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A piece of cake

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    A piece of cake

    :h Sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God have to do this to me?" Here is a wonderful explanation! A daughter is telling her Mother how everything is going wrong, she's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away.

    Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the daughter says, "Absolutely Mom, I love your cake."

    "Here, have some cooking oil," her Mother offers. "Yuck" says her daughter.

    "How about a couple raw eggs?" "Gross, Mom!"

    "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?" "Mom, those are all yucky!"

    To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!

    God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!

    God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.

    Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.

    If you like this, send this on to the people you really care about. I did.

    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    A piece of cake

    He has quite a recipe going on me...wonder what he could possibly make out of the mess I've made???
    Control the Mind


      A piece of cake

      Let's see.........
      Are you any worse than David was???
      He was a mess, you know!
      And what about Peter?
      When Jesus arose from the dead He said"Go tell my disciples and Peter.
      Peter was the only one named because God wanted him to know that even though he had denied Jesus three times, he was still important to Him.
      There will be dark times in our lives, Rocky. We all have them. Sometimes it helps me to remember that when it is the darkest it may be because He has "covered me with His hand to protect me." He knows your name too!
      :l Nancy

      I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. - Isaiah 45:3

      "I have never been in this place before. It is new ground for me, and I find I am way out of my comfort zone. I am scared to death to trust Him at this level. I had to confess to the Lord I have not been able to accept or believe His love for me in this area." Those were the words I expressed to a friend when I was in a difficult place in my life. That day when I confessed those words, God led me to this passage of Scripture.

      What we perceive as dark periods in our lives are designed to be treasures from God. They are actually riches stored in secret places. We cannot see those times in this light because of the often-accompanying pain or fear that prevents us from accepting these times as treasures. They have a particular purpose from God's viewpoint: " that you may know that I am the Lord...who summons you by name."

      You see, unless we are cast into times in which we are completely at God's mercy for breakthroughs in our lives, we will never experience God's faithfulness in those areas. We will never know how personal He is, or that He can be trusted to meet the deepest needs in our lives. God wants each of us to know that we are "summoned by name." Every hair of our head is numbered. He knows every activity we are involved in. His love for you and me knows no bounds, and He will take every opportunity to demonstrate this to us.

      Has God brought you into a place of darkness? Trust Him today to reveal that hidden treasure that can be found in this darkness. Let Him summon you by name.
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        A piece of cake

        Thanks Nancy, Just a brilliant ya xx mum xx
        Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....

