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9 June

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    9 June

    Mae all .how are we doing? Absolutely wazzing it down here.all my plans today have gone to hell in a handcart !was going to wash the van and the car this morning..but thatisnt happening ..instead tidied the cupboard under the matter what you do the junk piles there's a lot of it loaded in the car for the tip tomorrow. Cleaned the rabbits out cleaned the garage and thats about it now watching the rain coming down. Julie is ok atm...and i feel a lot better..apart from the fact that i feel weary. Rabbits doing ok.Argyl is doing ok this morning too.hope. everyone is having a good day..anyone needing any rain just let me know
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Greetings all,

    I took 3 attempts to login but here I am. Nice day here, can’t complain. My two grandsons spent 4 hrs here with us today which was nice. Their last day of school is tomorrow so they’re happy.
    There’s a heatwave heading here from the western states, can’t say I’m thrilled but I guess we all have to take turns. Those will be hide in the house days for me, haha!

    Mick, sorry the rain is stuck over there. Maybe the rain can wash your vehicles for you. Glad. Your strength is returning bit by bit. Hope Julie has a milk Covid case.
    I found YB in his garage today ‘clearing out’ his collectibles. He keeps everything, I mean everything! Now he feels the need to be rid of most of his stuff, OK with me. It will be less junk for the kids to deal with after we depart, Lol.

    Hello to PQ, Cyn, Slo, Pie, Det & everyone.
    Have a nice night all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae all how are we doing today then? Hope all is doing well. Had a bit of a relapse..thought i had got rid of it all ..but no..couldn't sleep felt very sick so got up at 3.30 this morning ..been sick twice and thumping headache Julie has got it but seems to be breezing through it. Made aramp for Argyl as opposed to extra steps.made out of the famous bread boards.3 of them lashed together ideal they are lightweight .i am going to get artificial turf to cover it with

      Hiya lav how are you doing? Hope all is well.See Trish has got another little dog..Saw the pics of your grandsons haven't they grown. Im like yb.keep all sorts of junk.was looking through a cupboard the other day..found 3 sets of shoulder titles and 4 different cap badges from my time in the prison service Also when they changed the epaulettes into numbered ones..and guess what my number was? WMCM001..had to be didnt it?I must have dreamed they would be worth a fortune one day..yeah right .hope you have a good day

      Hello everyone else how are we doing?
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Good evening all,

        Nothing special going on with me but it was a good day if watering gardens & pulling weeds is considered a good thing hahha!!
        Doc is 14 weeks old today & sounds like a pony when he’s romping on the deck. He’s at the chewing stage so he really needs to be watched closely. And the cats are apparently killing birds now. Leaving them for the dogs to find, ugh.

        Mick, sorry you’re dealing with round two of the virus, that stinks. Wishing a quick recovery after all this. Glad Julie is doing OK.
        I did see Trish’s new pup - those ears though, confused as to the breed/mix. She has the same tri-color mix Doc has, cute. Tomorrow is trash day so I imagine YB has the big roller bin full of stuff no one wants or needs. All those plaques, badges from the PD & FD - 50 years worth need to go. I’m in the process of trying to figure out how to keep ants out of my hummingbird feeders. I just read that hanging the feeders from fishing line works instead of the metal hangers we are using that the ants can walk on, we’ll see.

        Hello to the rest of the gang & hoping everyone has a good night!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          MAE ALL...well, nothing seems to change, it was a crazy day. I'm sure over 1/2 the emails I got today was from the boss. Why does his catching up cause me more work?? This ongoing water main break and stage 4 water restrictions is also causing me headaches. As a community garden we are exempt and can water for plant survival. Only took 4 emails to the city to get that all sorted out. Sent out the mass email to my garden members so hopefully that will stop a lot of the emails. I suggested they keep the city's email on their phone in case bylaw officers show up and want to ticket them $3,000 for violating the ban. At least it rained last night and they're calling for more rain tomorrow.

          Mick...sorry to hear you're going through another round of illness. I didn't realize Julie had tested positive, hope she continues to not get hit too hard with it. I'm sure the ramp will be a big help for Argyle. Don't over do things, give your body a chance to get healthy.

          Lav...oh no, the dreaded chewing stage. How nice that the cat's are trying to bond with Doc by giving him special presents. LOL Both the boys have headed up north, High Level, to commission some sort of equipment. They'll be gone for about a week. Woo Hoo, I have the place to myself since I can't remember when.

          Time to relax. Hope everyone else is doing ok. Have a good night...PPQP


            Good evening all,

            not sure if this post is going to work but I’ll try.
            Cool & cloudy here today, heatwave moving in later in the week, ugh. Not ready for the heat, makes me miserable.

            PQ, sounds like it might be time for another raise at work…..just sayin’
            You need a personal bodyguard at work to keep people from dumping on you so much! Enjoy the quiet time at home, sounds great!

            Mick, we have already chatted on Messenger along with Pie & Cyn.
            Hello to everyone else & hoping we all have a nice night!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              MAE, sunny day with dark clouds and wind now rolling in. Thunderstorm expected overnight, hope it's a good one. Another crazy day, the training session for the summer camp staff brought up questions that the directors should have brought forward back in the beginning. Oh well, I have more work to do trying to figure out how to tweak the program.

              Lav...yup, September is raise time and I do agree with you. Seems like everyone is chatting on messenger now. I'll check in and see how everyone's doing.

              Have a good night all...PPQP


                mae all how are we doing today then? hope all is well with everyone ..yet again the tiny writing on here...thats after it told me I was a guest and didnt exist !!!couldn't sleep last night Iwas up early doors and fell asleep eventually on the settee .Washed the car ,and did some other bitty jobs ...and I feel done in!!Weather is overcast today but not raining thank good ness
                hiya are you doing ? did you get the thunderstorms?Just as a matter of interest ....why are you tweaking the programmes?If there is stuff being raised that is bringing up questions ..let your so called boss sort it instead of side loading the work .Yes messenger seems to be the place ..tbh the fact that I cannot get on here at times ,the size of the font and for it to keep telling me Im a guest doesnt inspire me with confidence for any new folks wanting to quit! hope you have a good day .

                hiya Lav howare you doing? apart from your crazy phone trying to ring everyone in the world .yep def sometime we should arrange a call.Looks like weare of a similar mind ...pqqps boss is taking the urine..Heat makes you miserable? jeez move over here you'd be happier than a sandboy ...hows the decluttering going with yb ?and hows the not allowed on the furniture Doc doing? hope you have a good day ..

                hiya everyone else hope you are all doing ok
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Well. I guess this is the place I will start. I have not been on here for going 3 yrs. Spoiler alert...I went back to drinking. I am finally ready to stop again. Reading through here again reminded me of how supportive, forgiving and wise, you all are and there is no reason stay away nor be as embarrassed as I am that I have, again, so spectacularly, failed again. I ready to stop failing.

                  I really don't know if any remembers me because I was not on all that long the first time but I left when my relationship with my son totally blew up when he married a woman with a Cluster B personality disorder, most specifically narcissism. I understand that word is thrown around a lot, but after many therapy sessions, on my own, my therapist could not diagnose her officially. I told him all my tales of woe, let him read all the various emails and texts and he told me it was safe if I wanted to handle this as if she were a narcissist.

                  Many things have happened in these three years and I have found myself in quite a quandary dealing with all of this and the pain of drinking did sooth that pain, till it didn't. Misery does like company or wine, I chose the latter. I am estranged from my son now. I know estrangement is a hard subject to talk about but it happens in 1 out of 8 families so I am not the only estranged parent on here, I am sure. There is so much stigma surrounding the subject, but there is a lot of support too, which I am now getting.

                  I also need a lot of support to get my fermented grapes out of my life, this I would like to be estranged from and I am working on it.

                  Believe it or not, well believe it, there is so much more to this story, but I will take the time to write in another thread. Right now, I am grateful to be back, day 1 and I am ready to do this now. It is great to see so many familiar names on here. You give me great hope that maybe this fool of a woman do better, because I know better, and help is available.

                  Bless you all!

                  New Sunrise


                    Good evening friends. Welcome New Sunrise!! Great to have you here with us.
                    Normally I would advise you to post in the Newbies nest until you got your bearings, so to speak but the nest has gone dormant over the past year or so. The very best piece of advice I received in the beginning was to make a quit plan. Get all your drinking triggers covered, decide what you will do in place of drinking when these triggers arise. That alone really saved my hide. Getting all the wine out of the house & vowing to buy no more was a big one too. Check in with us daily, let us know how you are doing, we can come up with some helpful ideas as a group. Wishing you the best. I think you will find relationships easier to manage with a clear head. We also have an extremely difficult daughter-in-law, I understand the troubles.

                    I was lucky enough to go for my 6 month teeth cleaning today, haha. Plans made for two new crowns as well for late July. Our weather has bee mostly sunny, not too humid so I got some outside work done as well.

                    PQ, I really hope your day was somewhat better today. We can always hope, right?Lol

                    Mick, it seems you’re not completely over the virus yet. Being patient & waiting these things out can be difficult.
                    YB filled that rolling can to over. The top, couldn’t close the lid. The trash company came & took it all, thank goodness haha. Doc is resting on the floor at the moment where he belongs. I can’t see allowing a potentially huge dog to climb on new furniture, it’s just dumb.

                    hello to the rest of the group & wishing a nice night for all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      MAE ALL...another warm but windy day. Things were much quieter at work, I needed a slower day.

                      Mick...sounds like you're still not there yet. Knowing you, I can just imagine what your "bitty" jobs were. It's got to be extra hard for you to do less as your norm is my extreme. LOL No, didn't get the thunderstorm, just a bit of rain and a lot of wind. The programs are all mine, and my responsibility. The sideloading of work is all new corporate stuff. Now that he's finally approved the changes I made to the online facility bookings he wants to go live. I'm not going to let him till I've done a final test on the programs. Messenger works for a lot of the group that was posting here, but it's not for me, at least not right now.

                      Welcome New Sunrise...good place to start again and congrats on Day 1. That first step can be a hard one. You're not familiar to me but perhaps as I get to know you better it'll tweak some memories. MWO has been through a major overhaul and they're still working out some bugs. There's a few people on the thread that are back after some time away so you are not alone. I remember that feeling of embarrassment when I spectacularly failed 2 years ago. I didn't feel I was worthy enough to post here. Boy was I wrong and everyone let me know it. LOL I'm sure there is much more to your story, just know you're in the right place and there's some very wise members who'll help you along the way.

                      Lav...I don't think "lucky" and "6 month teeth cleaning" belong in the same sentence. LOL Yes, a much better day today, even came up with a solution to one of my programing problems. If I don't get some time booked off soon, there'll be a lot of surprised coworkers when I take the month of August off. That's the use them or loose them deadline.

                      Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP


                        hiya all how are we doing today then? hope all is good with everyone .went out this morning with the camera ...the weather was superb ...and now it is pelting down some nice pics this morning too ...I love it ..I got a pic of a baby kingfisher isnt that clear because I was a fair distance away that I didn't disturb the family .feeling not too bad today.The lad I go out with has had long covid for a fair long time ..he had to keep stopping for a rest and was out of breath ...not any more .He says that he was at home and smelled smoke like cigarette smoke one in his house smokes ..nor was anyone in the area ..apparently that is one of the signs of long covid leaving?we walked about 4 miles this morning and he was fitter than me ..!!!

                        Welcome new sunrise ..well done on coming back ..there arent too many of us on here now ,but you can be sure just ask and if we can help we will.there isnt such a thing as failed ....get your plan together ...thats the biggy ...yes you will at times want a drink ....but the secret is to find a way around it ..lots of water ,when you feel like drinking get a sheet of paper ..write down as many reasons why you shouldnt drink and also what it would give you if you did ,keep going till the feeling subsides ...remember its just like surfing the crest of a wave ,,,wanting to get to crest you try and try ...then you reach it ...and hen its on the downward curve ..there are lots of different ways are safe here to discuss what you want or not as the case may be.or indeed message .We are all fools we were all ignorant on how addictive and controlling booze is ..the foolishness ceases when we realise that and act on it are there.The big steps are yours to take we can help when you need it ..

                        hiya ppqp are you today then?so you had a lot of wind did you? thats veg for you! .So messenger doesnt work for you? it took me years to spell kompewter far less use one.I just cant get the hang of putting pics on here now .Will keep trying .hope you had a good day .

                        hiya Lav how are you doing today? glad someone else is keeping the dentistry world in business ...I think you are right ..keep Doc off the furniture ...imagine the drama you would have when he is full grown! yes still not shifted this lot but its going ...I chucked a load of stuff in the bin ...and yes the lid shut .....after I had climbed in the bin and jumped on it .we have rain here are next ...hope you have a good day .

                        big hiya to everyone else.have a great day

                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Thank you all! I did get through my first day sober! Now on to Day 2. Lavande, I did get rid of all the alcohol in the house, save for some special decorative bottles my husband got in Europe. I could dump them out and put colored water in them for all he would notice, but the seals would be broken. I think they are safe for now. I only think of them when I have to dust them. I have plenty of chocolate at my desk at home and that is a comfort.

                          Porqoui, thank you the welcome. I guess, as you get to know me you may remember me. I left this site, stupidly, because I was dealing with son getting married and all the abuse she was throwing my way. I know no one knew what to say to me and this has been the longest and toughest situation that I have ever gone through. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I will, I am sure, write more about it some other time. I will suffice it to say that you are never alone in what you are going through, no matter how strange, and I have found great support in dealing with it through a great group of parents going through the same thing and a therapist, that, well, deals with people my age.

                          I am going to positive right now. I am now brewing my favorite tea for iced tea, 100% black tea that may have a caffeine level close to 100%, but I love it.

                          We had doctor appointments this morning and that turned out well. My husband went on to work and I went to the fabric store that had lots of premium fabric on sale and a dress pattern that I loved. I will make one for myself and one for my daughter. I have not sewn much in the past few years, but I do love it. My husband will not be very happy with what I spent, but it was totally worth my sanity to be engaged with something I love to do.

                          This is me for today. Sober and I have something besides cooking and cleaning to keep my busy. This seems to be a good start, if it isn't I will just make it a way to be!

                          Best Regards,

                          New Sunrise


                            Thank you, Mick! I was writing while you were posting and lost what I started to write.

                            I do appreciate your kind words.
                            Last edited by New Sunrise; June 13, 2024, 12:55 PM.


                              Greetings friends!

                              The heat &humidity have moved in, oh boy. The weather folks are talking about an extended heatwave, swell.
                              I have plenty of inside projects to keep me inside in the AC. I’m already longing for fall weather haha!

                              PQ, glad yesterday was better at work, hope today was too.
                              I have a great idea - take the entire month of August off & see if the place implodes LOL. Of course they would expect you to clean it all up when you got back (sounds like my last job haha).

                              Mick, I’ll gladly accept your rain next week when we have 90+ humid days. Not looking forward to standing out in the heat watering all my plants.
                              My dentist makes a fortune working on me. I have soft teeth so they eventually break & need crowns. I plan to keep YB on the decluttering plan. Tons more to go of course.

                              New Sunrise, Congrats on getting thru day 1 & now day 2!! when yo get to 7 days, you’ll feel amazing, I remember.
                              Having your favorite hobbies handy is a big help. I sew too + ran my home based embroidery business for 15 years after my nursing career. Now it’s just time to me to kick back a little.
                              Do whatever yo have to do to save your sanity!! Keep checking in with us.

                              Hello to Pie, Cyn, Slo & everyone.
                              Have a nice night all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

