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March On Moderators

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    March On Moderators

    Hey fellow modders,

    Somehow some MWO posts come directly to my phone (which inspire me to come here) and others don't. Does anyone know how to correct that so I get all of the messages? I've never been the most computer saavy person here. keeps me busy and if I don't see new posts on the blackberry I tend not to check in. But, new month and figured I'd better stop by to say hello and see if anyone started our March thread.

    Let's keep marching on moderators and sharing our experiences and hanging here to support each other.

    As always, big :l
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    March On Moderators

    Funny, I was thinking of Marching On as a new thread title

    I am doing well, had my book club meeting last night and decided to have a couple glasses of wine. Wine was my downfall, but I really do enjoy it, so I thought that I need to retrain myself to drink it "normally" and I did I had two glasses and a light beer and didn't want anymore. Didn't feel buzzed, just had a wonderful discussion with my friends over a few drinks and some snacks. The only thing is, like you KG, it affects my sleep even at a small amount. On that note I won't be imbibing on wine frequently, but I will enjoy a glass at my book club every once in a while.

    This is a learning journey and my goal, never to be hungover again is reigning true and learning to moderate on all aspects is another goal. I have always been all or nothing and I want to break that cycle.

    Have a great Wednesday,


      March On Moderators

      Sorry - didn't see this and started a new one -- just ignore........I wasn't able to delete it, either. When I was a paying member I could delete threads, but not now. Hmmm

      Anyway, hi again everyone.

      Peace, I agree that we're all still learning about modding. However, I feel like I'm really progressing and getting better and better. I'm not obsessing anymore. I'm not totally where I don't think about it, but it's a whole new world to be sure.

      RC - can you tell us more about your business? Are you remodeling/ building? I know it's a natural store of some type - is it food or just herbs/supplements?

      Eve, sorry I don't know anything about getting messages on your phone. Could it have to do with which threads you're actually subscribed to versus those you're not?

      I haven't had any alcohol this week and have really felt good. I know I sound like a broken record, but my sleep is incredible. Peace, yes, wine is the worst for sleep.

      March on, girls. Keep up the good work.




        March On Moderators

        Hi Eve, Peace and KG. Eve I believe the more restrictions we put on ourselves the more our spirit can rebel. We must recognize saturation points and be pro active though.
        I too am not sure that I have "arrived".
        KG~I've leased my premises since 2001. I'm constantly in negotiations with landlord, suppliers, and gov't at this time when it comes to my business. More importantly, I'm vying for placement in my childrens' lives. I could write volumes there. I am passionate about natural health and currently transitioning into a more concentrated focus on health related products and services. Looking to renovate for the purpose of offering infrared sauna, bio feedback and other detox therapies. I can do it!
        Hope you're all having a good night. xo

        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

        St. Francis of Assisi


          March On Moderators

          Happy Friday All,

          looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend with lots of reading, cooking and cleaning (I like to clean, I put my mp3 player on and am in my own little world lol)

          Feeling amazing actually in the fact that I am finally stopped struggling. RC I am like that the more restrictions I put on myself the more uncomfortable I feel.

          I had 3 light beers last night and was very content with that. As long as I stick to light beer for the most part - I know there will be times when I will have a glass and I know it only has to be one glass of wine, my sleep was awful the other night with only 2 glasses. Anyway, I never suffer any ill effects from light beer and it fills me up fast so I don't drink lots.

          Well, off to start my day. Have a wonderful one all, not sure if I will be on the computer much this weekend, but will check in Monday morning for sure.


            March On Moderators

            Happy Friday Everyone,

            Had another AF night, and I swear my sleep just gets better. Do you remember how deeply you slept as a teenager before you drank? Well, that's what I'm experiencing. Amazing stuff. A real motivator too!!

            RC, wow, what you're doing sounds really exciting. Hope it all works out - especially the re-establishing of a relationship with your kids.

            Peace, rock on and get that house really clean. You know, it's weird, but I like to clean too. Or, more than that, I like a clean house!

            Eve, how long do you have before you finish school? I think you're already a nurse, right? Can't remember what you're studying right now.

            We don't have much planned for this weekend. The weather is wonderful here, so maybe we'll get outside a bit.

            Best to you all,


              March On Moderators

              Happy Friday KG and Peace!
              Looks like we are the Three Muskateer Moderators for the most part.
              Enjoyed my wine last night. Just a chillin night--nothing too exciting or noteworthy. Interesting that people say they don't dream when they drink and are so exciting to start dreaming again. I find that I dream more after a few drinks. I was dreaming of excel sheets last night and I don't even work with them much! lol
              Will you gals come and clean my house please? I hate housework--but I do like a clean house. What a conundrum.....
              Thanks for the excitement for my goals and best wishes with my daughter. I am going to visit her this Sunday. It is for a Pampered Chef Party but is still the first time being in her home. I'm so looking forward to it!
              Have a good evening ladies. xo

