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Thoughts on moderation and habit

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    Thoughts on moderation and habit

    I'm starting to think I may moderate even more that my "official" schedule stated on my other thread. What prompted me to think about a formalized approach was what happened Monday.

    I had 1 glass of wine and afterward asked myself, "Why did I even have this? The day wasn't particularly stressful. Then I realized that it really was out of habit. I wasn't stressed, tense or particularly unhappy about anything. Very even emotions, if you know what I mean. It was just something that I was used to doing at around 6:00 pm before dinner.

    This has really just been a daily lifestyle thing, with maybe a little too much on the weekend (ex. Fri. night would be maybe 5 or 6 drinks of something. Sat. maybe about the same give or take)

    Anyway, I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say. I guess I'm rethinking the whole concept of "normalcy" for me. I've read Alan Carr's book and understand his line of thinking. Alcohol is ultimately poisonous to our systems. However, over time, fried chicken and cheeseburgers could be as well. I'm not likely to totally abstain from those foods.

    My moderation and maybe eventual abstinence may be an aversion to this concept of slowly poisoning myself even though 99% of the time I feel pretty good , other than the usual aches and pains for 52 :H. I certainly want to be as healthy as possible as I get older. I only have a wife, no kids. I need to be able to take care of myself for as long as possible.

    Anyway, I'm just rambling with these thoughts. Maybe others have had similar thoughts. I know life ends one day. This life is enough. Not interested in eternity and don't believe in it. I just don't want to finish in an ugly fashion ( i.e. very decrepit) before slipping back into "the great mystery".

    Thoughts on moderation and habit

    Hi freethinker, when I first started modding and cutting back I noticed too that a lot of my urges to drink were just that, habit. I associated drinking with so many things, cooking a certain meal brought on urges because it was my go to dinner when I drank, the time of day brought on urges, doing work on the house brought on feelings of "I deserve to drink as a reward" urges, and I think what it comes down to is that when we get into the habit to drink, whether it be at a certain time or associate it with certain activities, it really does become a habit and so our brains are just reminding us that when x happens you drink.

    And x can be lots of different things, it can be a certain time, a certain activity like cooking dinner, a certain event, a certain feeling that we reward with alcohol and that's just our brain doing what it's meant to do, just like I wake up in the morning and have caffeine and make breakfast, I do it everyday without even having to think about it, it's just a habit and by repetition my brain knows automatically that's what I need to do. Breaking habits can take time, but if you repeat any behavior for long enough, I believe a new habit forms and old ones fall away, but in the mean time your brain gives you reminders that can come in the form of thoughts or urges because we've sort of taught them to do that by repetition.


      Thoughts on moderation and habit

      Makes perfect sense to me drinkingal. You just explained my drinking life in 2 paragraphs. I've been pretty good at developing habits (good and bad). I've also eliminated both.
      I'd like to change the ratios more in my favor. Thanks.


        Thoughts on moderation and habit

        Hi, there!
        Oh, boy, do I ever agree with what you have said on this thread! Time of day, habits, yep. And in trying to break the wine/vodka habit I have developed a new one which soon has to be broken, dang it! That handful of M&Ms after lunch. Hmmm....

        Seriously, thank you for saying these things. You are right, we can break our bad habits and form new ones (new GOOD ones.) Freethinker, I also don't have children, but we do owe it to ourselves and our spouses to be as healthy as we can be as long as we can be. Moderation in all things.


          Thoughts on moderation and habit

          I agree with this habit of drinking while cooking or certain foods go with a certain drink but I am on this site bc I do not want to be drinking as much as I have been.....I dont want to have a margarita everytime I have mexican food. Also, when I drinks at lunch, whether it is one or makes me tired the rest of the day so I am not sure why I will continue to do it. I dont do it regularly but everytime I do it and feel tired.....Im like, I need to get a grip on this.


            Thoughts on moderation and habit

            Funny, I've been saying this for awhile. It is even funny how even when you recognize it it can creep up on you sometimes... you'll see, if you decide to meet up with people and "not drink", the first few times, you'll be drinking so much water, it's like its going out of style....all simply habit.



              Thoughts on moderation and habit

              I know this is an older thread so I don't know if I post on it will it get read or not...... but anyway.... I so agree with the habit idea! I have been feeling some kinda way but couldn't put it into words.... .These Are The Words!!!!!


                Thoughts on moderation and habit

                Been a while since anyone has posted to this thread but just wanted to comment on drinking and habit. That is exactly how it started for me but the one thing I have to keep in mind, and I don't know how much any of you do/have been drinking, over time habit becomes biology. That is what got me stuck. Too many days after work having a few drinks and eventually . . . viola! I have a problem. I know for myself at least that I need some time, 2 weeks to a month at least, abstaining and let those biological markers go extinct.
                “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                Newbies Nest
                Newbies Nest Roll Call
                Cattleman Cafe


                  Thoughts on moderation and habit

                  Just checking in after a long absence (but sadly not a long abstinence).

                  My problem is more about habit than anything else, really. But, an unhealthy habit is still unhealthy.


                    Thoughts on moderation and habit

                    Dancing we're probably in the same boat. Need to break and keep away the bonds of biology forged by habit. How often do you drink? From what I've read of the research it takes two weeks to a month to break those bonds and a constant two weeks between.Still working on the first two weeks myself. You don't know me but glad you checked in, Hope things have been OK with you since your last post.
                    “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                    "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                    Newbies Nest
                    Newbies Nest Roll Call
                    Cattleman Cafe


                      Thoughts on moderation and habit

                      Hi Dancing Girl! I remember you and welcome back! I am sure you remember me as I certainly have struggled with the habit issue. I can tell myself it is habit to make an evening drink, but then when the 2 turns into 4 what do I call that? Not modding.

                      I agree with Orimus and am taking a break. What are you thinking for yourself?

                      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                        Thoughts on moderation and habit

                        Hi TMH,

                        Of course I remember you - and Eve, Stewarts, Emmie, NNGal, Crocus, and - sorry I know I'm leaving people off

                        I've had a really tough couple of months at work and although I didn't really "fall off the wagon" I did fall away from moderating. The main thing, really is the habit part. Come home from work and pour a glass of wine. In cold weather, sit by the fireplace and chat with husband. Now the weather is nicer, sit on back steps and enjoy the garden and chat with husband. Then a second, and another with dinner, and, well... you know the story. I don't get sick, or drive my car into the neighbour's swimming pool or anything like that, but I'm sure not modding!!!

                        First step - get back on the Drink Aware checklist. Being honest - shocking - and back to where I was in mid-January.

                        Next step - get back to my AF days and keep track the rest of the time.

                        The tracker is a great motivator because it shows red if you are overdoing it, yellow if you ought to be drinking less, and green if you are truly moderating. It keeps statistics, which you can then watch as your drinking goes down.

                        My Mom is coming to visit this weekend, so I'll be temperate with her anyway.

                        Nice to be back.


                          Thoughts on moderation and habit

                          HI, DancingGirl, I missed you!
                          I know just what you mean. Coming home from work means relaxing with the husband, and having a glass. I usually make a real point of starting out with iced tea or diet tonic. Putting the glass of wine off until after dinner helps, too, and then sometimes it just gets put off until the next day - not always, mind you, but often enough that it helps.


                            Thoughts on moderation and habit

                            Aww - thanks NNG! I'm fighting the "habit" think right now. We just came home from a day out with my mother, who's visiting. I poured a glass of ginger ale, then came down to the computer to book train tickets for something next week. Now, back to the ginger ale. Delay,,,, Delay,,,,,

                            Love you all and glad I'm back. It was just a rough six weeks or so.

