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    I was just thinking about how when drinking regularly decisions in various arenas can be affected. For example-I can recall my company considering my group working four 10 hour days. I thought at the time-well yeah! More drinking time!
    There are thought processes going on all the time about drinking whether we are aware of them or not. Decisions are made based on drinking convenience, again, whether we can consciously see that and admit it or not.
    This is another week for out of town colleagues hanging out all over the place. It is so nice to be home and stable and not out in the middle of the madness.

    When I used to travel for this company I was all over the world, and it was VERY easy to finish working by 4 or 5 and have a lavish expense account dinner with cocktails. MANY drunken episodes there! SOOOO nice to be out of that mess!

    A rambling post I know .*sigh*. Just grateful to be here, and glad to know that the office trash talk will be swirling,no doubt, but not about me. I hope all my peeps out there have fun and no harm comes to anyone. I wasn't the only lunatic in the group.

    One more thing. Friday my doc said he was concerned about my lungs, and there was no point in doing a chest xray due to the cardiac "shadow" that you get, which you do and I knew what he meant. So he says we'll do a CT if you don't get better;email and let me know. Coughing, still sick, I email and say let's go ahead with the CT ASAP.
    He writes back that insurance probably won't go for it--let's start with a chest xray!
    JEEEZZZZ-make up your mind! At any rate, I'll go do the chest xray and we'll see. There's a twist to this story. My work is in nuclear medicine and CT applications. I know the difference between good and bad images etc. My doc has a crappy Chinese-made CT scanner in his building, off of which he makes $$. He knows I will go to the better scanner down the street so it makes me wonder about his backing down on the CT. He knows as well as I do that if I can have a scan that can resolve a lesion down to .5 mm as opposed to 3mm-??? I think I'll take the better resolution any day.
    But patients are supposed to be good little sheep with no opinions. Sorry guys I just got an a little roll here tonight


    Ann, thoughtful post! I can relate to drinking whole life revolved around drinking. My entire day, every day, was thought out so I could drink in the evening. If anything got in the way of that, it was taken off the table.

    Re the scan, that is scary on several levels. Will you please keep us posted and let us know as you find out things? We care about you. :lilheart:



      Drinking is not a good habit it cause a number a problems if you drink alcohol regularly. But you can drink once in a month if you felt quit depression because it also cause the mentally sickness but alcohol have its own side effect.

