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Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

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    Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

    Re: let the kangaroo go

    Honestly Paisley,

    I find your response to be more puzzling than anything. I have never known Kathy to seek being the center of attention. Quite the contrary. I find her trying to offer help and support to members of this board more than anything. I would be interested in hearing on what occasions you are referring to.

    This thread I believe was started more out of frustration and the fact so many people responded to the angry pleads of one person and then, all responses were ignored.

    However, please do tell us more about yourself. We would love to get to know you!



      Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

      Re: let the kangaroo go

      Hi Paisley,

      Just to clarify things from my perspective, I initially responded to Kangaroo's post on 5/30, with the same post with which I started this one. I wanted to put my feelings of both concern and frustration out there. When there was no response by the next day from Kanga, I thought it might be helpful to give the post a topic if its own to be more noticable, not for my sake, but for Kanga's. New posts usually get more attention, particularly if they have a person's name in them. Therefore, if Kanga was lurking, I hoped that the post would get read and responded to. As far as I know, that was the sum total of my motivation...

      Of course, since I'm a therapist and believe in the unconscious, I'm willing to entertain that I may have had more than one motivation.....

      How long have you been lurking, Paisley? I haven't seen you before, but you seem to think you know a lot about me.



        Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?


        Of course, since I'm a therapist and believe in the unconscious, I'm willing to entertain that I may have had more than one motivation.....

        REALLY??? You're a psychotherapist? A social worker? A therapist? A friendly neighborhood shrinkydink? Gee, I NEVER would have guessed. Because I mean you only manage to mention that fact about....oh, I don't know, 10 or 15 times a week. What exactly do you help people do? Learn how to fly under DCF's radar so that they can pass out every night for fifteen years with a minor child in the home and not lose custody?

        How long have you been lurking, Paisley? I haven't seen you
        before, but you seem to think you know a lot about me.


        What difference does it make? How long does it take to see a liar and a fraud?

        June 1 - I've been doing so well I think I'll up my drinks to 9 a week
        June6 - I've been getting so sloppy I think I'll be abstinent except for social occasions

        It's not wonder you're addicted to this website - where else can you go and have people tell you how great your insanity sounds? "I'll enable you if you'll enable me". The only thing more pathetic than the lies you tell everyone here are the lies you tell yourself.

        Oh, and your dreams? You want to keep drinking. And you wish you were 26 again so you wouldn't have wasted half your adult life drunk.


          Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

          Gee Paisley....

          Gee Paisley -

          Lighten up. What is your problem? If you come here to seek help, please try to do so within appropriate parameters. This isn't a forum to track and attack people.


            Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

            Re: let the kangaroo go

            Hi Paisley,

            Apparently you have a problem here. I do not believe this forum was estasblished to track and then attack specific indviduals! I have no idea where you have come from, or why you are here, other then to cause trouble.

            Who in Heaven's name are you to come here, apparently out of nowhere, and start passing judgment on others? Again, I ask you why don't you share a bit about yourself Paisley instead of going on the attack?

            As far as this website is concerned and the support Kathy has offered to those of us here, you must think we are all a bunch of flipping idiots. I for one have a mind of my own, and through my own life experiences have been taught to see a fraud from a mile away. Kathy may have her struggles, and honestly shares them with us, but she, madam, is NO fraud!

            I do hope you will end this fruitless attack and find another venue for your agression. We are all trying to better ourselves here. If you would like to join us in this venture you are welcome. If not, please be on your way!



              Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

              why don't YOU run along

              aution maybe YOU should run along and take care of your own business, then your daughter wouldn't have to come to this pathetic site in a desperate cry for help.


                Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?



                I think you have too much free time on your hands, if you have nothing better to do than cruise this "pathetic" site watching over our "pathetic" doings. You are way too interested in me. It's a little scary. I hope you find something else to occupy your time that is a little more productive for you than confront all of us "pathetic" little people.

                I would also like to point out that some of your allegations border on slander, and it is fortunate that you are incognito here. You know nothing of my true professional life, my relationship with my clients, or my relationship with CPS, and whether I have had to call them about my clients or not. I don't consider my role here one of a professional. Likewise, when it comes to being a fraud, lurking for months and posting as an unregistered member with a boatload of hostility strikes me as extremely fraudulent, as well as cowardly. I NEVER claimed that I don't fool myself sometimes, but I continue to try to work on myself. I never claimed to be perfect. You, Paisley, take a post here and a post there, and then you think you know who I am. I don't think you have a clue. You are so incredibly angry, that I think your judgment is clouded. I'd frankly rather have my struggles with drinking than be in your shoes.

                So, do me a favor and leave me alone, okay? I think I'd rather struggle along without your help.


                PS: Your sense of humor could use a little work.


                  Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

                  Re: why don't YOU run along

                  If you think this site is pathetic, why then are you spending so much time here?

                  And BTW I don't run from anything!


                    Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

                    So Long Ago

                    Donna's problems with her daughter are so several months ago. You are just lashing out for no reason. Why all this anger, what for? It just doesn't make sense. I may be still struggling with my drinking--I am not denying that--but what are you doing about your anger? Just a thought...


                      Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

                      Re: So Long Ago

                      This is the exact reason I don't keep up with the daily posts on the boards.


                        Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

                        Re: So Long Ago

                        Right, now, this is directed at the basket case. I am responding here because this thread was started up because of a post I posted and have hopefully sorted out with everyone but when I had a look in I found all this poison from someone. Not healthy and it has no purpose and is of no assistance to anyone so the person who is being so vicious, if you feel the need to vent some of your aggro then have a pop at The Kanga:hat


                          Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

                          Re: So Long Ago


                            Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

                            Re: Night sky

                            Kanga - notice the moon last night?



                              Okay, Kangaroo, Where are YOU?

                              Re: Night sky

                              Who needs T.V?

                              I am thoroughly entertained! Kanga... you are one Roo! :hat