              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

              St. Francis of Assisi


                March On Moderators

                Four Muskateers! Ha ha
                Happy March to all.
                I had three drinks out last night and I am grateful and suprised that nowadays I am unhappy with that amount ( especially on a work night! ). My March moderation plan is to never drink more than 2 and no booze in the house , cos I really do not need the 3rd and Health guidelines for women dictates that I should stop at 2.
                Once again, I really feel a small miracle has occurred. I had lost all hope and told the world that I was an alcoholic ( a word I always felt very detached from ) but I think it was/is more so very bad wiring, in my case. It is still going to take much commitment and a strong desire to change on my front in order for success but if I used to be able to have 15 pints of beer or 3 bottles of wine in a night I am sure I can manage this!!!
                Poor body : ( Never again. Your body works so hard for you each day it is so sad to inflict such poison on it. Love your liver ha ha Maybe I will start a ' Love your Liver ' campaign and visit high schools! : )
                Have a great positive and progressive March. It's a busy one for me ( new job, new country, ) and I certainly have no time for hangovers.
                SJ xxx :h
                I am Perfectly Imperfect!


                  March On Moderators

                  Hi Girls - Good Saturday morning to you all!

                  Not too much going on in my world right now. I think we've decided to stay put and not move to Santa Fe. Somehow just can't fathom going through such a huge life-change at this point in my life. RC, we were discussing this on another thread. Maybe in a couple of years we could look at buying a little condo somewhere just to enjoy a change of weather, but for now I think it's off the table. Every time I think of moving I realize how good what I have is, and I can't do it. (We seriously thought about moving one other time but didn't do it for the same reasons, really). You know, the problem is that you can't really know what it's like to live in a place until you live there -- vacations just don't do it. Then, if you're leaving something really special (like my home), you've taken a huge risk (not to mention the stress of a big move, getting jobs, etc). I think I've convinced my husband to play more golf as a way to get his jollies. I'm really content and am happy to have reached this decision (again). Anyhoo............that's my dilemma (resolved) for the moment. Other than that, all quiet on my front.

                  Gidget, glad you're visiting this thread more regularly. Are you still traveling? Are you working abroad? Would love to hear more if you have the time. Also, you know these drinking guidelines you mention are an interesting topic. I think they're actually 1 drink for women per day. I'm always cofused by this kind of stuff. First, I'm not sure I really trust the people who establish the guidelines. Second, I'm not sure exactly what they base this stuff on. I read so much conflicting information! Anyway, it sounds like you know exactly what you want to achieve for yourself, which is good. I too feel like I've had a pretty miraculous little switch in my life. I don't think I'll ever go back to daily drinking because I'm so happy with the way I'm feeling. I too am relieved to think that I'm not an alcoholic. And, I truly don't think I am. You know, I think a Love Your Liver campaign would be a great one. No one ever talked to me about the detrimental impact of alcohol when I was young - EVER. Never a discussion in my high school, never anything from friends/family. Everyone was oblivious I guess.

                  RC, does your daughter live in the same town? Can't wait to hear how your first visit to her home goes. I really hope you're able to reconnect with her. She needs you!! She'll really need you when she starts having babies (if she hasn't already).

                  Peace, hope all is well in your world. Eve, hi to you if you stop by.

                  Will probably have my first al of the week tonight - nice dinner out with hubs. Such a relief to think I have this option -- want to control it so I can continue it!!



                    March On Moderators

                    MOrning Ladies.
                    Basically what KG said.
                    No al last night or tonight. Want a fresh start for the 2.5 hour drive tomorrow. Supposed to be nice (of course cold) and I like driving as a rule.
                    On the topic of how much is moderation, I did have to stop making wine and have it readily available. And living alone I am sure to finish a bottle by myself. While some would not consider this moderation, it is my way of control and keeping myself out of trouble. Not drinking everyday and taking good care of myself otherwise feels pretty ok to me.
                    All the best for your weekends!

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      March On Moderators

                      Not sure if that was a question or not KG but I have no grandbabies yet. Not for some time I hope. One, I think they're too young yet and two, I want to be involved by then!

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        March On Moderators

                        RC, yes that's really good if you can re-establish the relationship before the grandbabies!! Hope you have a really good time Sunday. And good for you for having some AF days - I'm a firm believer in them now that I've done it both ways!!



                          March On Moderators

                          Thanks KG. Do you have children? Yes, I don't know if I could ever go back to a couple of glasses of wine every night. As I said, I'm content with how things are going. xo

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            March On Moderators

                            RC, no kids. Was sterilized from an IUD when I was in my early 20s (gotta love modern medicine). Oh, BTW, meant to mention. To subscribe to any e-mail you post on:

                            Go to User CP/Edit Options (left side of screen)/Default Thread Subscription Mode

                            Then, in the drop down box, select anything except the default, which is Do Not Subscribe. I choose no e-mail notification and then just go to my User CP every time I log in. Any thread that has been added to since I last posted will be listed there. Then you just click and go to that thread.

                            Hope that helps.



                              March On Moderators

                              KG I'm really sorry about the medical f*ck up.:l It's criminal what the pharmaceutical company's get a way with. I think for the most part doctors are simple pawns that have been brainwashed to endorse the propaganda.:damn:

                              I will see if this techno newbie can tackle that KG. Thanks! xo

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi

