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Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

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    Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

    I would have thought that would be a no. 1 goal, to biochemically alter tolerance to alcohol via drugs. Yet I find the information to be so scarce...

    Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

    Looking for the same here! Not many published studies done, ESPECIALLY in the US, as aa has a hold on everything, even government when you see what any court related sentence will give you! I think its bs as well, but you can check out the taper forum right below this. I'm about to post again with more good news, and we would like to keep this going, even if it takes years, but just filled with honest and detailed results of all kinds of drinkers. Hopefully if it gets good with many different results it will get published somewhere to help all of us out! The more tools we have the better!

    Again, thank you for your post and there is definitely a lack of PUBLISHED research!


      Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

      Surely they have to be MDs, neuroscientists, biochemists, pharmacists (etc.) who are problem drinkers which should be better equipped to tackle this. I hope they chime in to tell us if such a thing is feasible without serious side effects in today's pharmaceutical landscape.


        Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

        According to my psychiatrist, when brain chemistry is restored to normal, normal tolerance returns, and campral is a drug that accelerates the restoration of brain chemistry, although we're still talking 6-12 months of using the medication 3X daily. Campral is very subtle. The only side effect I suffered was diarrhea, and that stopped after about a week. You can't really "feel" it doing anything, you just eventually get to a point where you notice you don't crave alcohol any longer (for me, it also cut down on other compulsive behaviors, too).

        AA is bullshit. I try to be compassionate toward these old-timers who did not have medications available to them. The only way they know how to stay sober is to "white-knuckle" it and be afraid of alcohol. But it's difficult, because they're generally a bunch of judgmental, self-righteous wankers. And personally, that's not how I want to live. Also, step 6 makes me bristle, the one about asking God for help with my defect. Being flawed by alcoholism does not make me a defective human being.
        In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


          Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

          This is exactly the type of research that I have been looking for . I have read some of your other posts ,Alky, and I like them also.

          Where do you hail from in FL.? I live in JAX.

          I would like to see your avatar just say "Well la di fuckin da" I was at womans AA meeting & this woman was sharing her deep concern that some women in AA had used the word "fuck" in their sharing . Being fr the North. Ithought. "You've got to be fuckin' kidding me!"


            Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

            This thread is exactly part of what I have been looking for. I am about to embark on my own research.
            Yes, lets please keep this thread going.

            There is always so much that does not hang together for me re : AA. I try to get over the language & dismiss it as one has to do with Bible in order to get to the meaning/ the truth in it . I hate the word "defect" also.

            Was watching documentay on the gayAct up movement about aids. People were dying of a virus. Not a character defect! We now have a cure or effective treatment for the HIV virus .

            A - ism is a 'neurochemical'
            'disorder - but needs a "spiritual" treatment. Makes no sense.

            I have heard that keith richards, jagger other rock stars have gotten special highly expensive treatments that cured them. How else are they still alive After all those drugs!


              Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

              Old-assed thread but I'll give it a bump for sh*ts n' giggles.

              There are a few papers that find oxytocin nasal spray may reverse both withdrawal and tolerance to alcohol. Best of luck finding oxytocin nasal spray though.


                Where are the papers and the research conducted on reversing tolerance to alcohol?

                Oxytocin nasal spray?

                .. Selling Eternal Apples and Amplified Heat and Pressed Rat's collection of dogs' legs and feet..
                ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                ― George Carlin

