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    Tried to post a thread earlier this evening but I guess it didn't grab.

    Has anyone else had this experience? An acquaintence of mine had been going to AA for approx. a year and her sponsor asked her if she was interested in him in a more intimate way. Shocking, given the purpose of the forum.

    It had been suggested that I try AA but knowing the above information I couldn't bring myself to attend AA meetings except to support her at AA birthday meetings.

    I have since moved from that area and there is not AA affiliation nearby. Hence why I am here at My Way Out Forum.

    Have any of you heard of this type of behaviour?


    Welcome, P. As to the experience of your friend.... it happens. Usually people are paired with same-gender sponsors. People who go to AA meetings (including some who act as sponsors) are not perfect, which is true of any recovery-type group.

    At any rate, welcome to MWO! You can get a lot of help and support here. I hope you will do a lot of reading, a lot of posting, and let us know how you are doing.



      Welcome Polar, i am not into AA...asking if i have seen that kind of behavior YES !!! You bet..I have seen that and worse...I left AA...went to women for sobriety for sexual pressure there and much easier for me to swallow their program.
      You will find a safe place to begin recovery here. The people are wonderful. have you read the MWO book ???
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



        I have been on this forum before and have read the book. I am unable to take the prescription medicine recommended and have tried the other supplements. Maybe I didn't give them enough time or take them consistently so would be willing to try again. I am healthy as far as exercise and eating pretty well but I just can't seem to stop the red wine. I have gotten better but then when I say I will NOT drink again then of course I DO - I drink a bottle or more and then feel like crap the next day. I really want to be healthy and not beat myself up. My life is GOOD but I am afraid a good thing is gunna go sour because of the drinking - physically and spiritually. I don't go into withdrawals as I was away for a week on a yoga training and did not experience these effects but I still believe it is slowly killing me - so I am here. AA caused some problems for me and there was too much judging and some of that opposite sex thing a bit. Thanks



          New Beginnings

          Hi there, I can sooo relate to what you are saying about the red wine. I too have a problem with only that drink. Having recently joined this wonderful club, and with the support of my great husband, I had my first week that I can remember without alcohol. He generally has two beers a night but we decided that for health's sake, we would go Mon-Thurs without a drink. It was really hard but I found that if I got myself busy during the hours that I would normally pour a wine, and got through the dinner hour it was like a trigger was switched off. My temptation time is definately 5-8pm so I have been having soda water with a slice of lemon. I know I couldn't do it without his help and this site is fantastic to know that I am not alone. However, last night I slipped up and had two glasses of white wine when talking through some problems with a friend. I made sure that it was white wine so that the temptation to continue through the bottle was not as great as red. I also have no withdrawal signs. I guess I had a good hard look at myself and decided I didn't like what I saw in the mirror at ten at night or 6 in the morning - bloodshot eyes, fuzzy head and being a women, the thought of 35% increase in breast cancer risk really made my mind up. I lost a friend aged 46 on christmas day from cancer who will not physically see her family of four kids grow up and will not grow old with her hubby. We all know what is the right decision to make. Listen to your clear head, not the booze head that calls and tempts us. Health, family and friends and all the good things life have to offer are so much more gorgeous than a glass of red. Sorry for rambling on but I know I will succeed and you will too. XO



            :welcome: P .. i know of many couples who have met at AA and married.. Most recently two women were united and they are wonderful people.. i tell men up front i am taken and not interested in another relationship, the one i am in is difficult enough..


