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No specs, no internet but no hassle!

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    No specs, no internet but no hassle!

    Just an case..... Bit bold really! Sorry!

    Specs broken so you;re all blurry. Internet still down for another week plus..... (in my local hotel bar now....ha! It's ok; I spit on you Al!)

    And all quiet on the western front......but seriously weird. My dad, I suppose is up country feeling awful. So is my eldest daughter.....I have not spoken to either of them in nearly a week. No reply to communication - only spoken to my Dad twice since my mum's funeral.....and it all feels really, really weird. The death of my mother is just not 'happening' down here so I feel I am living a double life.....and the reason I mention it is because, when this sort of thing has happened in life before, it invariably means the proverbial will hit the fan eventually.......hence I am not being that complacent!

    Well, I care but he/she don't want to care about my caring, heck...what can I do about it?!?

    So, will keep you posted and I still thank everyone for being there.....I know you know what's been gonig on this last month for me and my family and your love and support was/is just wonderful....

    Love and hugs to all...
    HAPPY EASTER! Not tooooooooooo much chocolate now!!! (Suze!!!!!!)
    FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    No specs, no internet but no hassle!

    Hi Feet, lovely to hear from you ..........

    Sorry that things aren't good, but you certainly seem better than when you posted last ..........

    Happy Easter to you too ...........

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      No specs, no internet but no hassle!

      Happy Easter to you too FMS. I hope things start mellowing out for you soon. The aftermath of losing a loved one can be a long process sometimes, for everyone involved. Now go get your glasses fixed!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        No specs, no internet but no hassle!

        Yea! LOL!!! Got a dial-up connection going......yippee! Tomorrow - eyes!

        Erm, and tomorrow = ringing my dad.......let you know!

        Sure is a strange time..... but Happy Easters all round.

        Love FMS xx

        (Sorry if I sound trite about my mum.....I don't mean to be.)
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          No specs, no internet but no hassle!

          Nice to hear from you FMS, I hope you get your glasses and the internet connection soon!


            No specs, no internet but no hassle!

            =HAPPY EASTER! Not tooooooooooo much chocolate now!!! (Suze!!!!!!)
            FMS xx
            I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Finding...* looks innocent and whistles in an absent-minded sort of way whilst hiding choccy wrapper up sleeve*

            Stay still and centred in yourself, dear Finding...all will be well.


            Suze xx
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              No specs, no internet but no hassle!

              Hullo Finding and Suze too

              Hi Finding

              Haven't been tuning in to the MWO radio for a while, but searched to see how you were and sounds like you are okay if a bit blurry eyed. Take good care, you hear and maybe its just too late for your dad to Find You as you find yourself? Your daughter is different, she's young, she's newly married,give her time. I know it must be very tough to be ignored by your daughter, but maybe, just maybe when she settles into marriage and has kids of her own, maybe she'll begin to understand how tough it can be, how much she needs her birth mother-the indisputable family line, as it were. Just keep telling her you love her, even through thoughts, I'm sure love has got to win through. Eventually. She has got some stuff to work out, it will happen in its own time.

              Some good will come out of your mother's death I am sure and if your father stays independent of you and others, that's not a bad thing for all concerned. Give him plenty of space and keep your own space intact, guard it well, no guilt you hear?

              Then who do I spot but my old foodie friend Suze, lurking among the giant Easter Eggies in Waitrose!
              Hi Suze! How's it going?
              After an Easter of Extreme Socialising, I am cutting out booze and cake(chocolate? maybe!) as of from today-well I have already had the cake I carried over from Ireland for my elevenses, so it's tomorrow for the cake dump.
              Anna :h:h
              Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                No specs, no internet but no hassle!

                LOL, you to catch me muttering to myself that it's ok to eat organic, fair-trade, vegan choccies till they come out of my ears.......:H

                I'm doing fine....modding but really thinking of going AF again - it was much better. I have a birthday next week, then a family do at the I think I will get back on the wagon after that......joining you, dear Anna! How are you?

                Hey....Finding....where/how are you?????:h


                Suze xx
                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                  No specs, no internet but no hassle!

                  Hey!! How lovely! An Anna and Suze party on 'my' thread!....

                  Anna - thanks for your wise words - yup, taking care of me....and waiting to see what happens....really can't give much 'news; just now as I haven't heard anything from Dad for days...I am in a bit of limbo but getting on with my life and my 'understanding' (read, working-out-best-I-can!) of WTF is going on! (And just hoping each phone call isn't someone saying he's been found at the bottom of the stairs....)

                  How was Ireland? Did you survive ok and even have a great time? I do hope so....

                  And Suze!! Yea! Um, my waistband's a bit tight from all the choc too....hmmm! Still, I'll finish it off and it's all gone eh?..................(wot?! Wot sort of thinking is that?!?) Hormones! That's it!

                  Glad to hear from you - I'm missing here loads...dial-up is so slow and I've lost the 'flow'....! But, soon, surely.....must have done 5 of the 7-10 days until reconnection to broadband....I hope!

                  Catch up with you soon! Keep the party going on this thread? It's fun! (Water and crackers only now.....!!!)

                  Love FMS xxx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

