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My husband betrayed my confidence

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    My husband betrayed my confidence

    Hi guys,

    This is a rant sorry

    My husband is very helpful but usually I feel like the director, manager, coordinator of all of our lives and I feel a huge burden on my shoulders that maybe be partly self- imposed because I have anxiety issues. He frustrates me when I am trying to get things done and he plays with her and throws her around like a football and pokes her in the eye by accident one day or elbows her in the nose the next. I totally lose it. And she totally right now loves him more than me, she couldn't care less if I were here or not and I am so jealous because I try so hard to make sure she has everything she needs and to give her love without the football part, and help her with her speech. She has food allergies, a speech delay and she is getting services from the state, I coordinated all of that. If I don't clean the place simply doesn't get clean. I pay the bills, manage all our finances. I wait and wait to see and it never happens unless I finally crack and say could you please clean the flippin bathroom.

    We both work so it can't all fall on my shoulders. Like I said he'll do anything I ask of him I am just so sick of asking and anticipating everything that needs to happen around here.

    The one thing he does do that is amazing (he's getting sick of it though) is gets up for her almost every morning during the week Mon-Thursday (I'm off Friday) while I am getting ready for work, he is making the bed, the coffee, giving her milk, changing her diaper and putting on her speech dvd (he goes to work later than me). He also deals with the nanny but I have to tell him what to tell her, ha ha. Our morning system is great. I come out of the shower and get handed a cup of coffee. That ain't bad. It evolved into that somehow probably because I was too hungover before to function as quickly as him in the morning but it's still going on.

    But here's the biggest issue right now. He told his best friend about all this (meaning me) and I wanted this to be kept between us indefinitely. I was planning to moderate in a few weeks and no one would have even needed to know!!!

    I haven't told anyone and it's my problem and he said he needed someone to talk to about it. But now of course his friend will tell his wife and she will tell her friends and it'll never be the same again. I've been branded by my own husband. If he said I just wanted to clean out for a while so we could get pregnant but he told him about the meds, this site, everything, so I've been outed
    by my own husband. I found out because his friend wants us to go visit them next weekend for Memorial Day weekend- they have a new daughter and a big beautiful house and backyard and his friend is also a wine lover (took an interest after my husband did) but it's an excuse to drink wine for him. We always have a great time when we go there. Anyhow I guess that is when he told him, which means if we go no one will drink because they won't want the lush to slip so I'm not going, I'm too embarrassed.

    They have this couple friend that has a daughter that is a little younger than mine (she's probably around 2) and the mom is one of those ones that always has to "top" you especially when it comes to her kid, she thinks she's a genius. I am so paranoid that she's going to think that my daughter is speech delayed because I drank during pregnancy which I did NOT DO!!! I basically told him to go drink his face off so I didn' ruin everyone's time, sleep there and leave me alone and i'll stay home with the baby. I can't face these people. He said he wasn't going anywhere without me so I told him I guess he was staying home too so he's ruined his own weekend as well. I should have realized, his friend hasn't called the house phone in weeks. This is a huge deal to me, how do I forgive this?? I am humiliated. :evil >: >:

    My husband betrayed my confidence

    I'm so sorry this happened. Really wish he would have gone to someone other than mutual friends to vent. This has happened to others...their spouses/sig. others need to vent and then go spill it to someone who really did NOT need to know the gory details. I can totally relate.
    Couple things: there are links and support grps for family members of people struggling with addiction. Maybe your husband could find more helpful advice there, like how to manage social situations, and more importantly, how to support YOU. So often, our spouses just don't know what the hell to do, and unfortunately, we have gone and put them through some crap in the past , so when it blows up, it's in a bad way.
    Also, you may just find that out of this group of friends you just might get some support. Here's how I handled this:
    Me: "hubby and I have been not really getting along, bla bla bla, we're both going to make some changes. I'm really making an effort to cut back on my drinking. You know how I love my drinks!! ha ha Yeah, well I actually think I love them TOO much and find myself drinking more than I'm comfortable with. Before it gets out of hand, I joined a support group and everything, ..."
    Friend :"that's great, Bec! You know, I should probably look at my drinking sometimes too" or "I'm proud of you...whatever you need to do"

    Seriously, I got a lot of that. I know you hang out with people who enjoy their wine, and who knows??

    So, you may eventually have to answer some questions... suppose you oughtta be prepared for how much/how little you want to share (unless it's all out there already)

    I'm feelin for you this morning, Patty. About your daughter, don't ever let anyone make you feel like your daughter is any less "perfect". You are starting her treatment so early... stay positive, because that will reflect on her.



      My husband betrayed my confidence

      I know I know- I feel like it's all out though you know- you know how people gossip (especially in the burbs) no offense to burbs people! I'm just so embarrassed I cannot say it enough. This is so far from a mutual friend, he was one of my husband's groomsmen and our daughter's godfather! And he's married to a reporter on the news!!! agh!

      He would have been better off lying to me and telling me he hadn't said a word because honestly I am so upset and mortified I don't think I can go no matter how supportive they will be, I'm gonna be the elephant in the backyard so to speak. Such a f-er. :evil >: 8)


        My husband betrayed my confidence

        Oh Patty, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I don't know what to say, other than I know how "cluless" the "un-evolved" gender can be sometimes:rolleyes grrr. As much as I love my Hubby, there's definately times when I really think I'd like to take a 2 x 4 to him....and knock some sense in there...
        But I'm sure he feels the same at certain times. Aint love grand?
        You're Hubby probably really is proud of you, have been doing so well, he must notice a big change!
        We are definately "wired" differantly than men... Hopefully this will blow over soon. Try not to let it get you down. It will pass, but I can understand how you must feel. :
        Hugs, Judie


          My husband betrayed my confidence

          Thanks Judie,

          I don't know- this is a doozy- if he felt like he needed to talk to someone about it he should have talked to me first. I'm the one the got screwed here not him- yes he has to live with me but I'm not all bad and I didn't deserve this especially since I am finally trying. He didn't tell anyone when I wasn't.>: :evil :rolleyes :


            My husband betrayed my confidence



            I, too, am sooooo sorry your husband did that. That IS a betrayal and I know you will feel uncomfortable around all of these people wondering what they are thinking (because we as women worry about things like that). If it makes you feel any better my girlfriends and I have been having major discussions lately about how our men (as much as we love them) lack such common sense about basically everything in life (sorry to any men reading this, no offense intended just relating personal experience). You are not alone in that. We definitely are wired differently. Regarding your daughter I am sure you have heard that children go through a phase where they almost have a "crush" on the opposite sex parent. I went through this with my daughter when she was about 2-3. I would take care of everything all day but she was more excited to see Daddy. It will pass. Don't bet yourself up over that one........I wish the best for you. I would be furious with my husband too.



              My husband betrayed my confidence


              Funny you should bring this up today. I am having the same EXACT problem in my home as we speak. I am not quite sure what to do about it either. I too feel betrayed. I just wanted to quietly handle this by myself. No one else needed to know, what in hell good is that? Who is it helping? It sure isn't helping me, it sure isn't helping you, it sure isn't going to be helping our husbands I dare in the days to come.

              I don't know about you but I just am having such a hard time getting past the feeling of betrayal. My head is telling me that my husband loves me more than anything on this earth and would do anything for me. But my heart is breaking. The two are just not coming to terms with eachother right now and it is quite hard to deal with isn't it?

              So, what do we do about it? Do we sit here and brood? Certainly I feel more than intitled to a certain amount of brooding right now but I must say it is making me feel worse. I sure do wish I knew what to do here, I have not felt this badly about anything in quite some time!

              For now, I am going to go spend the day with my lovely daughter. That always puts a smile on my face! Perhaps that darling baby of yours could do the same for you in the mean time. Good luck to you as you try and work through your feelings Patty. I will be thinking of, as I will be having much of the same feelings as you are!!

              Hang in There!!



                My husband betrayed my confidence

                A friend of mine is going through the same issue and the two of you could probably bounce ideas off each other, but this is my take.

                It is so hard for us to accept within ourselves that we have a problem. To be outed is devasting. But, I have come to realize the more I accept it, the more poeple I am telling. Of course only those very close to me. So far I have told my mother and my husband.

                It isn't easy to accept or deal with, but the deed is done. Now you just have to decide if you will let this derail you. It doesn't have to. Grill your husband for exactly what he said. Act as if nothing has happend. Drinking is our problem not theirs.

                If they feel inclined not to drink then hey, this could be a positive. You know, so many people are in the closet about this. You may find that someone approaches you and asks for help. It is easy to sit high in judgement, but I can guarantee you that anyone who treats you badly or unjustly for this is only hiding a deeper, darker secret.

                I recently found out that another co-worker has been going to AA for years. The person who told me shouldn't have and the person who is going to AA doesn't know. But you know, I have such a deeper respect for him now. I know he has beaten this and I feel he and I are kindred spirits.

                Try to see the positive in this and don't let situations like this run your life. Accept the situation for what it is and if people ask just say, "I am taking care of myself and my family." I am doing the responsible thing. So many deny that they have a problem and they are the ones who are lost. Not me."

                I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but try not to let it keep you from succeeding.



                  My husband betrayed my confidence

                  Thanks guys,

                  I'm glad I'm not crazy here. I really really am so upset. And now I am supposed to go to the doctor at 2pm to talk about having an ultrasound because all my bloodwork came back fine and I still have this pain that some people say could be my gallbladder, and I have to bring my little one with me because hubby won't be home until 6pm. It is a monsoon out there and we are supposed to be getting hail. She's supposed to have a 3pm speech therapy appt here at home and I have to be back by then. So I have one hour.

                  I just talked to my stepmom who offered to come watch her so I didn't have to drag her out in this horrible weather and risk have her miss her speech but my daughter doesn't take to her unless my dad is with her (obviously my daughter likes boys right now you guys are right). I don't want to put my stepmom through that right now, she just had lung surgery two weeks ago. My dad was still in bed and I think I've mentioned that he's been sneaking Nyquil even though he's been a recovering alcoholic (AA speak) for over 20 years. She said she had to check with him first to see if he was "up to it" because this weather has been making his shoulders hurt (he had 7 surgeries on his shoulders over the years because of his work). He's on disability now and does nothing all day except wallow and he's on like 8 different pills (Vicodin) and now the Nyquil. And my daughter loves this idiot. If he says he can't come here and bail me out of this jam for ONE HOUR I'm letting loose. I've had it. They live 3 BLOCKS AWAY. If my stepmom who just had lung surgery offered to get herself here they he can too. If he says no oh boy......

                  As for my husband, he's going to the barbecue alone and he can sleep there for all I care right now (they are a long drive and I want no drinking and driving). I could use a day off from him anyway.

                  Donna what did your hubby do? He told too?? What the hell is the matter with these other beings???UGH!:evil


                    My husband betrayed my confidence

                    I'm sorry about your dilemna. I told my husband about my abs program but purposefully did not go into too much detail or tell him about the website. My husband probably would have announced this at some public gathering in front of me and I know I could not have handled it. My husband is a great man,as I'm sure yours is,but I am careful about the info I give him. I have to protect myself and my feeling is that in protecting myself I am not hurting him,nor anyone else.
                    As far as the weekend goes..let him go by himself if you need the time alone but you should be ashamed of NOTHING. You are doing the right thing and in the long run people will respect you. Say your stomach was hurting so you decided to cut down or stop your drinking and the meds were to help your stomach.
                    Other parents can be really hard to deal with when kids are toddlers. All kids develop so differently. When my kids were young I had a neighbor who made me cry every night. She would tell me how "delayed" my kids were as far as walking,talking and comprehending. She told me my kids were uncontrollable because I drank one cup of caffeine daily when pregnant. The kids are all teens now and mine are doing much better than hers. I really feel for you in that respect because nobody wants their kids attacked. If she says anything cut her right off.
                    You aredoing the right thing and we are all behind you. We are all in this together.
                    Bestof luck


                      My husband betrayed my confidence

                      Hi all,
                      My dad did exactly as I suspected. I didn't even pick up the phone and let the machine get it. She left the message. They aren't coming to help me out. I am having a very bad day. I'm don't even want to drink I just want to cry...Every man in my life is disappointing me.


