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Weeken Warrior!!

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    Weeken Warrior!!

    O.K.....let the mind games really begin. I have been 2 days AF, Hasn't been to bad, not the worst thing I 've been thru. I handed my husband a beer and didn't really want a sip. Now the weekend is here and we are going for our last camping trip of the season...this is where it gets challenging, I love to drink when we camp....wait I love to drink at night, I love to drink when we visit friends, I love to drink when we camp, I am detecting a pattern here any one else?? I am already telling myself a few beers will be ok, that is because I can only drink a few of them before I get bloated, my true love is red red wine.... The fact of the matter is I really don't want them but I do...makes no sense I know. So what now?? I am over thinking it... I think, ha,ha,ha.
    Funny I haven't shared with my husband that I am quiting drinking and he hasn't mentioned anything to me like hey no wine tonite?? Iam affraid to tell him it seems like one more reason to comit to not drinking and I still like the comfort zone of returning to drinking if I want to. See what a terrible thing addiction is. So my feeling is that I am going to try AF tonite....but may have a beer...I don't know AAGGHHH!!

    Weeken Warrior!!

    Funny I noted I miss spelled weekend warrior...when I read it after I postedit I thought how appropriate weeken....Thats how I am feeling... weakend!!


      Weeken Warrior!!

      Gumby, you hit it right on the head there with the "comfort zone of returning to drinking if I want to." I've been there! Even those of us that do the best we can slip, and all that means is we get sneakier and sneakier so those to whom we "promised" quitting don't find out. I think it's only when we commit to not disappointing ourselves that we have any hope of succeeding.

      I go AF for long periods. I go "moderation" for short periods. I lapse back into my jolly ways for...too long at a time. But I never quite give up, and won't. Perhaps I will never live an AF life, but that's always the goal.

      I hope you're good on your camping trip. But if you're not---forgive yourself.
      Jane Jane


        Weeken Warrior!!

        Gumby, When I read your title "Weeken Warrior" I took it as a spin for "Weakened Warrior" and thought it very cleaver and how appropriate for it is just how I feel sometimes -- defeated. Maybe a Freudian slip. I too always have kept my goals a secret from my mate because I did not want to be judged or watched to closely if I failed. Yes and the fact of the matter is I too love to drink when we camp, when were with friends; when were out to dinner; when I am alone; when were ...... fast forward wake up in the morning can't remember the promises made to the kids. with a screaming headace and feel terribly guilty becaue I had maybe one (two or three) more than I intended to have. And so the patterns begin. We want to get this under control or we would not be here.


          Weeken Warrior!!

          Hang in there.... do your best to abstain. There will always be 'something' upcoming where the drink will be enticing. I associate camping with drinking too, but this year our camping trip was nothing short of fantastic without it.

          Try to go camping and enjoy the scenery and your family.


            Weeken Warrior!!

            I am sooooooo like you

            Hey Gumby/tammy "here's your sister"

            Love your truly honest post!
            I go without all week, or maybe have one or two somewhere along the line in the week, but boy when the weekend comes, and I sit down Friday when I get back from work, hubby comes in we do daily post-mortem on our jobs, I just love a glass of red wine, as does he with his dinner (and he's a strictly one drink with dinner person)

            Let us know how you fare tonight :H

            Jane Jane how honest you too have been when you said "Perhaps I will never live an AF life, but that's always the goal"---refreshing to see such openness :l



              Weeken Warrior!!

              Hey Gumby, thanks for the post, I feel much less alone. I am sitting here at 9 in the morning wishing I could go the whole day without drinking (which my husband would support) but part of me knows I will have a drink after I finish work at 1. I feel like I have two minds, one that knows I will feel better if I don't drink and one that knows I will drink. And it takes over in a second. Maybe by writing this I will actually refrain from having a drink before I go to work. All of you are helping me remember how dangerous this addiction thing is. Feeling very very anxious and tearful all of a sudden.


                Weeken Warrior!!

                You are not alone Chrysalis, don't fret, and don't have that one before you go to work xxx
                If you have to, tell yourself that as a reward, you can have it when you have your work over and done with , it'd be safer not ho have one really petal



                  Weeken Warrior!!

                  Hi Gumby,
                  We can all only do so much........a camping trip so early in your AF, whilst being lovely, is also somewhat misfortunate, but as AFM has already said, there will always be some event or other cropping up which we think could be delightfully enhanced by drinking.

                  I wouldn`t work myself up into a state over it........chances are you will go ahead and have a couple, `cos that`s what you`re used to doing when camping........try your very hardest not to drink, but if you do, make sure you have the minimum. As you become more comfortable with AF, you`ll find it becoming 2nd nature not to drink nomatter the occasion.

                  Your fear of telling your husband that you are currently AF concerns me though, as like you say, your reason for keeping him in the dark is simply so that he doesn`t give you a hard time if you cave to the booze. Far better to come clean with him.........from what you`ve said, I really think you`d find him very supportive.

                  Anyway, enjoy your break and be as good as you can possibly manage.

                  Love and strength to you,

                  Starlight Impress x


                    Weeken Warrior!!

                    It helps me to say, why do I want a drink?? Oh yeah because it makes me feel good for a short period of time...then feel like crap the rest of my waking is coming to clear to me, I don't want to feel like that anymore. Try to remind yourself of how you will feel after you it worth it. That has helped me!!Good luck stay strong!!


                      Weeken Warrior!!

                      Oh Yeah Thanks everyone....I t really does help!!


                        Weeken Warrior!!

                        Gumby, you hit the nail on the head "a SHORT period of time". Remember the time it takes to recover from that very short period of time. Try the weekend without drinking and see how great you feel come Monday. I am there with you. I am going to try. We are true warriors!!!


                          Weeken Warrior!!

                          gumby you are so right. I'ts Friday and I am just signing to myself "it's yucky to be drunk"
                          yucky yucky.
                          I have to simplify it.
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            Weeken Warrior!!

                  's today's quiz......

                            So you wake up on the first morning of your camping....the birds are singing...the sky is blue....the world is fresh...the day lies ahead of you......

                            You feel:-

                            a) hungover, tired, thirsty, maybe a bit sick, depressed, embarrassed about your behaviour, headache, bleary eyed.


                            b) rested, sparkling, happy, feel good about yourself, smiling, ready for the day

                            Now.....which would give you the best camping weekend....a) or b)....????:H

                            Have a great weekend!

                            Suze x
                            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

