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going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

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    going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

    I need some feedback or advice. My last glass (bottle) of wine was on July 5th. Since then I've had one gin martini about a week and a half ago and then yesterday I had one Mike's hard lemonade. I was fine with having just one of those and didn't feel the need to buy something on the way home.

    Now, I'm meeting friends at a wine bar tomorrow. I haven't told them about my new 'no drinking thing'.
    I want to have a glass of wine but I'm a little worried too.
    Also, on Thursday I'm going out of town to meet up with a friend I haven't seen in about 3 years...just a fun weekend. We used to do a lot of dinner with wine and then more wine later kind of nights. She has already mentioned wine...'it would be great if the rooms had a fridge so we could put wine in it'

    I'm having this sneeky feeling that I'm really planning on having a 'free' weekend and will drink as much as I want. I don't know what I am going to do when I'm there because I can't picture it in my head. I have been doing so well. I think the temptation may be too much.

    Any - all advice welcome.
    Thanks -

    going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

    Hey Lisa, take some l-glut with you and just pop some under your tongue...also, if you decide to wine, you can also spritzer...could last longer.


      going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

      I can sympathize with you girlfriend. Getting together with people are my worst moments. They want to know, why I am not drinking. If I say, I am counting calories, they give me a hard time about dieting. So, sometimes I lie and say, "I am having stomach problems". Order tonic water, with a lime in between drinks.

      I am a wine drinker, and can do okay on moderation, if I don't drink wine. Once I have a glass of wine, I am off to the races.

      Good luck and let us know how you make out. Congrats on your moderation attempts.


        going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

        mona and cv...

        thanks...I think just having someone know about my dilema/anxiety about this helps- and reporting back will help too
        I've been thinking thru some senarios of how to deal with it.
        I'll let you know know it turns out. If stressing a lot about it helps then at least I'm doing that

        so many cats? I have three


          going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

          great excuses...


          These have actually been TRUE for me on many occasion, and its amazing how well people, especially women respond to me in this situation. SO MUCH, that I have even "fudged" in situations like yours and used them when they were NOT true. I know that's bad, but if you REALLY need a way out when being pinpointed as to "why no wine?"

          The BEST: "I am fighting a bladder infection." (If they ask what wine has to do with it; WELL, wine is a top ten listed aggravator for bladder infections in women). Tell them to check it out.

          THE 2ND BEST: "I am on an antibiotic right now" It is a well-known fact that if you are taking an antibiotic, that you DO NOT DRINK, even if you are a "once in a blue moon" drinker. NO DRINKIE ON THAT STUFF. Again... if they question you, ask them" Have you guys NEVER been on antibiotic before? And if you have... do you ever read the damage it can do to your liver in such a short time? Gosh... I wish I could join you with a glass of wine, but I cant right now."

          These were things I HAD to say before I ever started this program, and genuinely had bladder infections on a regular basis, and WANTED To really drink but couldnt!

          Finally, if they say..."Why are you on an antibiotic? Are you sick? You sound normal...." Just tell them it is for a mild urinary tract infection (UTI).

          Works for me everytime! :l

          PS... And if frees you up to eat whatever you want when you go out! However, they might say something about dessert, as sugar is major exacerbator for bladder or urinary tract infections. Hey... we cant have it ALL!!! (but chances are, if they dont know that wine/ alcohol makes UTI's worse, then chances are they dont know dessert is bad either!)

          I wish you the best! You will do just fine.

          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


            going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

            Hi ladies,

            Allie, what a great excuse, a UTI infection. Very good one.
            People normally shut up, when I say, I am having Gastritis and can't drink for awhile, having reflux etc. Most people don't "care" about your physical health, and drop it.

            Lisa, think about how good you feel about yourself, if you can pull this off without drinking! And thanks for asking, I too have three cats.

            Meow, meow


              going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

              great excuses...


              These have actually been TRUE for me on many occasion, and its amazing how well people, especially women respond to me in this situation. SO MUCH, that I have even "fudged" in situations like yours and used them when they were NOT true. I know that's bad, but if you REALLY need a way out when being pinpointed as to "why no wine?"

