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What I believe...

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    What I believe...

    This is a real struggle for me. In times of great stress I pray and leave it to "God's" will. My daughter needed open heart surgery at 5 weeks, my parents died when I needed them still (what an awfully selfish thing to say).I still believe.... I can't cope with the boredom of life and I do'not believe....I drink??????????

    What I believe...

    Atox, it is hard to believe in God, especially if the people we depended on so much as young children were not able to be there for us..we may really want to believe, but deep down inside it feels like a lie. I've struggled with that myself. I have to remind myself that God is much bigger and more vast and mysterious than any person, and that there is much greater meaning to things that happen..and life itself, than we can see. Just trying to wrap my head around the great mystery itself has made life far from boring for me. You are not alone in your has asked similar questions since the beginning of time. Seek the meaning of God for it deeply and the seeking can bring great meaning and purpose to your life. Sometimes we seek the answers in the bottle..'the spirits'..God let's us, I believe, because he gave us the will, and that sometimes we find God by finding where he is not first.


      What I believe...

      Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me...... I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see...

      Love to you.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

