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Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

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    Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

    Dear board,

    I have been drinking a bottle of wine every night or so for the last 15 years. I am 35 yrs old now. I ate and eat very healthy, drink lots of water, and exercise 3-4 times per week for the past 15 years as well.

    What are the health consequences you think I can be facing if I permanently stop now? Liver, other organs, brain? Is it all recoverable?

    Thank you.

    Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

    I hope you get responses soon K. I am older than you, have drank longer than you, do not eat well, do not exercise, and i also smoke. I often wonder what damage I have and am doing to my body. I do know the body had an incredible healing mechanism so if and when we stop abusing it with AL, I am sure we have good chances of repair.


      Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

      I've often heard it said that the liver will forgive but never forget. It is certainly recoverable and the fact that you were exercising will help. I guess the big thing now is stopping and then forgiving yourself for the past, right? What's done is done, so move forward from here....


        Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

        I think so. I think you have an excellent chance of being in excellent health with full recovery. And yes the brain too.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

          The body can usually heal from a fair amount of abuse. The liver is able to regenerate if it isnt irreparably damaged. I have heard it can up to 2 years to recover fully both mentally and physically from AL abuse although many benefits are felt way before that time.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

            Hi Keyners...I can so relate to your story and understand the worries. Are you female? My doctor told me that woman's bodies will break down much faster than men's bodies with regards to alcohol-related health issues. So what would take a man 20 years will take a woman 5. Another short straw for us ladies. I'm 42 and had some blood tests done in August as part of a regular check up. Long story liver enzymes were very high. She told me if I continue to drink as much as I was, I would be dead in 5 years. Not a sunny outlook! So I've cut back hugely. No more vodka for me EVER again. I was like you, had a bottle of wine every night. Til that started not doing the trick and I graduated to vodka. I have had a few beers here and there but lots of AF time as well. I go back next week for the same blood tests and we'll see if there is any improvement. That was a huge wake up call and as upsetting and embarassing as it was, I'm glad it happened. I feel so much better and healthier.

            Sounds to me like you would be fine,,,given the exercise and the healthy lifestyle other than AL.....maybe go to your doctor and have the blood tests done. That would tell you for sure and maybe give you some peace of mind.
            Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


              Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

              Thanks for ur responses. I am a male so I guess I was lucky from that perspective. I guess better now at 35 than when I get to 50. Better now than never.


                Health consequences from drinking for 15 years

                keyners;719610 wrote: Thanks for ur responses. I am a male so I guess I was lucky from that perspective. I guess better now at 35 than when I get to 50. Better now than never.
                Now is always better than later or never, my friend. Always. No matter how many nows there are. You keep at it!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

