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Hi, new to modding and want advice

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    Hi, new to modding and want advice

    Hi there,

    Some of you may know me already but those that don't I finished an AF time of almost 4 months which ended in December. At that time I started to have the odd drink, but didn't give moderation the respect and effort it deserves. I had a couple of binges that left me thinking I needed to quit for good.

    However after much thought and consideration, I know I have a bingeing problem that is what I need to work on. Has anyone out there gone from the odd binge to modding? I don't drink everyday or weekly for that matter, it's once I do I get all woohoo let's party...I need to control that part.

    So, here I am on my modding journey - I had a successful mod period for over a year before and then I was thrown some curve balls in life that made me spiral a bit.

    My plan is first get the drinktracker, second not drink wine - the only time I will allow that is when we visit Paris which we plan to in 3 years. I am only going to drink light beer, no hard liquor, no shots.

    My goal is to never have a hangover again and to never black out, be ashamed and regret my choice to try and mod.

    Well, here I am I could use some advice especially from anyone who binged in the past and has conquered that.

    Hi, new to modding and want advice

    Peace, I was an every day drinker and have now gotten that under control. I only drink a night or two a week, and usually it's just one. I've been able to stick to that and amazingly, it's not an effort.

    I don't really have any tips on bingeing but there are good books on it you can get through Amazon. Sorry I can't remember the titles, but I've looked at them on Amazon and they have very specific, concrete methods on modding.

    I post here daily unless I'm out of town. I was on the AF threads when you were (used to be Choochie but changed to KG after I found yoga and decided to mod........).

    So, I'm here for support. Unfortunately people don't post here regularly, so you don't get a lot of feedback. I don't know if it's that they go away because they're not successful, or if they don't post because they're doing well and don't need any help????

    I find it helpful so I keep checking in.

    Just a couple of questions re your bingeing. Can you design your social settings where you leave early so you can't get on a roll? Seems like there should be some ways to circumvent staying too long and getting that full head of steam going if you know what I mean!!



      Hi, new to modding and want advice

      Hi KG,

      Great to connect again. I am very committed to modding with more AF days than not. I will not make drinking a Thurs-Sun habit as before my AF time, but rather have a few here and there.

      I know these boards aren't as busy, but will continue to visit to keep on track these first months of modding.

      Funny, I was thinking of changing my name, I have found my peace and have started meditating in addition to my regular workouts.


        Hi, new to modding and want advice

        Peace, I've started mediating too. I find it a very powerful tool, and get a lot from it. I think it's important to know how to "disconnect" or feel like you're "one with the universe." That may sound corny, but there is something to it IMHO.

        Re name/avatar changing. I like the symbolism of it.....When you feel a profound internal change, somehow it seems fitting to change the exterior symbols...........

        Well, do come post your progress here. I'd like to keep up with how you're doing. And, of course, if I can ever help just let me know. It sounds like you have a plan. I hope you can do it because controlling how much we drink is in some ways easier that the constant mental struggle that goes along with telling ourselves that we can never drink. I would rather struggle with modding than struggle with a lifetime of abstinence.

        Having said that, though,..................I really feel sure that if I get to a negative place again with drinking that I will be able to stop. I wish that for you too but hope you'll go back to AF if you get in a bad way again.



          Hi, new to modding and want advice

          Thanks KG,
          That is my plan, moderation but if it gets out of hand then total abstinence.

          I tried to change my username with no luck.

          It sounds like we are in the same place, spiritually with the meditation, I think it is wonderful and need to devote more time to it. I went out with workmates last night and didn't even want a drink and had soda water. If I was abstaining I would probably felt like I was missing out. I feel the same as you, would rather stick to a mod plan than to be totally AF.



            Hi, new to modding and want advice

            Peace, I totally hear you! That's how my brain works too. Tell me I absolutely can't have it and I want it. Tell me, here you go have all you want, and I back off. I think there's something innate in human beings and other animals that makes them this way. It probably relates to power and control. My cat is even this way. If she thinks you're going to close the door to a room she's in, she doesn't want to stay there. If you don't close the door, she's happy to stay -- just wants an escape route I suppose. None of us likes the feeling of being trapped. We want to do something on our own volition.

            So, after all that examination..........let's make sure we don't compromise our ability to moderate!!

            I'll be out of town until next Thursday so I won't be posting or logging on from Saturday afternoon through Wednesday. I'll catch up with you when I get back. Be a good girl...........

            Oh, BTW, I changed my username by getting another MWO account. To do that, you'll need another e-mail account which means you'll have to get another e-mail address. Just get a free one like hotmail. Then you too can have a split personality like me! LOL:H We can call ourselves the schizo sisters..........short for schizophrenic. Hey, we gotta have a sense of humor and not take life too seriously...........



              Hi, new to modding and want advice

              :H SS....
              Have a wonderful trip. I was very successful on my first friday modding, had 3 light beer and was very content with that.

              I feel amazing and like I have finally found the path I should be on. :h


                Hi, new to modding and want advice

                Schizy Sissy, me too. Glad we can be here for each other -- support is so helpful -- just someone to check in with, recap the night or week before, etc.

                Congrats on getting it together -- let's keep it that way!

                See you Thursday............



                  Hi, new to modding and want advice

                  Peacefull;1061729 wrote: My goal is to never have a hangover again and to never black out, be ashamed and regret my choice to try and mod.
                  I definitely like your goals and think I am going to switch mine to the same. Sometimes it seems I feel self defeated when I post I will only drink so much during the week and then things come up (birthday dinner tonight), girl's party at a wine cellar tomorrow night where they're selling purses, jewelry, candles and of course the number per week doesn't always work and then I feel discouraged.

                  My new goals will be the same - no hangover again which will mean the amount per night is kept in check! And KG, I liked your quote:
                  I would rather struggle with modding than struggle with a lifetime of abstinence.
                  Look forward to "hanging with you" and supporting each other here. Sometimes, too many different posts get tough to follow so don't forget about Ruby Tuesday thread to post goals for the week and discuss how the week went.
                  "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                  ~Jack Welsh~:h

                  God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                    Hi, new to modding and want advice

                    That's great Eve, I know what you mean about trying to follow many threads. I am sticking to the mod threads and especially the monthly ones. I find the drink tracker helps me as I like the visual.

                    Looking forward to getting to know you:thanks:

