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My Story...

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    My Story...

    Gosh, were does one start? I guess the fact that I have joined, logged on, and have started typing my first post says something.
    I've been kidding myself for a very very long time, and only recently have admitted to myself that I'm an alcoholic. It feels VERY weird to type that.
    From a very early age I have always wanted to push the envelope on alcohol - the old drink to get drunk, I binge drink mostly but lately are drinking all the time - all the time. I dont get hangovers anymore.
    I used to say that I just like to drink (which I do), I enjoy it a lot (yes) and things are better drunk (hmmm) - but it's more than that, and it's taken about 20 years to understand. My (ex)husband is a recovering alcoholic although the majority of our relationship/marriage he fell off the wagon and put me thru some sort of hell. When I met him I didnt know about his alcoholism so it's not like I was drawn to him because of it, plus, back then, I was just a normal girl who liked to drink, right?
    I will not open up and admit to him I have a problem. I'm sure he thinks I drink far too much but he has never commented, I think he thinks he cant and shouldnt after everything I went thru with him, he ignoring my use just made me want to do it more I guess.
    I've never seeked support or guidance with my drinking until now. Not seriously anyway. I wont go to AA meetings because they are not my thing, plus he is very involved in all meetings in our area and I just cant do that.

    There are some alcoholics in my family tree also, and I dearly hope my young daughter will show no interest at all in alcohol, or at least a healthy relationship with it.

    My social circles are terrible for someone who wants to stop drinking. Half the reason I've gotten worse and worse. Those closest to me drink probably far too much or drink for the wrong reasons, and they are good company. How will I cope now?
    I hate what alcohol has done to me, I hide behind it, it creates an enormous amount of weight issues for me which I use as a guard to make me non attractive in the risk of a failed r'ship again (i've been alone now for many years) - all this is dumb. I worry for my health. I am a 'happy drunk' and do not drink and get negative or emotional, nor do I drink to calm down or cheer up. I do drink out of boredom, restlessness, creativity, "to make things I do in life better"

    Am I still drinking? I am for a few more days. You are probably thinking why not now, why not this very moment, I am just about ready. In 5 days I have a big weekend party here that is traditional for drinking and relaxing, having a good time, and those that will be here are drinkers. I've been working towards this day for a while now, and cannot wait to stop. Today I'm not ready, by saturday I will be.

    I've given up before, months at a time, weeks at a time, whatever. Why do I think this time is different? cos I admit I'm an alcoholic.

    I want my journey from here on in to be only walking in straight lines, remaining together and healthy and strong and happy and fulfilled, stop abusing myself, the sabotage and start letting love in. I want to be honest and stop pretending or playing down the reality, I will be honest here. I want to regain that high in life naturally by running and working out, I've lost all joy in my life and I want to feel again....I think I drink so I can 'feel', but I want to really feel now. Purely.

    So, here I am.:new:
    Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line

    My Story...

    Welcome StraightLines! Congratulations for introducing yourself is such an honest and open post. I have been here 3 weeks and haven't opened up like that yet. You will find an enormous amount of positive support and understanding here. Take some time. Look around and read what others have shared. You may find that your life will not be the same and there are challenges to making changes. This is a wonderful group of people and I could not have made 24 days without alcohol without them.


      My Story...

      Great post StraightLines. Good to have you here. Lots of support here. I'm new too.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        My Story...

        Welcome Straightlines, I hope you get as much out of here as I have over the past year or so. It has helped me to stay sober for over a year now - it's a miracle! You can achieve whatever you want if you surround yourself with the right tools.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          My Story...

          :welcome: Straightlines you have come to the right place. Well done on your honest post which must have been very difficult to write but you have taken that first step which is a big leap forward for you. You will find nothing but support love and friendship on this site. Before I joined i had been drinking every night for the last 20 years or more which must have hammered my liver big time. But I am looking forward now and not back. I managed a 30 day AF stint before Xmas and have started another AF stint today. Have you bought the supplements l-glutamin and kudzu. They really really do help. Also Roberta Jewell's book and the DVDs. If you get nothing else at least make sure you have the l-glut and Kudzu.

          My very best wishes for the start of your AF journey on Saturday

          Sweetpea x
          :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


            My Story...


