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Craving food like no tomorrow

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    Craving food like no tomorrow

    Ok all I have a question. This is my second week (start of) and about mid way through last week I started getting really hungry. Today I can barely handle not eating. I feel starved even though I have had more than enough food to satisfy myself.

    I am taking all the medications plus I take Capsasin (good for the heart) 40,000 HU and Chromium Picolinate 1000mg. Do any of the other suppliments make you famished? The only think I am not doing is taking the prescription meds.

    Any ideas/experience/suggestion? I dont want to GAIN weight, my beer gut is big enough as it is

    Craving food like no tomorrow

    Hi Hablur,

    Fraid I can't help with the medication/supplements but CAN relate to the food cravings! -
    I never ate properly until quitting alcohol - I joked about a liquid diet but I was surprised at how close to the truth it was. Now I'm not drinking I have to actually eat - and good full meals which I rarely did before!

    From what I've read it's pretty common and some people have suggested taking a supply of veg and a dip to work to munch on when hungry - drinking plenty of water - try keeping off the high fat, high sugar foods until this period disappears (as people say it does.) - and also that some of the supplements help the cravings. I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but hopefully other more knowledgeable friends will be along soon.

    In the meantime, many congratulations on your second AF week :goodjob: - that's brilliant so keep going - onwards and upwards!

    All the best
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      Craving food like no tomorrow

      Howdy Hablur ! Note that the letters are in blue. That is supposed to curb your appetite if your plate is blue... Teee !!! Heee!!!! Sorry, Really,
      Are you taking a multivitamin? Please realize that for so long your body as been deffitient(sp) in so many vital minerals and vitamins... Now your body is trying to get all caught up. Feed your body healthy foods and don't fill up on "empty" calories. Eg:
      - Exchange white rice for brown rice
      -pasta for whole wheat pasta ( it will make you wear socks and sandals though)
      -fresh fruit instead of fruit juices and punches ( loads of fibre and no added sugar)
      -1% milk or skim if you can instead of 2% (your heart will thank-you)
      -have your last healthy snack 2 hours before bed.(It takes about 4 days to get used to this one, but I know that you can do it. You don't want your body to have to work overtime digesting when it should be repairing itself and resting)
      -get your water in.(often times you think you have a hunger pain and your body is just trying to say that it is dehydrated. If you actually "feel" thirsty your body is WAY too dehydrated.
      -don't be a member of "the clean plate club" My old saying is "Better wasted than tasted"
      -for a really satisfying crunch I take baked lay chips, dip first into salsa, then spoon some fat-free sour cream on top. Yum !
      -don't ever "diet" and not eat the nutrients that your body needs. We all need carbs just to simply think and metabolize our food.
      -if you eat a bigger breakfast, a moderate lunch and a smaller dinner, plus atleast 2 healthy snacks you will bump your metabolism, especially if you can sneak in atleast 20 minutes of cardio excercise 5 times per week.
      I used to think in highschool that I would be a nutritionist or something because I truely am passionate about how we can make the most of the fuel we feed our bodies.
      Thanks for listening to me babble.
      Speaking of eating.... Cody(my horse), Kiwi and Niblet (my 2 miniature goats) will be PI$%^&ED at me if they aren't brought in and fed their supper in the next 10 minutes.
      Hope I was some help. Feed Your Body Good And It Will Make You Feel Good Too.
      ~ Niblet ~

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Craving food like no tomorrow

        Hablur....I was SCARED to death about my weight. The alocohol had put on enough as it was. AND I was starving. I started Topamax and have no appetite now. But, the veggies for a snack is a good idea. And I like the Dasani lemon waters.


          Craving food like no tomorrow

          Hab, I know what you're talking about. I'm craving foods at night time. All foods! I know that multi B's increase your appetite, which probably explains it. Can you get out and do some exercise? This will definitely do the trick! I also find exercise decreases my appetite.

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            Craving food like no tomorrow

            I ate like a PIG whenever I gave up alcohol. This last time I gained 7 lbs. That's because I would rather drink than eat. I deprived my body food. So once I quit drinking I started eating!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Craving food like no tomorrow

              all good advice here- If you want to lose weight take Topamax you'll never want to eat again.
              I lost about 18 pounds on it.

              Now I am taking Campral and cannot stop eating carbs. I am trying to stick with the whole grains and am drinking a boatload of water but I feel weight creeping back on even though I am reduced my booze intake by a LOT. I lost the wine gut and I feel it coming back. I have to get a handle on the food. I think I am bored, that's definitely part of it.
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                Craving food like no tomorrow

                I always live by "eat when ever you are hungry". Your body is telling you it wants nutrients; but what you eat is important. If you've already had a meal or a snack try a glass of water instead, your body may be telling you you're dehydrated and we mistake it for hunger.

                Niblet has some great advice. I'm very concious of what I eat as well.

                For meats I eat a lot of fresh fish, lamb, lean filet, lean pork, lean hamburger (for tacos),duck for a treat, chicken and turkey.

                I stay away from white pasta's and enriched flours. I buy whole grains, whole wheats, coucous, stuff like that.

                Citrus fruits are great for cleansing your body and helping to rid the fat as well. Eat a grapefruit every morning before you eat anything else. Low fat plain yogurts are great; add some fresh berries in it.

                Keep your pop intake down to a minimum; it's loaded with lots of sugar.

                Niblet covered it really well. I love to eat, but I eat well and watch the food. I read all the labels, check for the best quality of meats and veggies. It's always great to eat what's in season. Also, when going to the grocery store keep to the outside as that is normally where all the best fresh produce and things are. I don't really eat anything out of a can. Frozen is better as it maintains more nutrients and is not sitting in syrup or somekind.

