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14th April

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    mae all how are we doing? hope all is well with you today then..Yes ...rain was scarce yesterday .....but made up for it today ..its chucking it down..Went out with the camera earlier but a waste of time really .

    hiya Lav are you doing today? did you manage to see the showers or did the clouds mess it all up?yes Ive sorted my kit out for the wedding trainers and tie ....strangely enough I went through boredom and its not that I didnt have anything to do ..Ive got he garden trains etc ..just couldnt get it together ...but tbh the photography gets me out ..I keep thinking this Friday for some strange reason hope you have a decent day .

    hiya ppqp...def not rf today are you doing?We had a frost this morning quite a hardy one..and now its chucking it down ..So they are rezoning your city are they ...its a money making scheme thats for sure will find that public transport costs will change depending on what zones you go into commuter taxes will go up and also business rates for shops too well as homeowners taxes and rate able values .so in effect they are giving you some of your own money back ...hope you have a good day ..

    Hiya Slo, tg and pie how are you all keeping ?

    take care ..

    right folks have a good one ..
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Greetings everyone,

      Still cloudy & coolish here, better than rain or snow I guess. No meteors to be seen of course. I vacuumed one room today & gave up, have no real interest in cleaning (never did care much for housework) haha! At 3 pm we decide to go to Costco for a few things & stop at Applebees in the way home for early dinner. That was a nice change of scenery.

      PQ, hope it’s warmed up a bit for you. It is time for Spring to be everywhere now 😊
      yo are absolutely right, I seem to be stuck in the ‘middle’ right now plus I am sad about having to give up on the craft fairs. As much work as they were they were actually fun. Still have no idea how I’m going to fill that space in my life, time will tell. Sounds like your Feds may be overstepping a bit, typical government behavior! Your Premier has a big battle ahead of her, if she holds up,Lol

      Mick, back in the rain, ugh! Like you I have plenty of things to do/projects to complete but just haven’t felt like doing any of them. Hope my mojo shows up sooner rather than later.
      Keep your photography going as long as you can. We all need that one thing to save our sanity.

      Hello to Slo, Cyn & Pie, hope you are all well.
      Have a nice night all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        MAE snow, no rain but still a cold wind blowing. Was a good day at work, no drama, no fires to put out, no nothing...then I realized the accountant was off. LOL It was a good day.

        Mick...I had to think about RF day for a minute. LOL How soon one forgets! Things are out of control over here as far as inflation is concerned. To fight the climate change the Feds implemented a Carbon Tax, which keeps increasing. Basically trying to force people to change their habits of using oil & gas by taxing the sh*t out of it. All it's done is cause everything to go up in price. They keep saying people get almost all if not more of it back in rebates, but of course I make just enough money not to qualify. Hope your weather improves.

        Lav...bummer about the meteor showers. I can just picture you vacuuming a room, clicking the off button and just walking away. LOL I forgot you decided to stop the craft fairs. That's a big change in your routine as you're not busy prepping for them. No wonder you seem to be stuck. Time for a visit to Longworth Gardens (is that the name?) with or without YB. Hang in there, your mojo will catch up with you.

        I'm off to the new dermatologist tomorrow morning. Never did get to do a dry run to figure out how to get there so solved my anxiety by making my non-working son drive me. LOL

        Waves to all...have a good night...PPQP


          Mae all,

          Lav, you sound like you have Spring Fever... I do hope it is something that can be soothed once you can get outside and start "doing your thing" in the garden. I'm so glad that I knew you when you were doing embroidery... the things that I have of yours are priceless to me! Good luck with the "meh"s... hang in there.

          Mick, once again amazing photos -- you really captured that droplet on the green blade perfectly! Glad you got your outfit together for the weather... good job!

          PPQ - oh my, what a lot of stuff you must do to get ready for things... and then to have an "audience" bothering you! I hope the snow is melting, and that it won't come again...

          SLO, sometimes it is said that if you can "see" it in your mind's eye, the energy can lead the way to a solution... while you are waiting for the medical community to come around and help you, maybe the healing in your mind/body could help? Just a thought. So glad to hear that you are getting good Grandma time... what a gift.

          I'm finding it hard not to go back (mentally) to April of 2020, when things started to make a turn for the worse in my husband's health... it was so odd at that time to see the spring blooming trees, but to have the world be coping with a terrible, deadly disease. I am trying to concentrate on the healing power of nature... we've had lots of dramatic storms here, and I feel like the Universe is working something out... and the precious, brave blossoms on the trees are a good model.

          Wishing all well - deep breaths - give yourselves hugs -


            Good morning,

            I’m on my way to visit Young Daughter at her college soon! Just for an overnight.

            TG, April must be so painful for you, as the signs of Spring throw you back to April 2020. And it has only been four years since that all happened.

