this afternoon. It's only been about a month since I've been off of you think I need to start at 25mg..I was thinking of starting at 50.. *sigh*

            I'll be back later..just got to work and have to get started!


              It is the 17th already!

              E, you need an avatar back!!! If you liked your other one, don't listen to us obnoxious people in chat. It is rather regal looking.

              Nothing much to report today. I know, I know, me at a loss for words? Well, yes I am afraid I am. If something profound hits my brain I will check in later. Have a great day all!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                It is the 17th already!

                I wouldnt start at 50mg even if you have been on it before. Just start at the 25 mg and titrate up like before...if anything, maybe you can try 4 or 5 days at 25mg and then go up to 50mg and see how you feel...this is strong stuff so you dont want to feel like crap...dont give up - how high did you go last time?
                Mike you are such a gift to this glad you are here.
                Lusch - everything ok today? Why you so quiet? (prod prod lol)
                Mary Anne - glad you are feeling great my dear - great job last night
                E - yeah I loved your old avator - can you bring it back? It so suited your eloquent style...
                Trish - light makes such a difference for me too!
                eveyrone else - I am trying to think of a topic today....Mike (Fan) actually came up with one on Once upon a time - he made me break out in goose bumps actually. just LOVE him...(If you could choose anything to be- what would it be?? - kinda makes you think about what your version of perfection or what you are truly seeking is....)
                Love all
                Over 4 months AF :h


                  It is the 17th already!

                  I already admitted to having a cybercrush on Fan last night in chat, Jen, so you can join me. We can start a fan club. Get it? Fan club?? Damn I am funny. No nothing is wrong. No prodding neccesary. Just tired, pissed off at my husband for being a man (not that I would want him to be a women, but you know what I mean) and very behind on my work. When I am caught up I will be back to get up to 1000 posts by the 26th. Not sure why that day, just seems like a good number.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    It is the 17th already!

                    OK - we will start a "Fan" club. Damn, Mike, you work quick. How long have you been here??
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      It is the 17th already!

                      Hi Jen,
                      I got up to 200mg but felt awful..and got tired of feeling awful..I played with 150-175, and actually did feel better there...I guess I got 'confident'...Geez!

                      If I could be anything...I would be a mirror on the wall and reflect back to everyone that looked in it their truly divine image. )


                        It is the 17th already!

                        Hey Mike
                        What kind of attorney are you? Just curious - you dont have to say if you dont want to?
                        And where the heck is becca these days??
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          It is the 17th already!

                          Good Morning Sweet Mods! Here's a book!!!

                          What are the odds on this one . . . .my ex's name is Michael and my husband is named Brian? OK, so love you both!

                          It is getting tough to keep up with everyone, but here goes because I know the rest of the week, I will not have time for any individual recognition.

                          Soccermom, Mary - I know you will get through this. Rather a busy and crazy time of year for teachers don't you think? The attitudes have changed the heavy duty studying is expected etc.

                          Judie - The pics from Telluride were wonderful - so beautiful up there. I could understand go for a day, stay for 20 years! We are thinking one of the trips to take this winter is up skiing. since I tore my PCL, we have to figure out what to do with me while hubby and kids go off skiing and snow boarding. I was like any resort that has a spa, massages, exercise room, give me a good book and I will be a happy camper taking photos and doing sketches.

                          Mary Anne, good for you on the AF. It does feel good. Those proud morning moments go for quite awhile, long enough I think to break the habit and see the good health in all of this.

                          Dilayne - Very profound thoughts on success. Thanks for sharing them.

                          Waves - I agree, I was away for the weekend and just reading all I missed took a bit of time! I know you are doing well, your drink counter shows you trying really hard on this! I am proud of your efforts.

                          Lush - Glad your physical went well! Very Good news!

                          Eustacia - I am so sorry this is happening. You do crack me up, who in their right mind would get into with a trial attorney. Oh, yeah, they were born to fight it out their words as their swords. I wish you peace of mind and body so you can come to a happier place for yourself.

                          Mike - I think you have quite a bit of insight to offer. I think you will come out on top of this problem, your attitude is awesome!

                          Jenneh - Sweet Jen, yes, start your own practice, the Universe can bring you the peace of mind that financially you can do this. I am happiest working for myself. Boy do I put in some major hours though!! OH, and wonderful on your drink count!! WAAAAAAAAHOOOOOO!

                          Rachele - I think you are doing well on your topa. Looks like you are really working on this and you are right, any desire to drink at this point is probably related to the emotional and habitual side of it. I think you are doing just great!!

                          Becca -happy that you are doing this run and staying in shape for it. Good for you! I am in AWE! I am a swimmer and diver at heart, catch me on a bike a sailboat or whatever, NEVER catch me on a track, even when I had a knee!

                          Allie - Love to you and your family. Healing thoughts coming your way.

                          Laura - Hope all is going well for you. Wanting to hear from you. Your drink counter says you are doing wonderfully!

                          Trish - happy to see you here. It is tough but I am so glad you are hanging in and coming back to battle this.

                          Precious - How are you doing today? You have a great attitude!

                          Mary 8305, Brian, Pussy Cat and anyone else, I didn't mention - glad to see you here and hope you all have a very successful week!

                          I am doing well overall. AF last night and I rode the bike. It amazes me how quickly my body can get back out of sync with not exercising as regularly while my dad was back in the hospital. Takes a bit more out of me to get my body back to 30 minutes, at a faster pace. I have one of those tremendous sinus headaches this morning. Doesn't seem fair being AF and having such a headache!! Have already taken one benadryl - talk about feeling like you are on topa!!

                          My parents are doing OK, both of them are quite thin, but my dad's spirit to fight for life is back and immediately that takes stress off my mom. thanks for your support and thanks for asking!!

                          Love you all,


                            It is the 17th already!

                            Did you know that lawyers/attorneys have the highest rates of alcoholism of any profession?
                            Interesting eh?
                            I used to practice family law and personal injury (as well as some employment law and estate litigation) Now I do in-house corporate/commercial contracts stuff. Very boring - i might want to get back into litigation - you like the litigation stuff eh? I used to find that Judges pissed me off with their arbitrary decision making and their holier than thou attitutes. But now I am finding that the corporate hierarchy is even more infuriating.
                            Over 4 months AF :h


                              It is the 17th already!

                              Mary, you amaze me with remembering everyone personally. You are a good soul. My prayers are with you and your parents. GOod job on not choosing alcohol to deal with it.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

