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Buddhist/Bible Teaching on Destiny of man

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    Buddhist/Bible Teaching on Destiny of man

    Buddhist Teaching on Destiny of man
    Rebirth (reincarnation)
    Buddhists believe that, when a man dies, he will return to live as another human on earth. The cycle of birth and rebirth continues indefinitely until one is "released."
    Regarding the spirit of man, conservatives believe man has no spirit or inner part that lives after death. Only the consequences of past deeds (karma) lives from life to life. Liberals believe man has a spirit that continues from life to life.
    Karma (action)
    Everything (good or bad) that happens to a man is the result of his conduct in previous lives. What happens in future lives is determined by his actions now.
    Nothing is really a result of a person's environment, the acts of others, or the work of God. All is payment for what the person himself did in the past.
    Nirvana (release)
    Conservative Buddhists believe that the ultimate goal of man is to be released from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. This is a state of rest without continuation of earthly desires. Whether or not this state is conscious is not defined. They deny annihilation, but they also deny existence as individuals distinct from others.
    Liberal Buddhists do believe in a concept of conscious happiness.

    B. The Bible Teaching on destiny of man
    Man lives and dies (physically) only once.
    Hebrews 9:27 - It is appointed to man once to die. [Ecclesiastes 12:7]
    After death, comes resurrection, the reunion of our spirit with our own body.
    James 2:26 - The body
    without the spirit
    is dead
    . Death is separation of the spirit from the body.
    1 Corinthians 15:22,23 - All die
    as a result of Adam's sin; as a result of Jesus, all
    live again
    . Resurrection is the opposite of death, hence the spirit is reunited with the body.
    We do not become another person, but are resurrected as ourselves. This happens at Jesus' second coming
    . It is not something that happens repeatedly before His return nor that happens for different people at different times.
    Then comes judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

    Man lives one
    life then dies. At Jesus' return, the spirit is reunited with the body and man is judged for that one life. There is no other life on earth and no other chance to please God after this life. We must obey in this
    life to have hope. [2 Corinthians 5:10]
    Then we enter our eternal rewards.

    Matthew 25:31-46 - The wicked go to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
    Control the Mind