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Please help me stay AF this weekend

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    Please help me stay AF this weekend

    Hi Everyone, I have been AF for 4 days now. This is the longest I have gone in a long time. I thought I had the Flu for 2 Days and then realized it was probably withdrawal. I am finally feeling good.
    I have a family reunion this weekend and I need some advice on how to stay AF. There will be a LOT of drinking at this event as there always is with my Family. I really need some advice on how to stay strong and AF. I am finally starting to feel good.
    It is so good to wake up feeling fresh and not angry at myself.

    Please help me stay AF this weekend

    Hi Blanchie,
    I will be reading the replies to this read as i too am dreading the weekend approaching.My kids go to stay with there dad at wkends and i just cannot seem to be home alone without drinking.
    I am also on day 4 and like you feeling good...
    Sorry i can't offer you much in the way of advice but know that you are not alone...

    Love & prayers,
    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!


      Please help me stay AF this weekend

      Blanchieboo;721480 wrote:
      Hi Everyone, I have been AF for 4 days now. This is the longest I have gone in a long time. I thought I had the Flu for 2 Days and then realized it was probably withdrawal. I am finally feeling good.
      I have a family reunion this weekend and I need some advice on how to stay AF. There will be a LOT of drinking at this event as there always is with my Family. I really need some advice on how to stay strong and AF. I am finally starting to feel good.
      It is so good to wake up feeling fresh and not angry at myself.
      Seltzer and Lemon is great - I like O'Douls (but if that bothers you don't drink it) - Iced Tea - I'm on day #5. I feel great. Your best bet is to get busy with your family - serve food or cook or clean up at the event so you aren't thinking about booze or too busy to do anything with it. I have company all weekend starting today - so I'm just going to be busy - if I get the devil on my shoulder asking for a drink he'll get one - O'Douls - Tea - Seltzer. No AL. AL is verboten - not under consideration - persona non gratia - history.

      You go girl you can and will do this - me too.


        Please help me stay AF this weekend

        We can all band together! I am only on day 6 and the weekend fast approaches. I plan on staying close to MWO and holding my resolve.

        My advice is to eat early and often at the reunion. And water, water and more water!

        Good Luck!
        Day 6 AF!
        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


          Please help me stay AF this weekend

          Blanchie and the rest of you... well done! Well done for the past AF days and even more so for making a plan for the weekend!

          Blanchie... I have been bringing my own AF bevies in a thermos (ya know.. if someone asks... which nobody ever did). I've been trying different ice teas, different pops, etc.

          And, I think guy is right... eat and nibble your way through the event!!!

          Most of all though... have FUN! Enjoy the visiting and enjoy the moment, knowing you will REMEMBER it the day after! :l
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Please help me stay AF this weekend

            First, do you have to go to the event? Maybe you could skip it.

            Otherwise, if you go... think of some reasons why you are not drinking if people ask. There are a lot of past threads on that subject. AA has some good literature too. You could check out a meeting and see what kind of tip books they have.

            Then, yes bring your own drinks. And try to stick to people who are not drinking. Find them, there are probably lots there that you never noticed.

            Can you arrange to be driving? That could be your reason not to drink, that is you are letting your husband drink and you will drive.

            Don't drink at this event. The last thing you need is to get drunk in front of a load of family members and feel a lot of guilt/embarrassment the next day. Even if you were going to try to moderate, this would be the worst setting to do it.


              Please help me stay AF this weekend

              dont go!!Tell them you have the flu..


                Please help me stay AF this weekend

                Hi, Blanchie -

                Are there going to be any young kids there? Maybe you can look after them or something. I always felt creepy drinking around kids, I don't know if others feel that way or not. Have long conversations with older kids. Think of setting a positive example for them as well by not drinking. Other than that, bring soft drinks of your own, keep that glass full so there's something to sip, take L- glute and kudzu, check in with MWO before (and during and after if possible), have as much of a plan as possible, know the possible pitfalls and have an alternate plan for each.

                Congratulations on the 4 days, I wish you best of luck on your weekend!

                Congrats to annie, Quitn, cmhguy and everyone else on as many or few AF days, they all count (a lot!).

                Much love to you all!!
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  Please help me stay AF this weekend

                  I would bring my own AF drinks with me and tell my family that I quit drinking.

                  I haven't drank since Labor Day and I am sticking to my plan. Its tough, but in the long run it will be worth it. You just need to remind yourself of that.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                    Please help me stay AF this weekend

                    HI Blanchie and everyone.

                    Congrats on your AF days.

                    When I 1st went AF i avoided situations like this like the plague. How many times can a person have flu?

                    When I felt a little bit more comfortable I used to tell people I wasn't drinking because of my high cholesterol level (true).

                    Now I just say no thanks. Believe me no one was that bothered.

                    All the best. Just imagine waking up with a clear head and no wondering what on earth you got up to the night before.

                    Love Jackie xxx

                    AF since 7/7/2009
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Please help me stay AF this weekend

                      I agree with avoidance so early into your AFness.

                      If at all possible, plead sick and skip it. You can go next time when you are stronger. I dont know about you but "family" can make me want to run for wine on a good day. lol

                      I still avoid situations with alcohol after 48 days. I'm hoping it wont be this way forever, but for now, it's what i must do. I treasure this period of sobriety and am not willing to take a chance with it.
                      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                        Please help me stay AF this weekend

                        Hello Blanchie,
                        Staying away and treating yourself to something nice instead would be an option, but if you feel you must attend, then try going with a confident glow inside and a pride in what you have achieved so far.
                        Ordering soft drinks instead of alcoholic ones just seems a little odd to us at first, but it isn't really; lots of people do it for many different reasons and yours is a good one. And don't worry what other people are thinking about you. You can tell them anything you like if they ask but it's not as if your doing anything wrong, just different from that which you usually do, and with a little time your lifestyle change will become second nature.
                        Whatever happens, go with a smile in the knowledge that you are doing yourself a great service and think of how pleased you will be to get back home safe and sober.


                          Please help me stay AF this weekend

                          hi blanchie i think 4 days af is very early to go to any sort of social events that will involve drinking.but if you do go could you not stay just for a little while,make up some excuse that something came need a plan b..i no when i started being af i stayed away from social events as then i did not think i could abstain,to many triggers and peer the end of the day only you really no.

                          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                            Please help me stay AF this weekend

                            take your own AF drink with you - make its something light you can drink lots of - and keep your glass full with it so there is no room for Al to creep in - and as said before keep busy - tidy, hand out food play with the kids, dance/organise games/quiz and keep your glass full of cordiale - I dilute it with loadsa water so I think of it as an added detoxing plus


                              Please help me stay AF this weekend

                              Blanchie congrats on 4 days AF! That is awesome. I am extremely selfish when it comes to putting my sobriety first, and I don't hesitate to skip social events, even now, if I won't feel comfortable. I am no good to my husband, family, business, etc. if I am not sober - so that HAS to come first.

                              That said, here are the things include in my strategy for attending social events when AL will be there:

                              1. Decide in advance what I will drink, and bring it with me if appropriate. (i.e. picnics = BYO, restaurants no BYO)
                              2. Eat before I go. I crave alcohol more when on an empty stomach. Keep a plate in my hand when there.
                              3. Have an exit strategy. I decide in advance how long I will be staying (which might also include a late arrival) and have an explanation ready for an early departure if needed.
                              4. Hang with the non-drinkers and/or kids.

                              Those are the biggies. I have rarely been asked why I'm not drinking alcohol. Most people don't really care so long as they are free to drink if they want to. But just in case, I have a string of "explanations" at the ready - different strokes for different folks. Everything from the truth (I'm an alkie and trust me you DON'T want me drinking alcohol!) to the standard "I'm on meds...", "I'm the DD..." etc.

                              The most important thing is to not worry about what others think and do whatever it takes to stay sober. You won't regret that in the morning!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