            Welcome to MWO.

            Keep reading and posting and it really does help. If you can download the MWO book as that will give you advice on getting started.

            Hope to hear more from you soon


              My Story...


              Welcome!! It feels good to type it out, make you commitments and get started. It is very hard but you have made the first giant step!!



                My Story...

                Howdy Straightlines~ I love the name. Congrats on finding the strength to confess to the only person that really matters- you. It was the hardest confession for me too, but once I sent the post, I felt a sense of relief wash over me~ surprisingly, the clouds didn't fill up with rain and lightning didn't strike me (yet) !

                AA isn't for alot of us, mostly because we don't want to broadcast our problem to our neighbors, teachers, pastors, doctors... if we need to, we can announce it here, can't we?

                Between now and Saturday, perhaps you can get prepare for success- read about the supplements and vitamins and get them from the local drug store. Perhaps take an inventory of your liquor/beer/wine, and decide if you really need to make any stops this week.... personally, I have about 8 bottles of red wine tempting me which was hard at first.... okay I haven't opened one for the little "triggers", but I'm definitely ready if I run across an IED (improvised explosive device).


                Tampa, FL


                  My Story...

                  Straightlines :welcome: .........

                  Soulds like a good plan to me, Don't know if it is possible but I would advise you to get every bit of booze out of the house so you can start without temptation ...........

                  Keep us informed ...........


                    My Story...

                    Hi Straight: I relate to your story a lot ... although my ex was one of those lucky people who could STOP after two or three beers. Huh.. what a concept. I've been divorced more than 3 years (the drinking wasn't main reason for the divorce, although no doubt a factor). And some people ask me, why don't you get back out there? I went through this divorce support program and all those people started dating right away. But I'm so damned SCARED! I haven't dated in 20 years, back when I was thin and pretty .. jesus. And i have piled on the weight through drinking (and the not taking care of myself that came along with it for me) .. I look awful... and that's my security blanket to keep from getting back out there. auggh .. sorry to talk about myself so much! But, like you, and everyone here, I WANT TO GET MY LIFE BACK, as you said. anyway you have come to a great place .. so much wisdom and support here .. also some hilarious people :H Warning: this site is addicting too!!!
                    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                      My Story...

                      This is a great place, lots of support. But as Dexterhewad pointed out, it is very addictive! Good luck, Check back in often (when I started out to be AF, I was here like every 1/2 hour!
                      Best of luck to you,
                      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                        My Story...

                        SL, welcome to MWO. YOu are on the right path. Prepare in advance of the w/e with the book and purchase some of the supps. We will be here when you are ready.



                          My Story...

                          Starlines - welcome. What a great first post. So open and honest. All heart and no excuses. You've already gotten over a huge hurdle.

                          Be proud of your choice of wanting a better and healthier you. When you are ready to implement your plan, we will be here for you. Please stay with us. You will find an abundance of support and inspiration.

                          Good luck on your new life. It only gets better.

                          Love, Me
                          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                            My Story...

                            hi straight. welcome am new here too. and i have been reading lot of these post. and i really like yours .it took alot for you to admit that you have a problem. good job thanks for sharing and there is a book call/ living sober /check it out. it help me
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              My Story...

                              Hey everyone and thanks so much for your warm welcome. I'm glad - and sad, that we can relate.

                              Well saturday came and went, I tell you, I really couldnt wait to stop. I felt like I was dying slowly, though I've felt like that for a long while. I'm now 4 days AF and doing pretty good. I am very sleepy though and pretty niggly but other than that ok. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night feeling again like I"m dying, but I'm sure that's all just part of the process. Overall everything is going good.

                              I hope to be a lot more active on the forum, just trying to work it all out - it's a pretty busy place!

                              Right now is a bit of a challenge cos my daughter is at her dad's house tonight, so I'm left alone, and usually by now I'm well into my drinking. I know I wont break, but it's going to be irritating. It's boredom more than anything (drinking=putting a better angle on everything).

                              I just gotta get healthy again! I want this weight to go! I want to FEEL.

                              Again, thanks everyone, I'll try to jump in where I can, when I can.

                              Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line

