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Monday, October 9th

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    Monday, October 9th

    Good Monday morning to you, Abstown!!

    We're getting off to a bit of a slow start here in terms of the # of posts, but don't worry, that is OK. The posts we do have are helpful, and Brigid is out exploring God-knows-where. And as more people become comfortable with the idea that they are going to be AF long term, they will start posting in both AF communities.

    Also, when I made the first daily post here, I made the comment that we would ask those who hadn't committed to long-term abs to not post. Maybe that wasn't exactly the right way to put it. I certainly didn't want to make people feel intimidated to post here.... I guess the idea is that this place is, by definition, a place where the topics are related to long term abs. The other community (Absville) can be short or long term abs, and the struggles of both. So what I'm saying is that anyone considering long term abs as a way of life should feel free to jump in here if the spirit moves them. Does that sound reasonable?

    Ok here's another question for ya. Where do you see this board (and this program) fitting into your life in a year's time? In 5 years' time? If you visit the site daily now, do you think you will then? If you do hypno daily now, do you think you will then? I know we can't predict the future, and we'll do whatever we need to do at the time. I'm just curious what kind of future you would like to have, if you can actually shape it. My life right now, in early sobriety, pretty much revolves around recovery. Except when I am working. Even then, I have to think about it from time to time, to make sure I'm not getting too stressed out! But in 5 years, do I really want to spend so much time thinking about not drinking??
    I mean, I know I'll always have to take good care of myself, watch out for warning signs, etc. -- but to what extent will "abstaining" take up mental or emotional energy? I think that's why I really like the word "sobriety" better than "abstinence" anyway. Sobriety is a state of being -- a natural state for a human being, by the way. Abstinence means that you are depriving yourself of something. So -- in a year, or 5 years, or even 10 -- how do you see yourself in terms of staying sober?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)

    Monday, October 9th


    I think people will come here regardless if they are committed or not. You are right they should feel free to post. I think the idea with this board is to stay on track for an AF life everyday. Many are trying to abstain for the 30 day period and have ups and downs during those 30 days, but this board should be concentrating on the lifestyle changes for the long haul. There are many changes that are and will be taking place for those want an AF life and our topics will change as we do. For me I feel like I'm reinventing myself and I'm in unfamiliar waters in trying to figure out who I am and and how it all fits into my new AF life is challenging.

    I don't know where I see myself in 1 year but hopefully I will have controlled the cravings, and in 5 years I hope to be happy, easy going, learning new things and helping others. This board could very well still be a part of my ongoing recovery as new issues pop-up. I wonder what supplements will be necessary for the long haul. I'm finding more and more I'm a tad bit compulsive and obsessive and that could be one of the many problems I have with drinking. Another is anxiety and I'm working on not feeling like I'm coming out of my skin all the time and trying understanding why I create anxiety. I am my worst enemy and have a need to sabotoge myself. I will be happy or just feel good and that stupid urge pops in for no reason. I can kind of understand why the thought hits when I'm stressed but when I'm feeling good that' just not right.

    I feel good every morning when I wake up, I got sick recently and even though I felt like crap it was nothing close to my three day hangovers. I am doing a lot more cooking which I stayed away from because of the habit of drinking and cooking. I'm now able to work on my knife skills in chopping without worrying about cutting my fingers off. Everything that I'm relearning to do is deliberate and I'm beginning to get joy back little by little.



      Monday, October 9th

      what will I be using in 1-5 years

      What can I see myself continuing to do? Even though we have to continue to keep ours eyes open--I would hope to being doing the things that make me feel better and be more productive. At this point I am not thinking about not drinking. I am thinking of what will will enhance my life and make me happy. Things that I need to incorporate or changes that need to be made. We are all going to go through bad times that are beyond our control. But the things that I can control and what I should be doing regarding them is my focus at this point. I am try not to look too far in the future. What will be good for me right now--the immediate future? What will make me happy? What will make life easier and more enjoyable? Its those things that are on my mind right now. There are things that I thought I had no control over--now I am realizing differently. It goes back to the question--if a doctor said you had 24 hours to live--what would you regret not doing? Its those things that I need to aim for--and its exciting!


        Monday, October 9th

        hi again

        Hey all,
        Been away awhile getting my head on straight. Today I celebrate 30 days sober! Please know you all have a part in this for me. When I was living the pipedream of moderate drinking, I was a complete numbskull. Who was I kidding anyway? Certainly none of us who already knew better.
        I stay away from the boards during really vexing personal times, but i do tend to read posts frequently. While not always popular in these parts, I believe in the power of showing up face to face in a meeting.That has saved my butt along with open sharing here.Thank you all for being the only safe haven while I was running from AA! I LOVE that we call come from different angles yet have arrived at the same conclusion with regard to alcohol. Thanks Mike for leading this incredible forum. You all are dear friends.


          Monday, October 9th

          Mike, hi. I will try to start some posts now I'm back.. but my routine is about round the houses at the moment so if I havent done it.. someone else pop in. Its a big ask to keep on being the first one to pop in and post so I vote we really all take responsibility here and just start it off, specially as Mike is doing mayor elsewhere at the moment as well.

          As to the question.

          Well, when I started here, my thought was minute by minute. As the time passed on,.. i moved on to just experiencing a new history for myself, not necessarily a new future, if you get my drift. Based on past experience, I"ve let myself down quite a bit, so i'm cautious about thinking about the future, not wanting to jeopardise it. I thought at the beginning that those further down the track, and here, at that time, some people had done a few months (that was all!) that was really solid work. Now I'm nearly at a year sober, I feel like I"m only at the beginning.

          As for this board. I cant rely on this board, cos people just come and go. I dont know who any of you are.. havent met any of you... People come here and get very enthusiastic and post heaps and then leave.. so I have to just enjoy the posts, rather than the people.. if you get my drift!!! but of course, I do get attached to the people also. As I"ve said before, it helps me to remember the awful place I was at the beginning of my journey and this board is excellent in that way for me!!! The eloquence and honesty with which people post when they first get here is genuine and moving and although I dont wish this on anyone.. the fact that I'm reminded of how awful that place was is a motivator for me. Cripes, i'm not going back there.

          I'm with Kate in terms of the fact that I used to think once I had some sobriety I could think more about the future.. but I was wrong. I cant ever think I"m cured.. I"m only of a journey of healing. Part of that journey has been to give up the grog.. but another part of it is doing the stuff Neil has been talking about in terms of that child stuff.. inner child work has nearly taken me to the brink and has been bloody hard work.. but if I dont come through that and cherish that part of me I doubt I'll ever like myself... so I"m not there, but I am confident that I am on the journey.

          I do find it easier not to drink today.. and feel more confident that I can keep it up but I dont want to get cocky about it cos thats when I might fail. Better to recognise my frailty than to pretend I"m over it.

          I was amased recently when a family member reminded me of an awful incident in my past. My ability to totally block out this incident totally amased me. I could remember it after some thought and time.. but it had really become a taboo subject for me. Booze enabled that in me.. to block things out. NOw, I have to face these things.. I do have the tools and skills and love to do this and these things wont crush me.. but I"m still scared. I dont want to block out my frailty.. I need to be open.. eyes open.. brain open and trust that its going to be ok.



            Monday, October 9th

            Hi everyone and thanks for posting.

            I guess that no matter how we envision the future, it boils down to the fact that we all have today. And we live life one day at a time.

            That has always been an issue of mine. I have always tried to plan out the future too much, and in doing so, I skip important things I should be doing in the present. I try and remind myself to just relax and enjoy the journey!

            Welcome back Brigid -- so glad you didn't blow away out there!

            And Lori, congrats on 30 days!

            Great to see you Spacie, Kate, and Kim.

            "Keep Coming Back!!"

            "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


              Monday, October 9th

              Congrats on your 30 days!!! You sound so much stronger and more determined than ever. I hope you feel very proud of your accomplishment. I admire you much! Love you!! Gina

