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    Dear Blue,

    I know exactly how you are feeling right now... A similar thing happened to me back in Feburary and it cut me to pieces.. I was off the boards for about two weeks, I felt very hurt and wounded and I was determined I wasn't going to come back here..

    After a few days had passed a lot of the members started to wonder about my whereabouts and started posting asking me to come back I also received numerous PM's offering me support....

    As I said it took about two weeks for me to heal, and the reason I did was because I realised that if I threw in the towel and stayed away for good then that person who had hurt me would have WON.. Now I can't begin to tell you how glad I am that I had the strength of character to override the comments made to me and come back here..

    The constant support, friendship and love to be found here in this group is second to none, sure, like any family we have our arguments and fallings out, but we are ALWAYS there for each other to offer a helping hand..

    I have read all you have posted in the Newbies post and you are such a positive person who is there for everyone, you respond to the posts of others with a positive attitude and from a lot of the comments in the Newbies thread you are a very important member of this community..

    Now answer me honestly Blue, are you willing to throw all that away for the sake of one sick indivdual who hasn't even got the courage to say publicly what they said to you in a PM ??? I very much hope not..

    So please Blue come back on here, your friends need you..

    Waiting in hope, Louise :h :h :h
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


    I have no idea what happened but I hate it when anyone leaves with hurt feelings. Don't ever give your power away!!!

    Hope to see you back soon blue!




      So glad you posted that .Could not have said it better.

      I also thought it might be useful for Bluesky to get some feedback on this from older members as i think things like this might happen from time to time.

      I find this site to be mostly positive, who knew such wonderful alcohlolics existed? i sure didn't.

      one of my fave threads has been the newbies in need thread, partly due to the energy and positivity of people like bluesky and janice who are active there and start the thread every day. the best success i have had occurred when i was onthat thread every day.

      Bluesky you are soo soo positive. who knows why this person sent such a nasty and uncalled for message to someone who is so positive. for all we know, the person was drunk at the time. I have seen a few apologetic posts here from people who can't remember what they have written the previous night!! we just don't know. we do know that most people here are nice. your posts seem so much in keeping with the ethics of the website. Nastiness is not the norm.

      I hope you come back for sure!

      and for those of you who see something you don't like or are not into, why not just find a thread you do like? don't drag others down. there is so much to choose from here.

      stay positive!



        Hi Bluesky,
        i don't know what happened but please don't worry, it does happen in 'real' life too.

        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

        Marilyn Monroe



          Hi Bluesky, I don't know what happened either but I do know what happens when someone sends you a nasty pm - I had that happen to me on another site (nothing to do with alcohol) and felt very hurt. I agree with everybody here that your positive and caring attitude is an inspiration to us struggling on the foothills of recovery.

          Please let all the voices here supporting you be the ones you listen to, not the one unpleasant one.

          Take lots of care,



            Hi Bluesky,

            Have been away for a few days so am also unaware of the problem - but I've been around the site for a while and know that things can get misconstrued, or just plain unpleasant - I do know that if someone upset me through a PM I would find it difficult to continue as I need to feel comfortable here, not judged or criticised. What we also need to remember, though, is that one person does not determine what this site is, nor does one person have all the answers, and nor does one person have the right to judge, cristicise or undermine us as individuals. Eleanor Roosevelt said a wonderful thing about no-one have the ability to make us feel bad unless we let them - take that power away and reclaim it! See this site for what it is - flaws and all - and don't allow one small individual the power to take this away. We're here for each other so please continue - your being here is valued... :l
            :rays: Arial

            Last first day - 15th April 2012
            Days 1-7 DONE
            Days 8-14 DONE
            Days 15-21 DONE
            30 days DONE
            60 days
            100 days



              I don't know what happened to Bluesky but just today I got a PM that said:

              For god's sake quit it with the blatant hypochondria, you constantly block up the boards!!!!

              It was from JAMBOREE.

              You can imagine how upset that made me. But then I remembered hearing that Bluesky also got a nasty PM. I wonder if there is some jerk infiltrating here and trying to mess up the great thing we have going. We need to all be open about this or it could ruin this for a lot of people. Or does everyone agree I am a hypochondriac? If you want me to leave the boards, just let me know-- but please do it openly and not in a cowardly and meanspirited way like jamboree did. thanks.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                You really MUST come back, for all our sakes. I loved reading your posts, as you`re so upbeat, despite fighting the booze, like the rest of us. You are bigger and better than a vindictive pm. You are a shining light , and we all want you to come back, with all that amazing energy and positivity you ooze.

                You are certainly not a hypochondriac, you are merely someone who is going through all the physical and psychological changes that we are all experiencing, as we try to kick the booze. Your input on the boards is fantastic, so please don`t let that wicked pm upset you.

