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    Not sure if this right forum, but here goes.
    Have tried supps and hypno cds several times. Have purchased Topa over net ( I think from India) but cannot consult dr as med record already so messed up, would never work again. Am trying yet again, kudzu seems to do nothing, feel no different when taking supps to not. Can stay AF for few days then have couple and next week am drinking all time then start again on supps and cds. Am at end of tether.
    Have read so many books, tried so many things, AA etc just don't know what else to do.:new: :


    This is a wonderful place, the support group here is great.

    I don't know where you are or what kind of medical facilities you can get too, but you should be able to find a Dr. to help you through this. It isn't hopeless, but you do have to have an attitude that you will do whatever it takes to beat this. Here we have goverment programs which will allow you treatment without cost if you can't afford it. I wish I could be more help, but I don't know what else to say.
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



      hi Pip, there are many folks here that have used topa for some time and should be able to guide you. I'm assuming you've downloaded and read the MWO book? that should get you started with the topa regimen I'd think. Post some questions in the meds section too....make some noise! somebody will help. Hang tight.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)



        Hi Pip,
        Every couple of days you manage AF are great, its not easy so even 2 days is great to begin with (even 1 is great). Get back on the sups and topa then try for 3 days. Once on the topa you'll probably drink less on the drinking days too. Its all going the right way. Change how you think, believe in yourself and even if you can't yet keep coming back here and we'll believe in you till you're ready.
        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.



          Topa has worked very well for me. Give it a try....go to th section on Topa on this site and read, read, read...




            Hi Pip,

            I understand what you mean about not wanting to talk to the doctor and not wanting it on your records, I'm in the same boat. Personally I've found the Kudzu takes a little edge of wanting to drink sometimes. It's not a miracle cure by any means, but it does help a little. Similar to you I'm manging a few AF days here and there. Every AF is a bonus. If you get a run of a few - great. Frustrating at times I know. Work out what you would like to do. Just cut back or stop altogether? Read lots, post if you feel up to it, try to keep busy, keep your mind occupied and body active. I am no expert and am by far not a shining example! Keep hanging in there.




              You mentioned that you ordered has worked wonders for well for some not so well for others...for me it was like a switch that went off in my system that turned off the desire to drink...just didn't care to drink anymore...not sure if you have yours yet but I do hope it works for you as well as it has worked for me.
              :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:



                I am almost a year AF and know topa is mostly what helped me. All the above stuff is true. Get your mind worked up and ready to stop and the topa will help even more. You can do it.
                Gabby :flower:



                  Actually, I think I'm going to try the topa. I've ordered some online as I don't think I can get it over here. Who knows if it will work or not. Worth a try



                    Thanx to everyone who replied. Am going thru bad patch right now, drinking more than ever one week then totally af for next 5 days, then worse than before. Yet am scared to take med. Can't do any more damage than booze surely!



                      Don't give up hon. I just quit cigs and alcohol yesterday -- again -- hang tight, the worst is the first 10 days. 500 mg of L-Glutamine under the tongue kills a craving, lots of water, small protein meals. I suck on Hall's Vitamin C drops to distract for a few minutes, and find nurturing things to take care of yourself. Get some lavender essential oil for your bath to relax and help with sleep. Sometimes we just have to white knuckle it through a few days no matter what nutritional support we are getting. Cry, grieve, journal but give yourself time to heal and not drink. ((hugs)) Be kind to yourself. You can do this.

                      AF 21, March 2010

                      "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."



                        Padme, I've heard brushing several times per day with cinnamon toothpaste helps get over smoking. I have no idea why but heard it from several folks.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