            I agree that natural sunlight is so important. I try to have the sun shine on my closed eyelids for 5 minutes on sunny days, and I track this. I have purchased a Sperti vitamin D sunlamp for winter time, now that I can’t get out for Winter walks. Or any walks.
            TG, you are right: I need to add in visualization and intention exercises.

            Lav, I think my frequent visits to my practitioners at the regenerative pain clinic, and acupuncturist, and kinesiologist and massage therapist; allow me to connect with kind people and therapeutic touch, and calming music; and also gets me out & about. These help me with the feelings of emptiness and isolation in my days.

            PQ, I thought your younger son had taken a job? Or is the other son on hiatus from his job? Anyhow, good solution to let him help.
            Yay for accountant-free days!
            I enjoyed the ‘So Help Me Todd” and the new “Young Sheldon” episodes last night.

            Mick, will you be getting out and shining up your dress shoes for the wedding? Or, not quite that spifffy?

            I have been grieving my cat of late, which has contributed to my sadness. I don’t mean to be grieving him, but, grief has its own timetable, and it comes in waves. And I can’t run to the fridge and drown it in beer, or dull it with wine, either. I hope the worst of the waves are over. Lately I have been able to look at his picture with admiration for who he was, rather than a tailspin of missing him, and all of the “did I do the right thing(s)?” questions.

            I wish you all a wonderful weekend ahead!
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              hiya all how are we doing today then? hope all is well with everyone ...poets day today my stuff sorted out for tomorrow for the wedding ...even got my shoes "highly polished" some things you never forget.been a nice day today ,with a rain downfall in between .

              hiya teegee are you doing?Im sorry that your mind wants to go back...its a natural thing .but as you say the healing power of nature will kick in if you allow it ..there is something magical about getting lost in the wonder of nature ..stay positive teegee .

              hiya ppqp...poets day switch off off jog on out of it are you doing?hope all is well.its a cracker with all these taxes ....some are acceptable but others are just real greedy money making schemes to increase the gap between the rich and not so rich..wont happen in my time but history is littered with the likes of the people who got fed yup with it .France Britain Germany Spain Russia have all got form for it .No accountant = good day .. hope you have a good weekend

              hiya Lav how are you doing?I think I would rather have cleaned up than go to costco.You may have a space left by the craft fairs ...Im sure you will find something to take its place ..the trick is to push it and not just think oh well.but you havent got that attitude to life .Is it not time for you to back to the big plant house?? get some inspiration and ideas ..have a great weekend

              hiya everyone else hope you are ok....try this and tell me what you see


              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Greetings friends,

                Clouds, rain & now sun here & the temp never got past 56 degrees. Definitely not a day to play outside., oh well. I woke up in somewhat better spirits today, I have no idea why but happier I guess, grateful 😊 I had tucked away a recipe for roasted potato salad in Pinterest & finally tried it today, yum. It’s dairy free & pretty darn good, YB liked it too.

                PQ, hope your Dermatology visit went well today. Yeah, I am going to miss the craft fairs but I just can’t handle all the heavy lifting. It’s hard at this age finding something new that’s going to replace all that. We’ll see what happens. I likely will be visiting Longwood Gardens solo before it gets too hot out.

                Cyn, nature has always been the best healer for us. I hope you get thru the next month with grace & ease, it must be hard. I don’t go to sleep at night without listening to a guided meditation. I really believe they help settle your mind & help you find peace. We could all use a little more of that!

                Slo, I’m glad to hear yo have a team of folks helping you work on finding peace & comfort. It’s so important we take care of our whole selves.
                I hope your overnight with your daughter was wonderful, sounds like fun. I’m sure you’re missing Boyd, he was with you a long time. I have large portraits of my two big dogs hanging on my kitchen wall. They were such a part of my life for a long time. I still miss them but I can see them anytime I want.

                Mick, that picture is awesome & a bit freaky, haha!
                our gas prices are creeping up, soon will be at $4/gal for the ‘summer blend’ we have to buy. The taxes on gas are set by each state & this state has one of the highest in the country. It makes perfect sense for me to cross state lines & buy gas in Maryland. Besides, it’s the closet gas station to my house Lol. I hope you enjoy the nephew’s wedding with your highly polished shoes 😂.

                Hello to Pie & anyone else stopping by tonight.
                Have a nice night all!

                Last edited by Lavande; April 19, 2024, 05:22 PM.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  MAE ALL...YAY IT'S THE WEEKEND YAY​...sunny today but still a cold wind with temp hovering around 2C. We have an event tonight and they started setting up for it at noon. It's an Adult Recreational Choirs group and a past program coordinator said phone PQ when their original venue double booked. I was hoping to see her before I left but alas no luck. I had booked 3 hrs off for my dermatologist appointment but was back at work within 2 hrs. so I left an hour early. LOL

                  TG...I do believe the rest of the snow will go this weekend. Fingers X'd it doesn't come back. I just want the north wind to stop! I'm not surprised you it's hard for you not to go back to 202 when spring comes around. I hope you can find peace with it soon. I like your analogy that the Universe is working something out...and the precious, brave blossoms on the trees are a good model. There's the positive, I'll remember that.

         are correct, younger son has a job, older son is on hiatus. LOL At least he goes to his brother for money, which is only fair because not too long ago the situation was reversed. I have been so worn out at the end of the day that after dinner it's book & bed. I watched the 1st So Help Me Todd and have the rest recorded. I'll catch up on the weekend. Enjoy your overnight with young daughter.

                  Mick...glad you're sorted out and ready for tomorrow, and of course your shoes are "highly polished", it's in your DNA. OMG, when I logged into the thread your pic came up and I immediately did what you said, closed my eyes and opened them slowly, and poof there was a guy with beard. Unbelievable...waiting to see what you'll produce with all your lenses. LOL Have fun tomorrow.

                  Lav...isn't it strange when you wake up like that? It's happened to me before too and I think why? Don't care, just glad it happened. Oooh, your Roasted Potato Salad sounds fab, care to share? Please! We, the boys and I, are craving veggies. Looking for any ideas for the spring/summer. The craft sales are a lot of work but I think it's the comradery of like people that makes them special/fun. Especially where you're living now, it's hard to socialize and not become isolated. Maybe you should setup an Zoom class "Embroidery with Lav" and get a following that all show up on a big screen so you've got that companionship. Get YB working on the logistics. LOL A visit to Longwood Gardens with your granddaughter might be fun. The Dermatology appointment went as I was hoping. It is a fungus which has to be treated with pills that could effect the liver, so will have to be monitored with blood work. Good thing I don't have to worry about alcohol on top of that. LOL It could take up to a year because of the biologic I'm on.

                  Pi...I thought of you while watching a news broadcast about rescuing 30 or more (?) Beagles from, I think, Mexico and bringing them to Calgary. Some will stay here and others will go to BC. They were reaching out to any ARF's that could help. Wondering how things are going for you and hope all is good.

        're always in my thoughts and hoping you're trucking along with your music.

                  Have a good night all....PPQP


                    Hiya all..23.15. Just got back from the wedding now .it's been a long day. It was a good day the weather did well too.thats one of the benefits of not drinking..I can drive home when I want kind of tired now so off to bed.hope everyone is doing ok
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Good evening all.

                      Am I really the first person to post today? Hope everyone is OK.
                      nice & sunny & 67 degrees today, perfect. We had to travel back to the old hometown today for a memorial service. Our former neighbor & good friend passed back in October. Her service was delayed because her son is in treatment for a possible pancreatic cancer. He looked pretty good to me & said they’re now deciding the ‘spot’ they see is something else & not cancerous at this time. So that’s good news but he’ll have to stay vigilant for sure. So that was a bit of good news 😊

                      Mick, hope the wedding festivities went well.

                      PQ, I am not one to question a ‘gift from the universe’ Lol. I’m just glad to be out of that dark funk feeling.
                      I’m still not certain what I should be doing at this point although I may end up selling on ebay again. Did that for years so I may try again. At least I got on my knees & pulled a full armloads of weeds when we got home today haha! Sine your biologic messes with your immune system I guess that makes yo more vulnerable to fungus infections. I hope you can get it cleared without any hassles. Keeping an eye on your metabolic numbers is important. I’m due to get mine rechecked in June.

                      Hello to Cyn, Pie & Slo.

                      Have a nice night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Good evening all.

                        Am I really the first person to post today? Hope everyone is OK.
                        nice & sunny & 67 degrees today, perfect. We had to travel back to the old hometown today for a memorial service. Our former neighbor & good friend passed back in October. Her service was delayed because her son is in treatment for a possible pancreatic cancer. He looked pretty good to me & said they’re now deciding the ‘spot’ they see is something else &amp not cancerous at this time. So that’s good news but he’ll have to stay vigilant for sure. So that was a bit of good news 😊

                        Mick, hope the wedding festivities went well.

                        PQ, I am not one to question a ‘gift from the universe’ Lol. I’m just glad to be out of that dark funk feeling.
                        I’m still not certain what I should be doing at this point although I may end up selling on ebay again. Did that for years so I may try again. At least I got on my knees & pulled a full armloads of weeds when we got home today haha! Sine your biologic messes with your immune system I guess that makes yo more vulnerable to fungus infections. I hope you can get it cleared without any hassles. Keeping an eye on your metabolic numbers is important. I’m due to get mine rechecked in June.

                        Hello to Cyn, Pie & Slo.

                        Have a nice night all!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