                        My husband betrayed my confidence

                        Oh Patty, Double damn! I'm sorry. I wish we lived closer... I'd come babysit(I'm a "Tomboy . And I love kids, just don't have any, probably because I'm too much of one...:rolleyes
                        Really wish there was something I could do... Better times are coming, keep that thought in mind! I know when I'm hurt or mad, there's not much that helps... other than kicking something(and then I usually hurt my foot!)
                        Anywhere you can go throw rocks? Hang in there sweetie. Hugs, Judie


                          My husband betrayed my confidence

                          UF-DA Hang in their for me my brother call me last night and the last thing he asked was how the CD were working don"t know how he knows about them. Maybe my last blackout 14 days ago was still waiting for my things to come . May call him later and asked.

                          We can not change the past , But can all reach for the stars togather. It will work out , Reach.


                            My husband betrayed my confidence

                            My husband betrayed my confidence

                            Dear Patty,

                            I am so sorry this has happened with you husband. You can just take peace of mind in knowing, as the others have pointed out here, you are taking the healthy route. You should allow yourself the pride that comes with that. You certainly can go for the weekend and simply say, you are just trying something new to see how you feel. Let the hostess know that it is fine to serve drinks to others. You are simply in control of your own life. Tell her you like not feeling headachy and foggy in a morning. If they are all huge wine drinkers maybe they are feeling that way and you can hit home with one of them. They may realize exactly what you are doing for yourself, and do some self examination of their own.

                            And if you just don't want to be around her and them - I understand that also! Kids do grow and develop at different rates. someoone here pointed out that kids have crushes on the opposite sex, it isn't just girls who go crazy for their dad, boys do to. There is a rambuctious stage that dad's seem to fulfill a need in kids and that's OK. You don't have to be in competition with your husband. Your children see much more than you know and as they grow you always hope they can glean the good attributes of both parents.

                            I know this still hurts - your husband's betrayal. You do need to discuss this with him. His loose lips are making you feel like you are on a sinking ship. I would be totally honest as to how much damage he has caused to your trust in him. Trust is huge in any relationship.

                            I have not let my husband know that I am on the abs or the program. He sees even more "vitamins" around the house than before, he has no idea. I did this because he throws road blocks in my way on living cleaner than he is. He isn't ready to clean up his act so I am not telling him. However that cuts back the time I can
                            come to the boards, it is at my office, during my office hours. I haven't been to the board to particpate in about 3 weeks as my deadlines have been too crazed. Can't sit here after pumping out artwork all day long for weeks and stay on the computer.

                            I applaud you that this circumstance has not lead you to want a drink. I have been watching my triggers. Unusually high stress that leaves me feeling like I am out of control especially in my home. the other one is believe it or not I am 51 and have two funerals this weekend. One for a client's husband, he was 67 but the other for the receptionist from the office next door to mine. he was just 52. He died from a massive heart attack. That one just threw my for a loop and last night I was kind of pacing the house and thinking about going for my own private bottle. tis morning I felt quite proud of myself that I did not go do that.

                            Patty - Feel the pride of your accompishments - they are many!! Feel the need to protect yourself - good for you!


                              My husband betrayed my confidence

                              My husband didn't come out and tell anyone specifically about this program. He did tell a couple of his friends I was having trouble with drinking. I was very upset at first, then he told me that I have this board to talk to people through and post about my problems and struggles. He said he also needed someone to confide in and talk about his worry and concern for me. After he told me that I understood where he was coming from. I'm sure your husband didn't set out to upset you. If you talk to him about it maybe it will help you understand why he told his friend.


