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AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

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    AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

    Mark and run!!


    Good morning to all in AB-Land! Hope everyone made it through the weekend happy, fulfilled, and alcohol free! I sure did and I LOVE LOVE LOVE a hangover free morning. I'm looking forward to this week as it should be sort of "normal" after the holiday time, then the CRAZY week last week with all the regular weekly stuff back in play, plus the extras that built up in December.

    I'm planning to stop by a studio to find out about their Yoga classes. It should work out that I will get there at a time where I can inquire, then stick around for a class if I decide I want to give it a whirl. For those of you who do yoga and other exercising, do you do yoga AND your other working out in the same day? Just curious....

    Other than that I was up early and I'm ready to hit the road and get this day underway. Hope everyone is HANGOVER FREE and lovin' it today!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

    Hi Doggy. Hi everyone out there.

    Had a great weekend two and made it a nother Weekend AF so hangover free!!

    Last week was a bit difficult and I wasn't feeling good most of the week. I actually felt like I had a permanent hangover. Well. Back on top today. Spent lots of time outdoors this weekend. Took my wife out for a bit of dancing Sat night and feel greatly rejuvenated today.

    Hope you all doing as great!!!
    AF since 15th March 2010

    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


      AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

      Morning DG and everyone else to follow...
      Waking up hangover free is a great feeling, not to mention just plain easier.......
      Another work week ahead, I am happy to have a job, but I have a feeling I am going to be asked to go full time instead of my 32 hours per week. I am not sure I want to do this, but if push comes to shove in this economy I just may have to. I will cross that bridge when I come to it. In days of old I would already be stressing about the unknown, mentally plotting and planning ways/reasons why "I can't"......Today I will just play it by ear and see what is in store when the time comes......
      I hope everyone to follow had a great weekend meeting their goals.........
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

        Morning all, I feel better today, no fever, no pukes....anything is better than yesterday. I will play catch-up today although I am still a bit slow.
        More snow on the way, glad I have a bunch to read and do indoors.

        Joh & Dg, glad you both are well and happy. Happy day to all! nat
        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


          AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

          Charlee, we crossed. Hope it all works out with work.
          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

            I am so AF that I had my 7 month peppermint ice cream several days early yesterday as I waited in front of the movie theater! :H Saw MILK. Sean Penn was really good.

            Got a lot accomplished but not stuff that is really noticible (except the momentary absence of doggie hair).

            Off to jury duty! Have a good one.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

              Hi Everyone:

              Char, I too would have been stressing about something that hasn't happened yet (i.e. being asked to go full-time). Living in the now is the basis of Ekhard Tolle's books, & for me, it is not easy. I'm either rehashing what has already happened (what good does that do?) or I'm planning or worrying about the future. I've been making a concerted effort to pull my mind back to what I'm doing NOW.

              I'm doing well staying sober. Yesterday, I spent the day w/the g-sons, taking them to a program at the local children's museum, & then having them & my daughter over for dinner. It was tiring but very worthwhile. We had a great time. In the past, the fatigue would have been a trigger for me. But I did not drink after they went home. I just settled down w/a magazine & relaxed like normal people do.

              Take care everyone. I'll check back later.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

                Since Jan 1st I haven't touched alcohol or ciggies. My problem is, I haven't had any real cravings. Hardly any, and I don't think this can be right. I've never given up both together before though I have gone significant periods without one of them.

                Previously I've had huge, I guess you could call them .. hungers, or frenzies .. for alcohol or fags. Sometimes I've caved, sometimes not. Last year was pretty good, I went from being an everyday drinker to a weekend drinker with the odd bottle o'scotch bender thrown in. Not great .. but better.

                But on 1st of Jan, I thought, lets just not drink or smoke today. Twelve days later and I'm still not, with little effort on my part. This worries me.

                When I was a wee nipper m'lad I remember running 20 metres of a rugby pitch for a solo score of epic proportions. I dodged, I swerved, I was poetry in motion. I dimly wondered why nobody was trying to tackle me.
                It turned out that in my excitement I had picked up the ball in the goal area. It was out of play, the whistle had blown, and the referee was wondering who the arse running away with the ball was.

