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Is there ANY HOPE for PMS?

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    Is there ANY HOPE for PMS?

    Menopause fixes it .. once and for all.


      Is there ANY HOPE for PMS?

      You have a great attitude, Tawny, did someone turn down your thermostat?:lol I don't think menopause is such a picnic, either!:eek Topa has helped enormously with the hot flashes, though! Also, not drinking (or not drinking as much) works wonders for hot flashes, as well! Waking up 3-4 times a night drenched in sweat made me one hell of a crank-pot!!!:rollin


        Is there ANY HOPE for PMS?

        Don't call them hot flashes - re-name them "Power surges". Much more positive!:rollin


          Is there ANY HOPE for PMS?

          Better red than dead.


            Is there ANY HOPE for PMS?

            This thread made my day... I get more laughs off of this website with you guys!

            Gone for the weekend with hubby... thankfully not PMS!

            No guns or bottles of red wine will I be a taking with me!!



              Is there ANY HOPE for PMS?

              Hi all,
              I am in menopause and have been for years. I have been taking vegetable based HRT creme that you put on your arm or leg. It helped but it made me gain a lot of weight BUT I had NO FACIAL WRINKLES when I took this. I now take only the vegetable based (non-life threatening) progesterone and it seems to help my hot flashes. Chinese medicine works but you have to find a good Dr. in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Other herbs work too but now all my vitamins need a whole closet of their own.
              Good luck!

