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You know you're an alcoholic when...

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    You know you're an alcoholic when...

    Here's a winner.......When I was in college two girls grab me by the hand and asked me when we were going out next.........The bad part of it I just barely remember the night before. Though I knew these was just casually........Oh crap! ( Was at a Campus mixer the night before) Ha! IAD
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      You know you're an alcoholic when...

      when you wake up with marks and you don't know how it happened. My Story

      AF - 08/06/2010


        You know you're an alcoholic when...

        you know that dull ache in your side is your liver and you choose to ignore it.
        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


          You know you're an alcoholic when...

          So many of these are familiar..... I've done at least half of the things mentioned.

          You know you're an alcoholic when you don't remember making an appointment with a Cutco Knife salesperson and she shows up at your door the next day. You wind up buying $450 worth of knives you don't really need.

          You don't remember saying yes to an invitation to go over to someone's house for a barbecue. And just by luck you call the person an hour before you and your family are supposed to be there and hear "so, when are you going to be here?" and trying to figure out what's going on without sounding too stupid.

          I've had the pants off, shirt on in bed as well.

          Getting rid of bottles in dumpsters all over the city.

          Pushing spouse out of the door ASAP in order to get a drink.

          Volunteering to go out and pick up pizza or anything else so I could buy a bottle as well.

          Drinking the salty cooking wine to get a buzz, even though blood pressure is too high for so much salt.

          etc, etc, etc, etc....uggggh!!!!


            You know you're an alcoholic when...

            When the re-cycle men come collecting and say you must have had some cracking good parties this week!!
            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


              You know you're an alcoholic when...

              Getting 2 DUI's, having your car reposessed and having to file for bankruptcy.

              Thank goodness that was 10 years ago and my life is nothing like that now.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                You know you're an alcoholic when...

                WOW I can so much relate...I would say when no one will lend you anymore money not because you don't pay them back but there tired of watching you slowly kill your self right before there eyes.. and they leave you all alone.. then the panic kicks in because we no what the withdrawl terror is all about!...So i would say you know your a alcoholic when you almost get to the beer distrubitor and pull over when there opening up first thing in the morning when there still not fully awake.. and you put duct tape over your license plate and make sure your the only customer in the parking lot and you keep your car running walk in say Good Morning grab a case of beer and you walk up to pay and say oops i forgot my wallet and say it's right in my car i'll be right back you throw the beer in the car and punch the pedal to the medal and right before you come home a block or so you get the duct tape off your plate so no noisy neighbors no whats going on then you walk calmy in your house ans say YAHOO and pop a can. Now i did this many of times yr's ago and came very close to getting shot...Then your sober up a month later and your women reads in the paper and tells you someone is stealing beer all over town and your like really WOWand change the subject as soon as possible..This is something im NOT proud of and have mailed money to some not all back to them with no return address.Again i was much younger but still no excuse i was WRONG and VERY lucky someone didn't shot or kill me.Saying all this just goe's to show how low this alkie can sink. Trucker123


                  You know you're an alcoholic when...

                  Wow Trucker, that takes some beatin!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    You know you're an alcoholic when...

                    Taking your kids out trick or treating and having a backpack full of beer to guzzle between the houses. Then pee in peoples bushes along the way!

                    Not a proud Mom moment for sure.


                      You know you're an alcoholic when...

                      Meech;854442 wrote: Taking your kids out trick or treating and having a backpack full of beer to guzzle between the houses. Then pee in peoples bushes along the way!

                      Not a proud Mom moment for sure.
                      My boss actually does this, except she uses Vodka. She always tells the story like it's hilariously funny. Her 8 year old son recently asked her if she's an alcoholic. I chuckle at her story just to be polite, but inside I find it very sad. But...I keep my mouth shut, I am not her keeper, only my own.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        You know you're an alcoholic when...

                        K9 Lover - thats true.. you have to look after yourself first and foremost.. and most ppl would not appreciate you mentioning anything about their drinking in a negative way - its something only an individual can admit.. it took me years! i would "shoot down" anyone that said anything about my drinking.. i cant believe it took me so long to come out of denial!
                        So moving on to my next point: You also know you are an alcoholic when several ppl on different occasions mention they are concerned about the amount you drink, or drop hints.. random ppl said this to me for years.. it took me a long time to admit it to myself, even after DUI's etc.. as I always blamed my depression for my drinking.. though I drank excessively anyway..
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          You know you're an alcoholic when...

                          Trick or treat....huh. I have a couple neighbors that go round with cocktails in their hands. I ususally stay home on my front porch with my youngest son (16, Stephen) and hand out candy. Stephen was never one for candy so he does'nt go out much. ( All his friends were out with their girlfriends....he's a lone wolf...Ha! ) IAD
                          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                          Dr. Seuss


                            You know you're an alcoholic when...

                            You know you're an alcoholic when you wear a big Parka to the movies so you can sneak a whole 6 pack in.
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              You know you're an alcoholic when...

                              Damn K9.....I never tried that one ! ha! I'ld never see the movie....would be at the bathroom all the time ....Ha! IAD
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss


                                You know you're an alcoholic when...

                                You know you an alcoholic when the trashman asks you if you quit drinking because he noticed you no longer have 3 cans full of whiskey bottles

