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The Adventures of Lulu - Louise L Hay

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    The Adventures of Lulu - Louise L Hay

    BRILLIANT! One for the kids by Louise L Hay - I adore her!

    Three stories to help build self esteem and courage in children.

    Lulu and the ant - a message of love

    Lulu and willy the duck - learning mirror work

    Lulu and the dark - Conquering fears

    "As parents, it's important that we instill in our children a sense of independence, power and the knowledge that they can make a difference in the outcome of today's world. Nuture your child as well as yourself. Remember, nobody has the 'perfect child' or the 'perfect parent'.

    I love reading this one to the kids, they sing the affirmations all day long!
    :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
    Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...

    The Adventures of Lulu - Louise L Hay

    Well *I* have the perfect child... but I'll buy the book anyway -- you know... just to keep a double check. lol

    Thanks for this recommendation Tah. I'm going to look this one up on ebay and try and get this one now!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      The Adventures of Lulu - Louise L Hay

      Hi TaLula, for what age are the Lulu books for? I don't have perfect kids but DO have perfect neice (aged 4) and perfect nephew (aged nearly 2) and am of course the Perfect Aunt..... No seriously I do believe that the earlier you teach bairns to ie, heal themselves,take responsibilty etc etc etc... so any wisdom is a bonus to me/them . PS very 'hands on aunty'..

      Lorna xx
      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        The Adventures of Lulu - Louise L Hay

        Hello Lorna, this is one book with the three stories in it. Honestly, I would say any age for this one. Check it out through or amazon. Wayne Dyer has some great books for kids as well - Incredible You, 10 ways to let your greatness shine through & Unstoppable me, 10 ways to soar through life, you might want to check these out as well! Good luck!

        :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
        Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


          The Adventures of Lulu - Louise L Hay


          Hey, there -

          I am a longtime fan of Louise Hay, and have a few of her books. I also have her affirmations on my wall, and am seeing a Science of Mind Counselor once a week.

          Ms. Hay's works are a big part of why I have done pretty well in life, and why I believe I can overcome my problems. My Counselor is a wonderful lady.

          I'm big into inner-child concepts. I am a tough-girl on the outside, but I am in touch with my inner child.

          I think it's really important to be a good self-parent, in a positive way.


          "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt

