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26th may

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    26th may

    Mae are we doing today then? Hope all is well with everyone. We a we are now in the middle of a big thunderstorm but its all noise and no rain as yet. I lie it has just started. Had a good day in the garden messing around and weeding. Moved a few plants around too. I took the rest of the wooden edging out all around the division between the grass and the stone. Argyl won't bang his feet any more. A quiet weekend here thank goodness. Hope everyone is having a good long weekend
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Greetings Mick & everyone,

    Hot & sunny here today, perfect for cooking outside on this Memorial Day weekend. Daughter & her family just left, we had a nice visit. Granddaughter is 13 now & totally into the adult conversation haha!
    Doc is good but driving us a little batty, LOL. Still working on the housebreaking skills, he’ll get there sooner or later.

    Hello to PQ, Slo, Cyn, Pie, Det & annyone dropping by later. Tomorrow is going to be our stormy day, fine with me.

    Have a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL....Tried the site yesterday, no luck. Glad they've got it fixed. I did go into work for an hour on Saturday. One of our residents was having a celebration of life for her husband and I just wanted to make sure she had everything she needed. Other than that it's been a quiet wet weekend. and your rain, it's never ending. Glad you had a quiet weekend you sure needed it.

      Lav...that was nice that your daughter and family came for dinner. Sounds like you had good weather for it. Tomorrow for me is supposed to be sunny and warm, finally!

      Thinking of everyone in the states and hope you're safe. Son BBQ'd tonight and he's just brought it in so time for dinner. Have a good night all...PPQP
      Last edited by porqoui; May 26, 2024, 07:23 PM.


        #4 are we today? hope all is well .was out this morning with the camera a few pics but then the rain came .and then it stopped so I let the rabbits out ..and then the rain started again !!its weird ...the sun is out but its raining ..Might be raining but the roads are jammed up .

        hiya ppqp ...yep rain again .its nice warm summery rain are things with you?hope all is well ..I see the Sin Bin is being knocked down and flats built .another part of history? hope you are having a decent day

        hiya Lav hows you then? glad you had a good time with your daughter .did your son not come over?or does he live a fair distance from you .?So Doc is into housebreaking? have you got a scouse dog?13 ...where has that lot gone?hope you have a good memorial day .

        hiya pie teegee det and slo hope you have a good memorial day ...take care

        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Greetings everyone,

          We’ve had mostly clouds & a few quickish downpours but there’s a severe storm watch up until 9 pm tonight. I hope the storms keep moving east & eventually make land somewhere else haha. Sorry if they find you Mick.
          We haven’t heard from our son over this long weekend. He’s actually in the same zip code so nearby. I figure he may have had to go to work at some point. There was a big Memorial Day parade & celebration in DC today. I would have attempted to invite them but don’t really want to deal with the DIL. Why bother?? Hope your weather clears soon.

          PQ, So you had some decent weather, nice for a change. Hope you were able to get out & enjoy it a bit.

          Hello to Cyn, Pie & Slo & everyone.

          Have a nice night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            MAE was a warm, bright, sunny day for a change and will be even more so tomorrow as we hit 26C/78F and then rain returns on Wednesday. Booked my last follow up Dr.'s appt today so now I can concentrate booking so vacation days. Childcare Director #1 blew it today. She was at work this morning, she starts at 7am and left shortly after I got in 8am to go to a dentist appointment. Didn't bother to tell her boss she would be gone but the real problem was she hadn't handed in her staff's timesheets and it was payroll this morning. Boss was ticked, couldn't get ahold of her, sent her a livid voice message & text message. Which she forwarded to a friend "Boss is pissed, listen to this" unfortunately she ended up replying to the boss instead. LOL Childcare Director #2 ended up doing the timesheets, which isn't her job. Apparently the two of them are meeting with the boss in the morning.

            Mick...LOL, you've got to be flexible and pop in and out of those rain showers. I think the weather is going to remain strange for all of us for some time to come. Yup, the sin bin is no more. I think BATUS is the most upset about that. Had a good day, thanks.

   would be nice to have a good thunderstorm but as you say, keep moving and make landfall somewhere else. Hopefully not as far as Micks. Nope, I wouldn't deal with the DIL either. You're probably right about your son having to work with the celebrations in DC today. The good news today is we've had enough rain that it's brought our 2 rivers up to normal, non-drought levels. Hopefully we'll be able to get a good start on the growing season.

            Shout out to TG, Det, Slo, Pie, Sam. Have a good night all...PPQP


              Hiya all how are we today then? Hope all is good. Picked the van up this morning ready for the next jolly. Rabbits are doing well..really pleased with him.ok he cant climb stairs too well but he has adapted brilliantly .just been planting up some more plants. The trouble is a lot of them end up as slug meals.

              Hiya ppqp how are you today? And so the work saga continues. Oh boy..interesting to see what the boss does..why would she forward the message to a friend? That has certainly bit her in the ass!!round 2 today

              Hiya lav guess what ..the storm clouds are gathering as we speak ..its pitch black out there definitely heading this way its like playing weather tennis with you yep I agree..pity you didn't see your son but the drama that goes with it isnt worth it i guess .hope you have a good evening

              Hiya everyone else hope you are good..doing this on my phone will try and jump in later

              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Greetings friends,

                Sunny & not humid today, go figure! YB was out bright & early to take one of his Amish customers to a bunch of appts & stop at a hardware store of course. So it was just me & all these animals, Lol. I walked outside with the pup & found 2 tiny dead birds that I know some of these cats took out of nest boxes, darn. It’s hard to stop nature I guess. Hopefully baby bird season is about over now.

                PQ, sounds like your Childcare Director will be looking for a new job soon, DUH. People really can be stupid sometimes.
                Glad you got to have a few days of decent spring weather. Good news on the rivers too.

                Mick, where is your next trip taking you? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
                Happy rabbits are a good thing. I guess they learn to adapt when needed like we do. No rain in our forecast for a week or more, we’ll see what actually happens. Never did get the thunderstorms last evening, just a few distant rumbles of thunder.

                Hello to Slo & Cyn. Hi to Pie & Det! Hope everyone is doing well.
                have a nice night all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  MAE ALL...happy to report nobody got fired this morning. Apparently the boss was quite congenial. Director #2 continues to sabotage Director #1 but I think the boss is catching on. However, Director #1 has to step up and start doing her job. Thankfully I'm not involved in any of it and have learned to answer either of them with if you can't think of positive ways to move forward, I don't want to hear it. Another quiet/productive day for me, managed to get all the fall programs online and sent to my instructors for verification. I'll soon be busy with the community cleanup and the dreaded crafters will be back at me come the fall. LOL OMG, weatherman just predicted snow for Thursday.

                  Mick...good to hear you got the van back and no mention of $$ so all's good. I'm so glad to hear the rabbits are doing well, I don't climb stairs too well either and I have adapted. LOL I forgot about the slugs in your garden, with all the rain you get I'm not surprised. I figured it's be round 2 as well but it didn't happen. Director #1 has been keeping her son in the loop, he's some type of labour lawyer and the boss, in my opinion, has crossed the line at times. But I don't know for sure as it's hearsay. He has given her some good advice about documenting everything. She's been working here for 28 years and I don't think "change" is her friend.

         a non-humid day! Probably because of the super short hair cut. LOL Living where you do you have to accept nature for what it is. But it's also sad. I think Director #1 is fed up with being under the bosses thumb, as she puts it, his puppet. Do this, this and this and nothing else. I feel she has brought a lot of it on herself but it's still hard to watch. I was getting tired of the rain but I'll take it over snow any day. Geeze

                  Thinking of the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP


                    hello all are we doing today then? guess what its not raining ...very hot ..and overcast .managed to get out into the garden earlier .Amy messaged us earlier this morning ...she has got covid ...caught it in the hospital..I dont think she can pass it to the baby as itsan airborne virus .We will need to see what happens.She says she feels rubbish at the moment .

                    hiya ppqp are you doing ? yes that makes sense if her son is a brief ..stay out of it all ...though I cant see how 2 directors can /should fight? alarm and distress ,constructive dismissal and such like phrases spring to mind!!Yes the van is back ...cost me a few bob ...but it could have cost a heck of a lot more!and yes I have to go and get slug pellets today ..they decided it was party time last night .Did you get the snow?

                    hiya Lav ,how are you doing today then? hope all is good with you.Next trip is round about 20th of June only for a week this time ..only about 2 hours away ...Scarborough ,Whitby,Bridlington Filey ...all on the east coast .Yes the rabbits are starting to come round a bit ..thank goodness .hope you have a good day .

                    hello everyone else are we doing?
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Good evening all!

                      We had the combo of clouds/sun today & now it’s starting to rain even though they said no rain for at least a week yesterday haha! No one really knows!
                      I planted more than a dozen sunflower plants last evening & they’ve all survived, I guess the resident groundhog wasn’t paying attention. We noticed a deer standing in the meadow watching us plant the sunflowers. Too close to the house for that one I think.

                      PQ, glad nobody was fired but those two women need to learn how to work together - team work. I imagine the one who has been there 28 years resents taking orders from others.
                      I can’t believe you have snow in the forecast, that truly sucks Lol. Btw, I love frizz free hair days!!!

                      Mick, I have seen my dogs & my cats grab slugs out of the grass & consume them with smiles on their faces, Lol. Won’t your rabbits eat them too?
                      I sure hope Amy is OK, working in hospitals is rough. For a long time they Covid tested every new patient coming into the hospital but I think they’ve stopped. You never know who is carrying a virus.
                      your upcoming trip sounds nice, I really hope you get some decent weather for your trip.

                      Hello to Cyn, Slo, Pie, Det & everyone.
                      Have a good night all.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        MAE ALL…other than a run in with the accountant this morning (I asked her a simple question and she came unglued) it’s been a fairly quiet day. LOL When I'm not going flat out, meeting deadlines, I feel like it's the calm before the storm. That would be my worry gene acting up.

                        Mick…did the rain hold off? oh no, Coved! Sorry she’s feeling rubbish, just what she needs! I think it’s a bit of a power struggle and Director #2 is a very dramatic person. Everything is a crisis. That gets tiring too. You should see the picture in my mind of the slug party. LOL Snow is predicted for tomorrow night so we shall see.

                        Lav...there's no use in listening to any of the weather predictions, I don't think they know either. No rain for us today, very windy though. Just watching the news and they've taken the snow out of the forecast and replaced it with thunderstorms. That's ok by me. I didn't think you had any more room for sunflowers. Hope the groundhog has moved on. The 28 yr director still does everything on paper (reminds me of the old Prog. Coord LOL) learns only enough of the online program to do her tasks and isn't interested in anything else. I know change can be hard but you do need to keep up. Oh well, that's their problem, I'm just keeping my head down and doing my job.

                        Waves to TG, Slo, Pie and Det. Have a good night all...PPQP


                          hiya all how are we doing ? hope all is good in the world ...or at least your world today.been raining over here this morning ...faired off ,so let the rabbits out for a little while .carry him out put him on the grass ..then pick him up and bring him back in ...personal chauffeur to the lad .Van goes in for habitation check in the morning be there for 0730 .then Im going to get some plants ...Im running out of garden..theese are Himalayan mountain honeysuckle and cosmos and whatever else the lady has ..She grows them and then donates the money to charity .

                          Hiya the accountant came unglued did she ? dont worry about it ...she will come to a sticky end .The party is over for the slugs ...I called a halt to it pretty rapido some pellets that hamless to pets ..that is unless you have a slug as a pet ..Yes Amy is feeling pretty rough ,but she has finished her nights now .Did you get the snow ?

                          hiya Lav how are you doing today then?hope all is good in your world .No they have stopped all the testing over here fact even if you have covid you go to work !!Ive got dwarf sunflowers to plant out but Im growing them on first ...give them a fighting chance..Nope the rabbits wont eat slugs ...however if you want I can collect them and freight them to you for the dogs know me ..happy to help .are your visitors deer or muntjacs? muntjacs are pretty abundant in the world ...and where are they from ?China originally.hows the golf buggy doing ? are you whizzing around in it?

                          hiya pie det teegee Slo and everyone else ..hope yall doing good

                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Good evening friends!

                            Jumping for joy in my kitchen in front of the TV - Trump has been found guilty on 34 counts by a jury of his peers. So now we have a convicted felon wanting to be president again HAHA!!!
                            sentencing is scheduled for July 11, days before the Republican convention, Lol. Other than. That it’s been a nice day, sunny & coolish. Went back to my favorite Amish greenhouse & came home with 4 perennials to fill in some empty spaces & YB finally got the deck tower filled with plants (annuals). I’ll get a pic of that when things start growing.

                            PQ, I’m like you - perfectly happy to let people have their fights & hissy fits while minding my own business haha! I refuse to be pulled into someone else’s business. Makes the day go much nicer.
                            Glad your snow prediction has been changed, that would have been crazy. There’s always more room for plants around this 2 1/2 acre lot, they make me happy. Have a nice evening.

                            Mick, I’ll take heed of your warning, thanks haha!
                            Do you know anyone who owns a beagle? I swear they love sniffing out & consuming garden slugs, yuck. I noticed some slime on the sidewalk in front of my house this morning so I know they’re around. We have actual deer here, see them all the time. They do their share of damage to plants & trees too especially fruit trees.

                            Hello to Cyn, Slo, Pie, Det & everyone!
                            Have a nice night everyone.

                            Last edited by Lavande; May 30, 2024, 05:40 PM.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              MAE ALL...I Hate Food Trucks! Well not the actual truck, just the owners. I find them aggressive with an entitled attitude. The school is putting on an outdoor Spring Bash today (5:30-7:00pm) with bouncy castles and food trucks. They asked permission to use our parking lot for the trucks but one showed up at 2:30pm, right when parents are picking up their kids. He drove into the parking lot then just stopped to come in and ask where he should park. Told him it's not our event and to go talk to the school. Nobody could move until he left and drove out of the parking lot. ok, got that off my chest.

                              Mick...whatever works for the rabbits, right! I'm jealous of all this planting that's going on. No snow, overcast, rainy and cold. Only got to 8C with a cold wind. Glad Amy is finished with nights, that will help. Good luck getting the van in by 7:30am.

                     will definitely be interesting to see how the whole Trump show plays out. I am impressed that the jury came to the verdict they did. Looking forward to seeing your deck tower. One of my neighbours when I was living on the ranch had one, they're pretty cool. Anything I planted on the ranch had to be surrounded by chicken wire because of the deer.

                              Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP

