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UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!

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    UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!


    Your DUI arrest makes you more than qualified to run for office!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!

      I am very very thankful that something worse didn't happen that night. I am actually looking at this as a blessing that the police officer pulled me over when he did, so that I didn't do anything worse than get a DUI.

      I know it could have been worse, much worse, not just for me but for someone who was completely innocent and not making the bad choice that I did.

      I also do wonder though, how when you haven't even been convicted yet this smear campaign that is so public already begins. Some system we have. I do not disagree that I have a price to pay but the system hasn't even had their say yet.

      Oh well. I'm learning my lessons as I go.


        UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!

        I'm late coming into this thread, but wanted to say hi ... and that I and a lot of others who haven't had DUI's could just as easily have been caught too ... So many of us have made that mistake and are so ashamed of it .. I know I am. You're definitely not alone in the "wrong doing" .... I took a drink every morning before breakfast before heading out to work, plus I also had alcohol (rum or vodka and coke mixed in a bottle, at the very least) in my work bag .... and my bag sits right next to me in the car. I wasn't drunk, but could have easily been stopped for a "routine" reason - sometimes they set up spot checks along the road, and I was always paranoid I'd stumble upon one .... Any officer would have had a field day with me at 7:30 in the morning.

        Anyway .. just wanted to add my story .. It's not right; it's wrong .. but you're definitely not alone. I'm so sorry that yours hit the local paper .. but as someone else mentioned, any "talk" will fade in time .. and I am sure this was a blessing in disguise.

        Congrats on your AF days, btw - nicely done ... Very nice!
        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!

          i dont no scrubs i live in canada you derserve somthing ? but not a smear in the paper,you americans live in a free society i wonder how many politicians werent doin the same,no wonder you average citizens have so much anxiety,i wish you well,gyco


            UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!

            Scrubs, here's a bit of fun to make you feel better. Not all of these are DUIs but there are some great shots out there. Who can forget Nick Nolte? And Vince Vaughn's case is swimming in irony.

            The Smoking Gun: Arresting Images

            CS... "party plates," heehee :H:H
            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!

              Something else I was the most compliant of DUI arrest, she let me "pose" for my pic it actually turned out quite nice, But so not worth the night in jail I spent. No room for me I was on the floor with a mat.
              That in it's own is enough to keep me from ever doing that again. Scrubs darling, take the lesson and grow from it is all I have to say. Cinders I think I may just run for office, the Drunks are my peeps could be my campaign slogan. I'd get elected here I'm sure


                UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!

                I remember what I was wearing (a shirt I rarely wore, and got rid of immediately after), had to spend the night at jail, had a fish sandwich the next day, was hosed down, naked obviously, before they finally forced me into an orange jumpsuit. It pains me to type this here. Hubby had to pick me up, an hour from his home (we were dating at the time) with his son, who was 3 at the time, who thankfully didn't know he was at a police station, with a friend who posted the couple hundred bucks cause I had no money.

                Never want to go there again.


                  UGH - DUI arrest in the paper!!!

                  You'd get my vote!!!

                  And the Party Plates thing is cracking me up too. What a riot! :H

                  All this too shall pass, I know!!

