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Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

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    Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

    Hey Gang,

    Post 1,000 (or is it?) for me. Here's what I've learned at MWO.

    1. Type your post in word and cut and paste to the forum (especially if it's a long post) as there can be computer glitches and it's heartbreaking to lose a well thought out and lengthy post. Speaking of glitches, I have posted much more than a thousand posts but the computer got stuck and kept giving me the same number over and over. Maybe it happened for a reason (to make me stick here) as I really wanted to reach the senior member status (1,000 posts)

    2. "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz is a fabulous book. He speaks of one agreement and we must remember it when we are online participants as we can't hear tone or see expressions. When we can't see facial expressions, we can't back down from saying something if someone is starting to get offended. Often times words can be misconstrued or misunderstood. Don's second agreement is "Don't take anything personally." I have definitely learned that here, that things can be misunderstood and if feelings are hurt, I will ask for clarification or send a private mail.

    3. Where have all the modders gone?
    We don't have the support that AFers do as people that can successfully moderate usually do not need that day to day support. A clinical psychologist in LA who has an addiction private practice stated the people who are successful with moderate drinking after having had problems with alcohol abuse in the past "must make a profound commitment to lifelong vigilance around alcohol". I personally have never understood why so many moderators that seem to be successful leave and don't stay here to offer ongoing support to each other and to newbies. I also wonder how many remain successful at they just slip back into old bad habits and end up continuing to drink too much or do they really not need the support once they have learned some pearls of wisdom here to remain vigilant?

    4. I have learned that the moderator thread is the best place for me to remain as I work my program. If I venture to other threads where people are working their AF program I tread lightly. As a nurse at a trauma hospital, I have cared for people who are dying from alcoholism with bleeding varacies, shot livers or pancreases, etc. and I do know that for some people, one more drink could literally kill them. MWO fooled me when I joined as I thought it was a site for moderating but learned that more people end up going AF than down the moderator path. With that being said, I never want to entice someone who may be on the edge of thinking they can moderate when they really can't or shouldn't, so I generally never talk about my moderating life-stlye on non mod threads. This is my personal choice but it is out of respect for those that are not only living one day at a time... but one minute at a time.

    5. I have learned that when people come to our thread wondering if moderating is the way that they should go, the best answer may be "You must weigh the pleasure against the pain and problems drinking causes." It is usually not the amount that one drinks, but what happens when they do.

    These are my words of wisdom with my 1000th post! Hopefully there will be many more to come!

    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!


    Thank you so very, very much, for both this insightful post as well as for all that you do to help keep this Moderation part of the forum alive and well!!!

    . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


      Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

      Eve, you are a fantastic and wise woman. Love your words of wisdom. And we are working a program, aren't we?

      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


        Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

        ToMyHealth;1370792 wrote: Love your words of wisdom. And we are working a program, aren't we?


        Well, you are certainly helping with working our program. The number one thing for our recovery is to focus on our strengths and thinking about positive diversional activities other than drinking. Focusing on our fitness (which is what you have helped us to think about) has been a great positive as well. Glad to be on the same team girlfriend!

        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


          Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

          great post eve, I find these days I don't usually venture out of the modders section anymore for the most part and prefer to stick here where we are working our own type of program like you said.

          I wonder too about the long term modders and where they go, but I'm so grateful for someone like you who has been doing this for a long time and IMO, you are really grounded about it, and by that I mean you deal with things in a positive way, and that's something I'm trying to work on right now.

          Keep up the good work!


            Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

            I agree with what everyone here has said Eve. I saw this post last night, and although I was very touched, I felt ashamed that I had been so combatant lately and just didn't think I had a right to say anything. It is a personality trait of mine, and one of my father's that died with him at age 88. He did frequently apologize, however, and I will do the same. I am sorry for all the ranting, and I hope I haven't given us (the modders) a bad name.

            You are truly a star, Eve. I feel honored to be a part of your "team".

            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

              LibraryGirl;1370962 wrote: I felt ashamed that I had been so combatant lately and just didn't think I had a right to say anything. It is a personality trait of mine, and one of my father's that died with him at age 88. He did frequently apologize, however, and I will do the same. I am sorry for all the ranting, and I hope I haven't given us (the modders) a bad name.
              LG I don't think you've done anything you need to apologize for, those moderating threads always just seem to get a bit heated on BOTH SIDES so don't worry about it, really . We all get emotional over things, and sometimes I feel we mostly hurt ourselves by doing that if you know what I mean?


                Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!


                Has someone ever cut you off when you're driving and you react with calm (must be a new teen driver) and you shrug it off, or same case scenario, someone has cut you off ...and you react with anger..."What a jerk! What a *&@#@!!! What's the difference? It has to do with whether you're tired, hungry, sad, hung over, etc. Depending on where we are at is how we react sometimes.

                I look at every experience, good or bad for our personal growth. So now you have taken stock of the fact that sometimes you react (sometimes) in anger. I really think what happens is posts are misunderstood or misconstrued and that can make us angry or hurt but no harm was meant by the writer, their content was just misunderstood.

