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Oct 27

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  • Lavande
    Greetings everyone,

    We finally had a day with more seasonable temps, nice for a change. It will warm up again next week I’m sure.
    Today’s edibles from my kitchen - another low sugar apple cake (first one went pretty fast), a turkey meatloaf baked in the air fryer & some baked potatoes & Zucchini. We’re pretty full now Lol

    PQ, I hope today was a day to rest up after all the grief yesterday. Sure hope they find a fix for whatever is causing you so much pain. Take it easy friend!

    Mick, sorry Julie’s Dad wasn’t feeling great yesterday. I honestly want to just stay away from crowds & people right now, yuck.
    Well there have been several reports made to the police & fire desks today re Amish burning their properties. They do it every year at this time to kill off weed seeds so they can plant early in the spring. They just haven’t gotten the message that there is a county wide burn ban in effect because of the drought. 34 days without measurable rain & counting right now. Maybe if they get hit with fines they’ll stop burning until we get some rain. Glad. Your furniture project is going well.

    Hello to Slo, Cyn, Pie & everyone.
    Have a good night all!


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  • Mick
    hiya all how are we doing ? hope all is well .tonight is bonfire night over here ....Guy Fawkes night ...and lots of firework displays ....not for me ..dont do it for me..Sanding down furniture again today ...its almost done and then Danish oil it all.

    hiya ppqp are you today?hope the soreness has gone ....You should have given the boss a ball of string and asked him how long it was . hope you have a good weekend .

    hiya Slo how are you doing? have you managed to change all your accounts and block your cards ? hope so ..theses scum are getting more and more clever with their scams .What are you up to this weekend?

    hiya Lav ,how are you today then?hope all is good ..Julie took her dad out but he wasnt very well and ended up going back early and throwing up. that Norovirus is pretty rampant over here at the moment .yep similar soup ...veggie lentil with butter beans black beans and chick peas too..and leeks ....lovely .Its getting cold at nights over here now .have a good weekend

    hiya teegee pie and anyone else out there

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  • porqoui
    MAE ALL...another exhausting day, but at least it's Friday. Managed to figure out where to go for my scans so that was a succeeds.

    Slo...looks like we x-posted yesterday. Sorry about the scam, they're really getting sophisticated. Glad the repairman was there to give you the heads up. is definitely soup time weather here. Yup, boss has had his hands full. He asked me today when I was going to …..... and I responded with When I can catch a breath! Works for me he said. Geeze!

    Pretty sore tonight, especially after the manipulations for the scans and then sitting at my desk for 4 hours. Will check in again tomorrow. Have a good night all...PPQP

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  • Lavande
    Greetings everyone,

    Well we actually had a tiny spit of rain this morning. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to register on my weather device. Meanwhile everything here is so dry & crunchy.
    Even though it was nearly 80 degrees again today I decided to make soup in the Instant Pot - veggie lentil, very good! Turns out Mick made similar soup today as well haha!!!

    Slo, sorry about the scam. They’re coming at us from all directions these days, it’s not funny. I refuse to answer any phone number I don’t recognize, especially if they have their caller ID hidden. And never open any text or email links from unknown sources, learned that a long time ago. I hope the bank & other important sources are safe now.
    We had a windy afternoon blowing lots of crispy leaves off the trees. I laugh at some of our younger neighbors out there trying to rake & blow them into piles. We just let everything fall & then run the tractor over them. Mulches the lawn quite nicely for the winter.

    PQ, I take it the boss isn’t used to the end of the month routine, Lol. He’ll be learning a lot this week for sure.
    Glad to hear yo can get your PT started soon, hope it helps a whole lot. Take care!

    Hello to the rest of the group & wishing everyone a nice night!

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  • porqoui
    MAE was a long day for me. Lots of end-of-the-month deadlines and the boss was relentless with his emails to me. I think he misses me. LOL Really sore tonight so this'll be a short post.

    Lav...looks like we x-posted yesterday. I won't be getting any kids tonight either, just as well. Our foliage is definitely not confused, snow will be here soon. Got the proper Rx for my physio so hopefully I can start that next week.

    Mick...sounds like a gloomy weather day for you. That fine drizzly rain can go right through you. It felt like a Friday all day for me too. Finally figured out how to get into the building for my scans tomorrow so everything should go just fine, thanks. Hope Julie's outing with her Dad was a good one.

    Shout out to Slo and everyone else. Have a good night all...PPQP

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  • Slo
    Ugh, I fell for a phishing scam! So stupid!! Now I have a lot of work to do closing my bank accounts and opening new ones, then changing all my automatic payments, etc., and checking my computer for malware. Thankfully a repairman came to hang pictures, and he was listening in and realized I was being scammed.

