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Questions about Detoxing..

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    Questions about Detoxing..

    Brief background ... A couple of months ago, my schedule changed, and my drinking habits were "adjusted", for lack of a better word, though not necessarily for the better ..... So, my days now go something like this ... Mon.-Fri .. up at 5:30/6:00 a.m. ... one drink of vodka around 7:00 a.m. to feel calm ... then work most of the day, 8:00 a.m. to mid-afternoon (just fine without a drink) ... then go home in the afternoon, and have a drink as soon as I get home ... and from there, an ongoing "glass of something" into the evening, until I go to bed at 10:00... Not sure how much that adds up to. Probably a pint - and I'm sure sometimes closer to two - (of hard liquor) per day during the work week.... I actually look forward to the weekends now because I am drinking much less on the weekends - It used to be the other way around.

    Anyway, I think I am ready to stop this foolishness now. An acquaintance's husband passed away the other day. He was an alcoholic. She hadn't told anyone that he was, and she didn't realize how bad his liver, etc., were. He had an ulcer which apparently started bleeding, and because of his liver troubles and alcohol, his blood pressure went too low, and he had a fatal heart attack. Scary stuff, especially when you don't really know what's going on inside your body.

    ...... (Oops, I guess that wasn't a very brief background afterall - lol ... Apologies for my long-windedness.)

    Anyway, my questions:

    (1) These days, even though I'm having a fair amount of alcohol, I don't usually feel horribly hungover, super sleepy, or have bad shakes, etc., and I seem fine if I manage to go a full 24 hours without a drink.. I just wake up and feel pretty much normal (or at least what I think is normal?) - except for the guilt and shame part of things, that is .. that's the part that really gets to me..... Does this mean that if I stop the alcohol all together, cold turkey, I may not go through the usual withdrawal symptoms? (Or am I just hoping too high there?)

    (2) I read somewhere that a warm bath helps to draw the toxins from your body. Does anyone know if this is true?

    Thanks a lot for your input. I really appreciate it.
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

    Questions about Detoxing..

    Well I think the answer to question one is you will have withdrawal. The amount you drink depends on how severe the symptoms are. Most likely you will feel withdrawal after the 24 hour period. When you drink heavily, it takes time for it to get out of your system. You may feel sober but your not clean of the Al. Don't worry, most withdrawal symptons suck but they are manageable.
    Starting over again 09/06/11

    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



      Questions about Detoxing..

      Thanks, changemy. Knowing what to expect will really help me to make a plan to stick through this! Muchly appreciated.
      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        Questions about Detoxing..


        Thank you for starting this post. I too am very interested in the responses you will get. I awake at 5:30-6:30 AM. At work by 8 and work until approx. 5:15-5:30 PM. Lots of stress at work.

        I drink about 4 times a week, and when I do it is a pint of Vodka, mixed with water. I awake feeling not so great, mild head ach, overly tired and sometimes a little shakey - but no severe hang over. I usually don't eat on these nights and find that I reach a point where I don't remember going to bed. I never drink in the morning. I take a Xanax to calm hand trembles, when necessary. I have spells of AF - as many as 4-10 days at a time. Unfortunately - no long periods of time for a long while.

        I notice sweating on the days that follow even one day of drink. It's interesting that you mention the bath, as there are many days when I will soak in the garden tub, up to my
        neck, both at night and in the morning before work. The first morning after an AF night, I feel wonderful and ask myself why I don't just stop so that I feel this way every day? DAH!

        I am attending Lenair next month and look forward to being a "Non-Drinker". I would like to get a head start on things now.

        Looking forward to hearing from others.

        :h Best
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          Questions about Detoxing..

          Hi bestlife! I know what you mean about the feel good days because of not drinking (or, in my case, usually because of very light drinking as opposed to heavier).... and I wonder to myself, "this feels great .. why don't I let myself feel like this all the time?"

          Alcohol is a strong, evil monster .. ... but we'll fight him.
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            Questions about Detoxing..

            I don't know about the warm bath but I do know that a colon cleanse will remove a lot of accumulated 'material/toxins' and you will feel and look a lot better. There are many ways to do this and since we are all different there probably is no best one. I have been using Bentonite clay and psyllium drinks with great success. I did order some Oxypowder and will post after I use it. Once the colon thing is done I will try a Dr. Hulda Clark's liver cleanse and I will post afterwards. Do a Google search on the above. There is a lot of information...and between the lines.

            P.S. I drank like you do/did and did not have withdrawls. *I* think the cleanse helped a lot.


              Questions about Detoxing..

              Hey Florida, I hadn't thought of a cleanse. I'm off to Google! Thanks!
              AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                Questions about Detoxing..

                :welcome: It works. I just did not want to come off as a know it all or weird-o. Check prices are very good. Also, I would not be too concerned about supplements until after the cleanse. There might be too much 'junk' inside you for them to be properly absorbed.


                  Questions about Detoxing..

                  That may have been me that posted about the warm bath. But it's a very warm bath for 20 minutes with 1 cup each of epsom salts and baking soda. Draws toxins out. Sauna would be good if you have access.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Questions about Detoxing..

                    warm baths, cardio, and saunas help your body rid itself of toxins. So does drinking loads of water.
                    I would say that the amount of AL you are consuming will not make you have serious detox side effects.

                    it won't be fun but it also is not going to kill or hospitalize you.
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Questions about Detoxing..

                      Good thread... even after me drinking 8-10 or even 12 (on occasion) beers a night, I didnt' really feel any withdrawal, except being more sensitive to coffee..

                      I've been doing a Daily Detox herbal tea everyday too.. at least I think it is doing something..

                      Based on how much you drink, I'm betting you won't feel much withdrawal..
                      P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                      As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                      - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                        Questions about Detoxing..

                        Wow! All sounds good. I will google later when I'm not at work. OMG, does a sauna sound good. Has anyone tried those pads that stick to the bottom of your sleep at night that draw toxins. They are black in the morning.

                        Thanks, lots of good imfo!

                        :h Best
                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          Questions about Detoxing..

                          You mean stick to your bottom (arse - I can't help it, I love that word) while you sleep? Are they along the lines of chinese traditional medicine?
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Questions about Detoxing..

                            Hi again everyone, and thanks so much for the responses. They really really really help!

                            P.s... I'm home after work (it's 3:30 in the afternoon where I am), and I'm having ...... water!

                            .... baby steps, right? ... little by little... going to fight this thing.
                            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                              Questions about Detoxing..

                              I meant to say the bottom of your feet! :H

                              :h Best
                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