                I have a personal story to share. A former girlfriend confided a big secret to me. She asked me not to tell my husband. I told her "I will NEVER tell my husband!" I meant that I would never tell him because it was a secret that she confided and I would never break that confidentiality. He didn't have a reason or right to know her personal business. Time passed and she cancelled a trip she and I were going to take. She started to ignore me, quit being a facebook friend, didn't invite me to her annual party, etc. Two years passed and we ended up knowing a mutual friend who invited us to dinner and we were forced to run into each other. I gently prodded as to what was going on with her and her version of what happened came out. She stated she was so hurt and angry at me because when I said "I would NEVER tell my husband" she took it to mean that I was judging her, was disgusted with what she had told me and felt that he would judge her too and that is why she felt I said I would never tell him. She was mad at him and me for thinking we were or would judge her. Crazy story I know, but that is what happened and how things can be so misunderstood sometimes. And that happened face to face so who knows how wrong things can be taken when there is no tone, facial expression, etc. I say in the future LG, p.m. someone if you feel they said somethng out of line and handle it 1 on 1 at first If it's something that would benefit the mod members knowing, then bring it to the board for support. Don't feel ashamed and don't worry about giving us a bad name. We're fine. There will always be misunderstandings here. Sometimes we have to do as they teach people in AA.
                HALT, take a look at ourselves to see if we are hungry, angry lonely or tired. This can all affect how we react to things.

                The mod squad will always rise above any petty arguments that take place here and will remain a united front. Have a blessed and happy day friend. We will just stay focused on working on mod program and we'll all be fine!

                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                  Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

                  Eve11;1371058 wrote:
                  Has someone ever cut you off when you're driving and you react with calm (must be a new teen driver) and you shrug it off, or same case scenario, someone has cut you off ...and you react with anger..."What a jerk! What a *&@#@!!! What's the difference? It has to do with whether you're tired, hungry, sad, hung over, etc. Depending on where we are at is how we react sometimes.

                  I look at every experience, good or bad for our personal growth. So now you have taken stock of the fact that sometimes you react (sometimes) in anger. I really think what happens is posts are misunderstood or misconstrued and that can make us angry or hurt but no harm was meant by the writer, their content was just misunderstood.

                  The mod squad will always rise above any petty arguments that take place here and will remain a united front. Have a blessed and happy day friend. We will just stay focused on working on mod program and we'll all be fine! :l
                  Hi, Eve and everyone---

                  This is such a great post, a reminder to us all that everyone we interact with brings different "baggage" to the interaction, and our baggage is constantly changing. I know I surprise myself sometimes. This morning, for example, I was driving to work when someone backing out of their driveway looked right at me then backed out in front of me, forcing me to stop and wait while she cut me off. I surprised myself at how I screamed at her, then caught myself and didn't respond when she screamed back at me....

                  There's definitely something strange about the vehemence with which the AF Nazi's attack those of us that discuss moderation anywhere other than the mod board. I'm especially shocked at how they do this in the Newbie Nest, when the site is a beacon for folks, like me, that want to explore moderation as opposed to the lifelong struggle and degradation that certain "programs" promote. I have made a choice not to get into the latest battle, and write the vehemence off to something in their background (or "baggage") that makes them act as they do. I have no evidence to back this theory, but I think it has to do with their inability to moderate, and an inner conviction that if they can't do it, nobody else can. :bat

                  (To any lurkers that don't like my use of the term "AF Nazi": I'm using it similar to the "Soup Nazi" in the old Sienfeld sitcoms. If you still can't handle it, please write me privately, or forever hold your piece. What are you doing here anyway? )

                  To suggest that people struggling to moderate don't need the help and support of forums like this one is ludicrous. If we didn't need it, why bother? On the other hand, there's no shortage of meetings or websites for those that want to abstain. I would argue there's no need for them to clog up a site that, by design, attracts a whole lot of folks that are looking to make a change for the better in their lifestyle without going the AA or rehab route. Yes, Roberta is now AF (or said she was her last post back in April, 2011) but that doesn't change how we find the site.

                  So, to answer a question you posed further above, Eve, I think that a whole lot of moderators leave the site and the forums because they're chased off. The AF Nazi's attacks are more difficult to deal with than the problems they face trying to make a change.

                  BTW: I'm somewhere around day 55 AF, and am seriously considering sharing a bottle of wine with my wife on Sunday evening. If we decide to do so, I'll keep everyone informed of where the turn in my journey progresses.

                  Let's stick together, fellow mods. Even if I ultimately come to the conclusion that I cannot moderate, I'll always be here for the friends I've made whose help I have so desperately relied upon. :groupluv:

                  Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                  When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                    Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

                    D, you did have me giggling when I read this. Did you mean peace. ROFLMAO, they may forever hold their piece, and you betta runnnnn! Pow!

                    "(To any lurkers that don't like my use of the term "AF Nazi": I'm using it similar to the "Soup Nazi" in the old Sienfeld sitcoms. If you still can't handle it, please write me privately, or forever hold your piece
                    . What are you doing here anyway? )"

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

                      LibraryGirl;1371118 wrote:

                      D, you did have me giggling when I read this. Did you mean peace. ROFLMAO, they may forever hold their piece
                      , and you betta runnnnn! Pow!
                      LG, I caught that too, piece vs peace and was laughing as well. It brought to mind the song ..."gotta run, gotta run, faster than my bullet!"
                      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                      ~Jack Welsh~:h

                      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                        Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

                        LibraryGirl;1371118 wrote: D, you did have me giggling when I read this. Did you mean peace. ROFLMAO, they may forever hold their piece, and you betta runnnnn! Pow!
                        LG, I caught that too, piece vs peace and was laughing as well. It brought to mind the song ..."you better run, better run, faster than my bullet!"
                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          Eve 11's 1000th Post!!!!

                          Actually, LG and Eve, I hate to admit that I wasn't thinking about a gun when I intentionally wrote "piece". I won't come out and say it, but the reference was about the trolls jerking us around.
                          Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                          When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.

