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Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

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    Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

    Well although Mandela's 90th birthday is not for a few weeks yet (18th July) there is a concert here in the UK in Hyde Park tomorrow evening featuring some top artists to celebrate his birthday. The likes of Amy Winehouse, Leona Lewis, Annie Lennox, Queen, Sugababes, Razorlight, Dame Shirley Bassey and Simple Minds, with further headlining acts being lined up as special, surprise guest appearances. The concert is being transmitted live on ITV1 here in the UK at 9.00pm tomorrow evening.

    It's difficult at times though not to still feel emotional with the current crisis happening in Zimbabwe which I'll refrain from making too much comment on. Besides I'm not nearly qualified enough to pass comment on a country I don't even live in.

    Anyway I just thought I'd bring this concert to everyones attention!!

    Here's a tune by one of the artists performing at the concert Simple Minds with a track called Mandela Day. It was written 20 years ago by Jim Kerr as a tribute to his hero for his 70th birthday celebrations. The video still at 2.51 still brings a lump to my throat every time I watch it. Great tune and great band!!

    [ame= ]YouTube - Mandela Day[/ame]

    And finally:

    [ame= ]YouTube - Make Poverty History - Nelson Mandela[/ame]

    "Poverty is not natural.......It is man-made"

    Enjoy the celebrations tomorrow.

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

    Hard to believe hes 90, my God. He is a living legend . I will def be watching that concert....big Amy Winehouse fan too.


      Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK


      Thank you for posting about this. From over the pond, I am envious that you will be able to celebrate with so many this man's birthday.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

        Hipps - used to be big Simple Minds fans and remember them doing this live at the old Wembley it was awesome, great to hear again!!


          Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

          I hope we get a chance to view the concert here. We should all celebrate this man and all that he represents, freedom from racism and oppression!
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

            I still have his inauguration as President on 'video'... he is a brave man and fought for his beliefs ... long may he live with good health and happiness....
            ?We are one another's angels?
            Sober since 29/04/2007


              Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

              Yes thanks Hippie, great to hear that one again.

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

                Im not sure that Amy Winehouse will make this concert tbh, she is seriously ill at the moment, I wish she could find a place like this for help, she really needs it.


                  Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

                  Thanks for sharing this with us hippie, i do love simply mind, great song.
                  Had to check my letter box today (dam) thought i get a V.I.P invite to the concert seeming that its my B'day as well.(no such luck) never mind i'll enjoy the bon Jovi concert 2morrrow tho.
                  Nia70...I to hope Amy whitehouse could get help she needs it badly....

                  I will be looking out for this on t.v tonight always remember the first aid concert they did in hyde park.

                  family is everything to me


                    Nelson Mandela 90th birthday celebrations UK

                    Hi Hippie,

                    I was going through OLD posts, and came across this one. As some of you know, I am South African, and I heard a few days ago from a friend, that preparations are already being made for his funeral!! It is expected to be the biggest in history, even bigger than Diana's.

                    A big problem is that he will be laid to rest in his village in the rural Cape, and the airport there can not accommodate anything bigger than a 4 seater... President Obama travels with a HUGE entourage... And that is just one headache the guys have now...

                    So sad, but a fact at his fragile age...

                    Autumn hugs!!
                    Sol xxx