                It was me.

                Consequently I'm not happy about having a free ride. I feel now that, sooner or later, a huge hunger is coming my way and I won't have built up the resistance to resist.

                I recall some advice on non-smoking some years ago, it said that one should induce the craving so that one will be better positioned to fight it when a real craving comes along.

                Should I not be worrying about this? Should I just be grateful its all going so smoothley?


                  AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

                  Good morning, all! Johnny, I remember having that sort of hung-over kind of feeling during my first couple of months AF... never knew if it was related to going off the alcohol, or maybe all the supplements I was taking, or something unrelated.... it gradually went away...

                  Welcome Vanilla! I understand the worry... but I'd suggest you enjoy your craving-free time without spoiling it with worries! People differ tremendously in their pattern of cravings... which perhaps are better described as desires or impulses to drink (the word "craving" somehow adds power to the phenomenon, making it scarier than it really is). I have spent long periods of time AF, on several occasions, and never have had huge problems with urges to drink... perhaps in part because I do not allow my mind to dwell on any small thoughts or urges that do arise.

                  I'm not sure how one would go about deliberately inducing a "craving," in order to fight it off... I guess going into a bar where one used to drink? That sort of thing? I suppose that would make some sort of sense, psychologically... but I wouldn't recommend it. That sort of technique is usually done only in a behavioral therapy model, when the therapist actually accompanies the patient to help him identify the feelings, etc. Usually life itself presents plenty of cues and reminders about drinking, and we get stronger in dealing with them on a daily basis, even if it doesn't feel like a massive struggle.

                  OK I have to drive up north to do some evaluations, then back to down, and a busy afternoon...

                  I'll check back in later, everyone have a good day, OK?


                    AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

                    Good morning to my AF buds!
                    I am going thru a major crisis in my life and continuing to be AF. That is huge for me as I have always leaned on AL to get me thru everything. I have made up my mind and as someone(johnny?) on another thread once your mind is made up it becomes easy. I am almost kind of defiant in my dislike of alcohol as I watch it control my husband. When I go out and see others drinking and getting stupid it reminds me of the person I WAS. I am new now and I like who I am.
                    Blessings to you all
                    Toughen up!


                      AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

                      St. John: I like that. Once your mind is made up, it's easy. I've made up my mind. Life is 100% better wo/AL. As far as not having any cravings: I think that our mind & spirit know when our time to drink is over. There are then no questions, cravings, temptations, etc. When denial lingers for me ("I'm not so bad" or "I can have just one"), then I'm vulnerable to cravings. I am continuing to know deep within myself that drinking is not for me. I don't drink responsibly & never will.

                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

                        Thank you WIP. I shouldn't worry and I will pay it less mind. I agree with your observation on the importance of terminology and you are, of course, quite correct. The words 'craving' or 'hunger' would imply a visceral, physical, all-encompassing need. Quite fancying a pint or a ciggie is just ... so much less than that, so yes, lets not give it a power that it doesn't deserve.

                        On the same grounds, I cannot pretend that it doesn't exist either. I feel I may be doing just that. Proper context is the key.

                        As for induction, I did have lunch at my local pub on the weekend. I felt nothing. I could smell the smoke in the bar and didn't like it much. I thought 'what a waste of a Saturday afternoon' and took a trip into town instead.


                          AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

                          VOP. It's funny how sitting around all day in a smokey room getting drunk and spending lots of money could ever seem like a good idea. :H

                          Day 12 for me.


                            AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

                            Morning all!

                            I have been running around with my head chopped off this morning. Just logged in here to quickly see how you all are.

                            I am meeting with the Victoria Pet Society in a couple of hours for discussions in regards to volunteer work.

                            I had my nails done last night (been a LONG time) and I can't type worth shit anymore.


                            ps. This weekend was HELL for me in regards to cravings. I didn't crack; and I am feeling great. I have no idea why it was so tough. I kept super busy... I feel relief today and for that, I am thankful!


                              AF Daily - Monday January 12, 2009

                              Good morning to everyone.
                              Congratulations to all your successes. And have a great day!
                              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

