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Question? Sore stomach

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    Question? Sore stomach

    Hi all, Today I'm 13 days AF and for the last 3 days I've occasionally had a sore stomach. It feels kinda like a hunger pain, but worse. It feels like I swallowed a hot rock and it's sitting directly in my stomach... Tums temporarly seem to help a bit. I've not had much of an appetite atall cause I feel yucky ! I'm not constipated or gasy. Is it withdrawl from alcohol this late in the game. I only had 1 Kudzu today and none yesterday... Also have had headaches off and on for the last week.. Drinking lots of water. I take a multivitamin, omega 3,6&9, glucosomine, B complex and St. Johns Wart. Only twice took something for the headaches. Not craving or stressed. Not sleeping real great, but more ENERGIZED than I have been in so long. I love you guys for all that you have supported me through these last days. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

    Question? Sore stomach

    Maybe just a bug Niblet? Has anyone else in your family had anything? Terrible stomach bugs have been going around this year. Hope you feel better soon...did you finish the afghan?


      Question? Sore stomach

      Niblet, I'm not aware of anything alcohol-related that would be popping up after two weeks.

      Could it be something simple, like the flu?
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        Question? Sore stomach

        Thanks guys you set my mind at ease... I have never stopped drinking this long and was afraid that it was going to get really bad. You know that feeling that "Wow this is going along great....and waiting for something to screw it up" Come to think of it I do work in the caffeteria with tons of germ carrying people... Hummm.
        Cal and Mag, do you mean Calcium and magnizium Janie? I drink3 or 4 glasses of skim milk a day (I think I was a calf in another life. Ha ! Ha!) I don't take Mag. Do you recommend it? I'm guessing it might be a water soluable vitamin from the "B" family? If it's what I think it is, I took one too many once and my skin felt like it was going to burn right off ! I panicked and called the pharmacy where I was told it was water soluable and to drink lots of water ( I think I used tons of wine to kill the discomfort) Can I ramble on or what !!! Thanks again Guys for being there for me ! Hugs to you all !

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          Question? Sore stomach

          hey Niblet, does this pain happen before or after you eat? Janie is wise to recommend magnesium and also calcium. they will help replace things that alcohol has depleted as well as help you rest/sleep. Eating a really good diet with a variety of veggies is also really important. good to see you taking the others supps. Let us know how it goes.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Question? Sore stomach

            hi nibblet I get a sour stomach if I take any vitamins or minerals without much food or fluid in my stomach. I also get a sour stomach if i'm nervous, anxious or worried.
            hope this helps

            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Question? Sore stomach

              Hi Determinator, I find that eating small snacks make my belly happier. I will get some magnesium and just not take too much... I've always made sure that my diet is balanced ( alcohol kicked that to the curb though) I flash freeze beans from our garden, love salads, brocolli with fat-free dip. Snack of oranges and grapefruit cubes. Always ate extremely well.. I sure do agree with you about replaced vital vit. and minerals when alcohol has played havock with all of our cells... Thanks for the insite.

              Oh and Luv, I did not finish my alfagan but I'm sure enjoying trying! I need it to be finished for the long weekend in May when we go up north fishing.. BRRR !
              Thanks again All, Hugs to you, ~Niblet~

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                Question? Sore stomach

                You're RIGHT Janie !!!! IT WAS NIACIN !!! I really REALLY felt aweful ! I think I took 3 times the amount because I read in a junk magizine National Enquirere or something that it would increase your metabolism etc... Anyhow, my septic tank got the raises metabolism, cause I flushed them within an hour of taking the first 3... I will definately get some magnesium though.. Good Stuff Guys !

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  Question? Sore stomach

                  niacin makes my ears turn red when I take it. Seriously, I look like Spock


                    Question? Sore stomach

                    If dropping the niacin doesn't clear it up completely you may want to take a look at the amount of citrus you are eating. Long term alcohol use can really do a number on your stomach lining and so can acid foods like citrus and tomatoes.

                    Hope you feel better!

                    Suddenly I see
                    This is what I want to be
                    suddenly I see
                    Why the hell it means so much to me.

                    -KT Tunstall


                      Question? Sore stomach

                      Thanks Janie and Lorelei

                      I'm feeling alot better this morning. Although I woke up once through the night with a stomach ache for only maybe 3 minutes, I've been great so far... Just wondering Lorelei, not too many people have your beautiful name and I had a friend that came from London Ontaio named Lorelei. You wouldn't happen to be that dark haired friend of mine would you? I do believe in carma. If not, I just HAD to ask Hon.
                      Thanks again and have a great day ! ~Niblet~

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        Question? Sore stomach

                        Hey Nib, have you ever had an edoscopy. where the tube goes down into your tummy and they look around? It dosen't hurt, your asleep, my doctor found a small gastric erosion and now I take protonix works great. It's so much better than the barrium test I had; that one is where you drink this gunk and roll around like Madonna on the X-ray room table and they try to get good views. (felt stupid) Hope you feel better


                          Question? Sore stomach

                          I am dark haired but not the same Lorelei that you know. My mom actually split the name up into two parts for my given name (Lori Lee) so she could also name me after my fathers mother (Leila). It is a very distinctive name and very pretty, sometimes I wish mom hadn't have split it up.

                          Take care!

                          Suddenly I see
                          This is what I want to be
                          suddenly I see
                          Why the hell it means so much to me.

                          -KT Tunstall


                            Question? Sore stomach

                            I'm right back up to snuff guys ! Thanks all for your caring and educating post... Must have been a touch of a flu bug or something.. I hate to think how down in the dumps I would be if I was plastered most days with this bug looming overhead. I would likely still be in bed sick as a dog.
                            Good Night, Sleep Tight All ~Niblet~

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