              The BEST: "I am fighting a bladder infection." (If they ask what wine has to do with it; WELL, wine is a top ten listed aggravator for bladder infections in women). Tell them to check it out.

              THE 2ND BEST: "I am on an antibiotic right now" It is a well-known fact that if you are taking an antibiotic, that you DO NOT DRINK, even if you are a "once in a blue moon" drinker. NO DRINKIE ON THAT STUFF. Again... if they question you, ask them" Have you guys NEVER been on antibiotic before? And if you have... do you ever read the damage it can do to your liver in such a short time? Gosh... I wish I could join you with a glass of wine, but I cant right now."

              These were things I HAD to say before I ever started this program, and genuinely had bladder infections on a regular basis, and WANTED To really drink but couldnt!

              Finally, if they say..."Why are you on an antibiotic? Are you sick? You sound normal...." Just tell them it is for a mild urinary tract infection (UTI).

              Works for me everytime! :l

              PS... And if frees you up to eat whatever you want when you go out! However, they might say something about dessert, as sugar is major exacerbator for bladder or urinary tract infections. Hey... we cant have it ALL!!! (but chances are, if they dont know that wine/ alcohol makes UTI's worse, then chances are they dont know dessert is bad either!)

              I wish you the best! You will do just fine.

              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

                Good luck, Lisa! You can do it!!

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

                  Ohh,,,you guys are great. I'm at work now but thought I'd check in for a minute.
                  This made me smile and feel back in control all at the same time! I think I'll be ok tonight.
                  It's too bad about my UTI though

                  thanks - everyone


                    going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

                    Why not just be honest? That's what I'm going to do from now on. I may have a beer, 2 at the most. Then I plan on admitting what any more than that does to me, not going into graphic details, but just saying " I don't like myself after that amount" and leave it at that. Most people don't care how much you drink, only if you condemn them on their intake. So, I would just enjoy your friends and let them go for it! sip yours slowly they won't even notice, especially after several...Good luck!!! CJ


                      going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

                      The people I associate with, would gossip about me. Plus, how would I feel when I fall off the wagon. I can't call attention to my drinking issues. They are way too personal. But, I sure respect you for being open and honest. You are a better person than me. I see you have a butterfly going on, and I am a cat. Be careful, I might chase you! Are you smiling yet?!
                      Good Day, and Kitty cuddles.
                      Meow Mona
                      PS Lisa, please let us know how you make out.


                        going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help


                        Just got home and had to report out. I had one glass of white wine!
                        I sipped slowly - drank my ice water- and had a very nice time.
                        I had three friends there and when it came time to order a second glass...I just said - 'nah I'm ok'.
                        My one friend did a double take at me and said 'really'? I said yeah...and changed the subject. I'm usually the first to order another. No other questions! That was it! I didn't have to explain anything.

                        Just wanted to share one other thing- I was talking tonight and messed up a word - not exactly slurring but kinda botched it- and one of my friends laughed and said 'ha. yeah, have another glass of wine..' And you know what? It felt so great knowing it wasn't the wine....I wasn't drunk, I wasn't slurring my words, I was just fine.
                        That would have been one of those things I would have worried about later...was I really drunk? did I seem ok? did they really notice how much I was drinking? etc.
                        It felt so good

                        Thought about you guys on my drive home.:l Thanks



                          going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

                          Mazel Tov Lisa, and meow, meow
                          Kitty Cuddles, Mona Cat


                            going to a wine bar tomorrow....need some help

                            That's wonderful, Lisa!
                            Great post to read and remind those of us (ME) who have had an occas. slip lately, that there IS the option to say "no, thanks". Not like we don't know this....but a daily reminder, especially if you are moderating and have gotten to think you are invincible (ME again), that we have that choice. The choice needs to be made EVERY time we drink, if we choose to moderate. I think that's why a lot of people choose abs., and I respect that decision immensely. The way you did it last night is the way to go, girl.
                            Bet you feel awesome today! Keep it up!

