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Buddhist Teaching about God

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    Buddhist Teaching about God

    Buddhist Teaching about God
    The Conservative View
    Gautama taught nothing about God. He refused even to deny or affirm God's existence. He definitely denied that he himself was divine.
    Instead his teachings were designed to obtain relief from suffering by means of human effort alone. Original and conservative Buddhism involves neither faith nor worship, neither prayer nor praise nor forgiveness of sins.
    In that sense, conservative Buddhism is not really a religion but a moral philosophy designed to overcome suffering.
    The Liberal View

    Liberal Buddhists do accept existence of Deity, an absolute Supreme Being or power.
    In fact they deify Gautama Buddha as divine, even though he himself denied it!
    They teach that many other men achieve enlightenment as Gautama did. These are also deified as Buddhas or Bodhisattvas (see pt. IV). They believe all men have the power or potential to become Buddhas and be deified. Various groups emphasize different deities, some of which are equivalent to Hindu deities.
    Prayers and worship are offered to Buddhas, including use of images
    Note the contrast between conservative teaching and liberals.

    B. The Bible Teaching.

    God exists.

    In contrast to conservative Buddhism, which teaches nothing about God's existence, the Bible says that the very existence of the universe demonstrates God's existence.
    Psalm 19:1 - "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork."
    Romans 1:20 - Though God is invisible, His power and divinity can be seen through the things that are made.
    Every effect must have an adequate cause. The only adequate explanation for the universe is that it was made by a Supreme Being, more wise and powerful than we are.
    Furthermore, miracles, fulfilled prophecy, and the resurrection of Jesus all prove God exists. Such supernatural events cannot happen but by the power of one far greater than man.
    The purpose of religion is that man might have a right relationship with God.

    Buddhism originally had nothing to do with God. Yet serving God and having a proper relationship with Him is the whole point of true religion.
    Ecclesiastes 12:13 - The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commands.
    Ephesians 1:7-9 - The will and purpose of God was to redeem man by the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus.
    The whole basis and origin of Buddhism was religion without God. But religion without God is like an ocean without water or a meal without food. It violates the whole meaning and purpose of religion.
    There is only one supreme and true God.
    In contrast to liberal Buddhism, which teaches there are many gods, the Bible teaches there is one God, the God of the Bible.
    Deuteronomy 6:4 - "The Lord our God is one Lord" (KJV).
    Matthew 4:10 - "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him ONLY shalt thou serve." We are not to worship many
    gods, nor any god other than Jehovah. [2 Corinthians 6:18; Colossians 1:19-22]
    In particular, the use of images is forbidden.

    Isaiah 42:8 - Jehovah refuses to allow anyone else to receive the glory which is due to Him. He refuses to allow His praise to go to graven images.
    Furthermore, man cannot be divine and cannot become God.

    Ezekiel 28:2,6-10 - God brings a curse on any man who claims to be God.
    Conservative Buddhism contradicts the Bible evidence that God exists and that the purpose of religion is to please God. Liberal Buddhism contradicts the Bible teaching that there is one
    God, that graven images are forbidden, and that man is not
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