    The plants probably are confused, Lav. It has been really windy here, but now, just in time for Halloween, a super intense wind is blowing a hooley out there, and driving the warm temps down too. Bye-bye to all the leaves!

    I guess I’ll stop here in case it doesn’t take. Hi to PQ and Mick too!

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  • Lavande
    Hey friends,

    Happy Halloween if celebrating. We don’t get any trick or treaters here so it’s really just another day. We did hit 80 degrees today, so strange but happy for the kids who will be out tonight & not freezing as usual. I know a few people celebrating birthdays today including Byrdie!!

    Mick I just noticed the pot of double begonias on my deck look fabulous - still, haha!!!
    I do think the plants are being confused by this warm weather but not much I can do about it though. I just hope the perennials don’t croak over the winter & not come back next spring.
    I hope Julie had an easy time taking her Dad out today. Leave the sanding for an outside day of you know what’s good for you.

    Hello to everyone & wishing a good night for all!

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  • Mick
    Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope all is well. I was supposed to go out with the camera this morning but unfortunately the weather says no full stop it is really really misty and also that fine drizzly rain you know the stuff that gets you wet! Just been to the tip take another pile of rubbish up. For some strange reason I keep thinking this is Friday we'll stop Julie is taking her dad out for a couple of hours this afternoon. I was going to sand down the chairs in the conservatory but I can't because it needs to be done outside.

    Hiya lav I am dictating this one so let's see if this goes West as well. That forsythia is doing pretty good considering what time of year it is. Most of my fuchsia plants are still in Bloom and have lots of flowers waiting to come through now I've also got hot lips salvia which is the same considering it is almost November my begonias are doing really well too the seasons are a bit mad. They go on about global warming and how the world is changing getting hotter etc etc but when you look at it in the grand scheme of things the weather is very cyclical in terms of thousands of years I actually think all the hue and cryover global warming and carbon emissions etc etc that pudding is over egged to a certain extent and it will happen anyway.

    Hiya ppqp how are you doing today? Glad the boss is actually being supportive for you hope the scans go well for you tomorrow.

    Hiya slo how are you doing today then question mark hope things go okay for you we'll stop yes I lost most of my post three times yesterday buy the third time you kind of lose the interest! Take care have a great day

    make a lot to everyone else have a great day

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  • Lavande
    Hey everyone,

    I’ll try to post this & see if it disappears too, Lol
    Same sunny & coolish weather today, still dry as a bone. The fire company has been called out on 8 separate brush fires today - not good.
    Nothing spectacular going on with me today, a little cooking & a little cleaning mostly. I just took a walk around our crazy meadow area & found a few blooms on some of the forsythia bushes. Poor things must be confused.

    Hello to Slo & Mick, hope yo both had a good day. PQ, thinking of you. Cyn, Pie & everyone - hello!

    Have a nice night all.

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  • porqoui
    MAE ALL...looks like trouble on the site so will keep this short. Restless night as I couldn't get the pins & needles to stop in my arm. Still at work, publisher upped the deadline from Nov 8th to this Friday. YIKES! I have an ultra sound on Friday so am trying to get as much done as I can. It's been a very busy day with lots of interruptions though.

    Lav...yes, boss has been great, we seem to be working it out. I'm sure all our trick or treaters would love your 81F temperature, we're going to be 32F but at least they've taken the snow out of the forecast. Looks like the video you posted has now been hidden.

    Slo...went to book my physio appointments and it turns out the Dr. sent the wrong request. I have been in touch with her office and they're sending the correct one soon. Nothing's ever simple. Looks like both you and Mic hit a dead spot.

    Mick...glad the vet trip went ok and Argyl is healthy. Sorry the site was giving you so many problems today.

    Shout out to everyone else. Have a good night...PPQP

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  • Mick
    I don't know what is happening with my post that's twice its binned it

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  • Mick
    Arrrgh!!!I have lost most of the post!!!here we go 2 injections for the rabbits..

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  • Mick
    Hiya are we doing today then? Hopefully all good. Vet trip went ok..Argyle seen by the specialist..he is healthy save for the hind quarters which I have to clean daily because of the chance of urine scald.The day will come but it isn't yet.A mere

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  • Slo
    Huh…most of my post went missing. Well, I tried!

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  • Slo
    Hi, PQ! I must agree; my healing has been very up & down. Physio should be helpful if you’re ready for it. Yes, Boss must be cross-training himself on the things that you usually handle at work! And that’s good that you can get in to work for a little while each day to help keep that place afloat, and keep yourself involved and moving.

    Lav, I remember the days of $300 vet bills! Hopefully your cat didn’t pee in the car. Yes, my hands weren’t strong enough to cut through Tucker’s thick nails.
    I love using an immersion blender to pur

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