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Found Huge Wolf spider...

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    Found Huge Wolf spider...

    Ive always wanted to move to america but hearing these storys kinda creepy
    ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:


      Found Huge Wolf spider...;656544 wrote: Think of it as two kittens with one body; eight legs and 8 eyes. Does that work?
      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        Found Huge Wolf spider...

        OMG, I can't even look at that nasty thing!!! No Eensy Weensy spider, that one!

        Now Allie, this is the 2nd bug you have tried to kill with Scrubbing Bubbles! If you really need a use for the Scrubbing Bubbles, you can come over here and clean my bathroom! LOL


          Found Huge Wolf spider...

          Will do CS --- just so long as there are no spiders in your sinks! And yes, Scrubbing Bubbles worked so well for the other one I figure who needs to invest in bug spray?
          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            Found Huge Wolf spider...

            Hey, at least you're multi-tasking, or getting double-duty out of your cleaning products!


              Found Huge Wolf spider...

              OMG - I hate spiders! That thing is nasty! Thank god we don't get those things around here, I think I would have a heart attack on the spot! LOL
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                Found Huge Wolf spider...

                Aaarggghhhhh! A Red Roman spider once ran around the outside restaurant we were in and everyone were shrieking and had their feet off the ground and then the bloody thing stopped right underneath my chair. I screamed, parked my Irish coffee(those days I was blissfully in denial) in the air and jumped on the table. Lol, everyone around splattered with cream. Savvy, that's a ugly spider. Is it poisonous?
                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                  Found Huge Wolf spider...

                  They are beneficial to humans as they eat other nasty bugs. Unlike brown recluse spiders, they don't jump on you and bite. Put it outside where it will do some good.


                    Found Huge Wolf spider...

                    Oh Lord...I took a wee look at the very top of the picture but was too scared to scroll down...
                    I lived in SA for a while and had a mate who's family lived on a farm..We had a sleepover one night and just as we were getting ready for bed I noticed some movement by her bedroom door...
                    It was a bloody monster..HUGE..I was so terrified..I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out...My mate started laughing at me and calmly walked past the said monster to get her dad to take care of it....She then told me that these particular spiders (bird eating?) generally walk round in pairs...I was mortified....I did not sleep a wink.....I hate spiders...and snakes..but that is another story!!!


                      Found Huge Wolf spider...

                      I have to reply!!

                      My first memory of a wolf spider literally scared me immobile. I don't recall my age, but I was young and we had recently moved to the "country" (aka, five acres of woods my parents literally cleared out to make room for the house). My sisters and I had a fake picnic on the front porch when I looked up and saw the monster on the side of one of the walls, way up near the roof. We froze, just like we did at our old house when we saw a bumblebee. To scared to move!!

                      Anyway, one year we had a vacation down in South Carolina and the place was roach infested. My mother freaked out and every roach we found (they were SEVERAL) we put bowls over them until my dad could kill them. We finally got an exterminator...

                      Anyway, it is a known fact in our family that if a bowl is overturned on the floor, something gross is underneath.

                      I'm all for killing roaches, but not spiders, no matter how big-unless they might kill me. Spiders kills alot of bugs that I hate, so, I prefer to set them free if I can. However, they freak me out. I once held a tarantula and was repulsed by how much they weigh!! I was like, take it off of me, take it off!!!

                      So, anyways, about 2 years ago I was back at my parent's house and a damn wolf spider found its way into the living room. It was about as big as the picture taken by the poster of this thread. I wasn't about to pick them thing up and release it, so I put a bowl over it. My dad could deal with it later. Anyway, my youngest sister came home and while I was in the kitchen, she decided to pick the bowl up. Stupid!! I heard a scream and the f word a few times!! I immediately started laughing. Dumbass!! Even she admitted she should have known better. In our family, bowls on the floor is never a good sign!
                      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                        Found Huge Wolf spider...

                        GRIM ???.............LOL

                        Help this is the stuff of me nightmares !!!
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Found Huge Wolf spider...

                          I know this is weird but I kinda like spiders. I don't mean that I collect them or anything. But I've met people a lot worse. Spiders' are just doing wot they gotta do.
                          Long Road
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                          Eleanor Roosevelt


                            Found Huge Wolf spider...

                            I'm chuckling and identifying with Rachalita's "bowl" post .... We have a "cup" in our house. Well, my DD has a cup - her room is downstairs and she gets spidies and beetles from time to time.

                            Of course, I never knew her cup was my cup ..... so through the night and/or every morning, I'd grab my cup off of the counter (it's a red plastic cup .. just happens to be the one I always use for a drink of water) and have a quick drink of water. One day, DD said "mom, that cup hasn't been washed." ... and I said, "That's OK .. I just use it for water." ..... and she said, "But, mom ... that's the beetle cup."

                            .... Somehow, it's not so funny written out .... you had to be there ..
                            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                              Found Huge Wolf spider...

                              OK Sav, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SPIDER???????

                              Suspense is killing me. Have seen redbacks and Huntsmen in OZ, but my Jack Russell eats anything that moves, so don't see much here apart from the odd 'roach that you could saddle and ride...

                              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                                Found Huge Wolf spider...

                                Mmmmm ... barbeque .... I'm thinkin' shish-ke-bab ....
                                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