                I think overall, someone is perhaps having a little `fun`, which is unfortunately being directed at our members. So, let us all make a pact here and now, that we won`t allow ourselves to be upset at all by nasty pms. We will rise above any of that nonsense, and remain as we are.................A FANTASTIC GROUP OF TRUE FRIENDS!!!!!!

                I love you all,

                Starlight Impress



                  Bluesky. I am very sad to have not seen your posts the last couple days.

                  You are one of the people that inspired me to start out and here I am 2 whole days AF. I even clearly remember everything that happened the last two nights.

                  Please come back.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    BLUESKY YOU HAVE TO COME BACK

                    Well, I advised bluesky to alert the administrator to this because I think the PM was abusive. It wasn't just a critical PM, it was more like a personal attack. Beatle, that PM sounds awful and unfair too. I feel upset about this.

                    I think we need some advice from old-timers here!


                      BLUESKY YOU HAVE TO COME BACK

                      Well I hope I'm not breaking a confidence here but Bluesky PM'd me on Friday night asking me for some advice as she had received a very nasty PM from someone signing themselves as ANON, they had no record of any posts so it seems as if someone registered under that name just to send that PM..

                      I advised her to ignore it but said if it happened again to get in touch with Roberta Jewell and she if she could help..

                      Now it seems to have happened to beatle and the wording in her PM is similar to the one Bluesky got..

                      The only thing I can suggest is if anyone else gets one of these PM's then please come on here and publish it and don't worry or feel hurt in private, if you keep it to yourself then whoever the sick mind is who is doing this will have won, do not give them that power..

                      I don't know if RJ can get on to the tech people to do a check and trace the computer this is coming from but there must be a way to do it..

                      So, do not let this break you all up as a group because as new members you really do have a very strong bond going between you and that will be a VERY big factor in helping you all with your control of alcohol, be it abstinence or moderation....

                      Remember, there is strength in unity,

                      Love to you all, Louise xxx
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        BLUESKY YOU HAVE TO COME BACK

                        irishlady - thank you for starting this thread and for everyone who has posted. Janicexx
                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                          BLUESKY YOU HAVE TO COME BACK

                          Beatle, try not to be upset by the PM. Your posts about health have all been on relevant threads or forums . You are needed here.:l

                          I would recommend forwarding PM s that are designed to offend to RJ ( with a note of explanation of course-so that she doesn't think you are aiming the comments at her!)

                          I hope that you can move on and take no notice. There have been a few cases of someone trying to upset the apple cart here but they always seem to be dealt with when RJ finds out.

                          love Waves
                          Enough is enough


                            BLUESKY YOU HAVE TO COME BACK

                            ohhhweee, i have to jump in shower and get ready for work. but wow, i think you shouldn't be able to pm someone if you can't say something nice. hummm didn't that occur to anyone? if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all? well, it occurs to me that way. and you have to search your heart and see if there was ever anything that someone said that smacks of truth. if not, hit that nice little delete button. focus on the 5000 good messages not the one bad one. a friend well actually he isn't a friend anymore. lol but he while he was a friend said something to me that was really powerful. i had introduced him to this woman that i thought wow, they could date. i really thought swell of him at the time and wanted to see him date. he hadn't in along time and was going through a rough divorce like forever. well, this woman who i didn't really know, just went off, called me and said, oh he looks gay, and he's fat. she had him send her photos. and i could never date him. she was leboneses and said oh i only date lebonese and he's persian. why he looks like sadam. i was soo upset i wanted to sorry if this offends. i wanted to kick her ass. lol so i told my friend as he said what happened to her why didn't she call him back. i said forget her. she is nothing. then he made me tell him what happened. and when i finished i said she really offended me because i valued him soo much. and how dare she be so cruel. he said well, you can not care about a person's opinion or value it if you don't care about that person. and he wasn't upset at all. i was floored. he said so drop it. it doesn't matter. i wouldn't want to date her anyway. i said well for the record you don't look like sadam. lol and he said well i am abit chubby. lol we laughed really hard that nite and i vowed never to set him up again. so the moral of the story: trust in those that care about you and love you as they have your back no matter what. as for the rest, leave them at the watering hole or watercooler because that is where they like to hang out so they can spend their miserable pathetic life gossiping about everyone. lol hope that helped you sweets. love bootsie


                              BLUESKY YOU HAVE TO COME BACK

                              Jamboree has never made a public post. None of us know this person and they certainly do not speak for the group. I say it a coward who only PM's and has never once made a public post- esp. when it is not nice.

                              And I can find no record of ANON even existing on this site. Seems like they only want to stir up shit.

                              If anyone else gets a mean, nasty message- forward it to me and I will chew them up and spit them out. You can count on it. And when I am finished with them, I will send in the clowns to torment them some more!

